GGT 313 Declares Infamous The Final Nail in The PS4's Coffin


I still need to play the dlc for Infinite. Ugh, I need my ps3.

I've pretty much been watching BSG all day. I think this may be my favorite scifi show with Doctor Who and Torchwood. Every time I have a question it's answered either right away or pretty soon after I think of it. I'm almost done with season 2 though, so maybe that will change. After I'm done with this I might play more Ground Zeroes or something. I kind of feel like Diablo 3, but I'm trying not to play it without my lady.
I still need to play the dlc for Infinite. Ugh, I need my ps3.

I've pretty much been watching BSG all day. I think this may be my favorite scifi show with Doctor Who and Torchwood. Every time I have a question it's answered either right away or pretty soon after I think of it. I'm almost done with season 2 though, so maybe that will change. After I'm done with this I might play more Ground Zeroes or something. I kind of feel like Diablo 3, but I'm trying not to play it without my lady.
If you're almost done with season 2, you've at least seen the very worst the show has (that damn Black Market episode).

If you're almost done with season 2, you've at least seen the very worst the show has (that damn Black Market episode).
That episode was the worst fucking episode of anything that I've seen in a long time. I understand why you need filler episodes and I understand that they're trying to flesh out what's going on with the rest of the fleet, but goddamn, that episode was terrible. I think this show needs more Gaius/Six. They're my favorite part.

Gunnm dawg, I feel like I need to play at least a little more. I don't want to give up after only playing the main mission. If it's still shitty after playing the special mission, then I'll take it back to GS and see about getting a copy of Diablo 3. With the $3 coupon, birthday coupon, and PUR coupon, it should only be about $26. At least that way I'll get to play online with my lady after I go back to Tennessee while waiting to buy a house.

I forgot to mention on Skype last night, but I have a crazy story to tell you guys about this comic shop that Jessica and I went into. The owner claimed to be a cyborg and to have been a part of the American government's plan to perpetrate 9/11. He also claimed that Year Zero is on its way because our Alien overlords have planned it for centuries, everyone with cell phones not wrapped in rubber will die and Google will be the only place to remain untouched after the Aliens' massive EMP which will take out all of Earth's electronics.
I'm only halfway done with my paper but fortunately the later half is the easier part. I just want to play games.

Why the heck is Fez $13 on the PSN store? I wanted to play it on the Vita but at that price? Psssssssssh.

That episode was the worst fucking episode of anything that I've seen in a long time. I understand why you need filler episodes and I understand that they're trying to flesh out what's going on with the rest of the fleet, but goddamn, that episode was terrible. I think this show needs more Gaius/Six. They're my favorite part.
Well, there's lots more Gaius, Six, and Gaius and Six ahead. There are still some uneven episodes ahead, but also the absolute best parts of the series late in the final season.

I'm only halfway done with my paper but fortunately the later half is the easier part. I just want to play games.

Why the heck is Fez $13 on the PSN store? I wanted to play it on the Vita but at that price? Psssssssssh.
It was 9.74 when it came out, too slow slowpoke. Its $13 cause u get a PS4/3 and Vita copy!

MGS GZ plays and looks so good wit dat 1080p and 60 fps on ps4. PS3 version? Mjlaugh.gif

MGS GZ plays and looks so good wit dat 1080p and 60 fps on ps4. PS3 version? Mjlaugh.gif
Who really fucking cares if you played a last gen version or not? You're playing the same damn demo that Konami had to charge money for (which wasn't even impressive)

Hank, we're going to skype tonight.

Are you going to be there or are you going to be square deep in some vaj?

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Hank, we're going to skype tonight.

Are you going to be there or are you going to be square deep in some vaj?
did you see that almost chris g choke? he almost got sent to losers trolling with a haggar team

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Does nobody do every little thing in a game/look up a guide for everything? Just wondering since I got over 8 hours into Ground Zeroes and thoroughly enjoyed all of it, and will probably replay some of it again when TPP is closer to coming out. 

And that Raiden mission was sweet!

I won't speak for Ground Zeroes, but if a game doesn't bother to really grab one's attention then why would he or she try and get everything? I understand the whole collectibles in games thing that's been happening in most games recently but very few games ever try to make them mean anything. Take Bioshock for example: the voice logs add and expand the story. Take that and compare it to something like GTA where those stupid birds served absolutely no purpose.

Again, I can't speak for GZ as I haven't played it. I'm honestly not even sure what one can do to extend the game by 6 hours like you and others have been able to do.

Edit: Kingdom Hearts is one game that made me want to get the ultimate weapons and I actually found that enjoyable. Some games are just better suited for stuff like that while others try to do it so they can say "This game has over 50 hours worth of content!"

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I like an idiot at the time totally into achievements actually looked for those fucking pigeons and if you beat it before a certain time period rockstar sent you a gift or something IIRC

hrm thinking to think of a game where it had interesting collectibles now

Oh last of us had some awesome story telling through the collectibles

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I 100% agree with you that some games the collectibles are a waste of time and not worth getting, in MGS there are 2 types, cassettes and patches. The cassettes you can actually listen to and they give back story (overall they are quite lengthy as well), while you have to get all of the patches to unlock the last bonus mission. So to me both of those are worth looking for. what I did was give myself a certain amount of time to look around (there aren't that many total, which is a plus) and after a while said I would use a guide, that extended my play time and I personally really enjoy just exploring maps/areas in games so it allowed me to do that while also finding these collectibles.

But yeah, stuff like the pigeons specifically was really stupid, but then stuff like finding the hidden skulls in Halo was really cool to me, let me and my buddies explore coop, and they had a cool use once you found them as well.

Kingdom Hearts had the camera from hell.

I do need to get on Skype, but my pc is toast until I rma this processor. Besides, I'm currently snuggled up in my $700 bed with my sleeping lady. And I'm quite tired.

Getting up at 4:30 am for work sucks balls.
I 100% agree with you that some games the collectibles are a waste of time and not worth getting, in MGS there are 2 types, cassettes and patches. The cassettes you can actually listen to and they give back story (overall they are quite lengthy as well), while you have to get all of the patches to unlock the last bonus mission. So to me both of those are worth looking for. what I did was give myself a certain amount of time to look around (there aren't that many total, which is a plus) and after a while said I would use a guide, that extended my play time and I personally really enjoy just exploring maps/areas in games so it allowed me to do that while also finding these collectibles.

But yeah, stuff like the pigeons specifically was really stupid, but then stuff like finding the hidden skulls in Halo was really cool to me, let me and my buddies explore coop, and they had a cool use once you found them as well.
a guy at the gym told me what was on one of the cassettes, jesus

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bread's done