Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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So when's the donation period over Senor Sasquatch? I've been broke this week, but I'd like to donate some time next week if possible.
Let me help you. Alt + 164 = ñ. So now you can be a full latin again.

About the bitcoin I think , it have been a disaster, I haven't received mine and people are claiming it is/was a scam.


Looks like it is real....


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Let me help you. Alt + 164 = ñ. So now you can be a full latin again.

About the bitcoin I think , it have been a disaster, I haven't received mine and people are claiming it is/was a scam.


Looks like it is real....

Mine doesn't say that and I have the same exact badge. I think they screwed me. :wall:

Goes until sometime in October (or November I guess, but I will be done in October probably.)
Oh, so it goes up until the event. That's fine then.

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Just saw Hacker Evolution had cards added to it on the 14th, been in a bunch of bundles and apparently free at one point on GMG according to ITAD. Lucius has cards added recently as well (was disappointed to read it wasn't very good, was a game that sounded like it had a neat premise).

Screw it.

Just bought Dishonored GOTY for $8 from GameFly just to get all of the DLC's that I was missing.

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Thanks for the sacrifice. Can't wait for the Humble Bethesda Bundle.
Humble Bethesda Bundle:

All games = Steam-keys:

Tier 1:

Wallpapers for a bunch of their games

Tier 2 - $10 minimum:

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind - GOTY

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion - GOTY Deluxe

Tier 2 -> $30 Minimum:

Fallout Classics Collection (Fallout 1 + 2 + Tactics)

Fallout 3: GOTY

Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate

Tier 3 -> $50 Minnimum:

Dishonored: GOTY

Skyrim: Legendary

20% off Gamersgate coupon

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Carl and WGN started the whole web database and key reservation that added the extra step and changed the terms of the offer after the fact. He set the standard, and it's tough to point fingers at developers that are just following the prevailing norms.

I've heard that Carl have reported getting faked evidence and I imagine that he probably has. All I know is what I've experienced, and that includes no assistance when requesting help because I didn't reserve keys during the reservation period and therefore my email wasn't on the list.
I'll just say this, because I'm over it. Not getting an Evil Pumpkin key will not change my life in the slightest, and chances are the game will unavoidably fall into my lap thanks to the inevitable bundling in the future.

In my case, there was indisputable proof that I had joined the group at the proper time (which, honestly, should be enough). The group owner can easily view Group History through the Admin Panel and see the join date of every single member. There's no photoshopping that. I sympthize with the fact that there are probably lots of scammers, but in this case he just couldn't be bothered.

On the other hand, WGN has a great system that's very easy to use. If you follow the links that are very simply presented on one page you almost can't go wrong. No complaints from me there.

I'd like to have either one of these, please!

Same here! So I guess, we won't get anything? Great...
I'd take this one, please. Thanks!
Dis would be cool, but I've already spodered a handful.

Oh yeah and that free bitcoin thing still hasn't come through for me, so I call bullshit.
would like these 2 if not taken thanks
Please and thanks!
@ Sasquatch. On phone so can't quote. Holy Maiden, please!!!
I'll take Eldritch if no one has snagged it already. Thanks!
Could I get this one if it's still available? Please and thank you.
Pineapple smash crew? Mata hari? Thanks! Your generosity is appreciated!
I'd like this one Dr. Saskatchewan. You're awesome, saved me from having to create a crappy Twitter account for the free keys.
Sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, sent, and sent!

Have fun with those! ;)

In my case, there was indisputable proof that I had joined the group at the proper time (which, honestly, should be enough). The group owner can easily view Group History through the Admin Panel and see the join date of every single member. There's no photoshopping that. I sympthize with the fact that there are probably lots of scammers, but in this case he just couldn't be bothered.
Consider this, though. Yes, it would be easy for him to go and check your join date. It would probably take him about a minute and a half, all said.

Should he do that for all 5,000* emailed requests for keys? Had he been checking them and finding that 9 out of 10* were bogus, what are the chances he's just burned out by now thanks to people trying to cheat him? What are the odds that granting a few keys to bogus requests gets the word out on Reddit that everyone should try shooting him a request because it doesn't hurt to try (except for the additional several hours of work it creates for the guy)?

I understand your position, and I'd probably feel poisoned against the game and the dev to the point that if I ever played it**, I'd remember it as "that game" and have that sour the experience for me. I just think it's unreasonable to think that your email was unique in its obvious validity at a single glance. I also figure that if I ever put myself in his position***, I'd also want to handle it all in one go and then be done with it. I wouldn't want to drop what I'm doing later to give priority to more (often fraudulent) key requests.

Not saying the dev is right to deny you your key, but I hope looking at his side of it takes off some of the sting.

* Pulled out of thin air, but possible.

** Nope, backlog and cardz. I mean let's be realistic here.

** I wouldn't, but I have wisdom from the experience of seeing this happen too many times.

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Consider this, though. Yes, it would be easy for him to go and check your join date. It would probably take him about a minute and a half, all said.

Should he do that for all 5,000* emailed requests for keys? Had he been checking them and finding that 9 out of 10* were bogus, what are the chances he's just burned out by now thanks to people trying to cheat him? What are the odds that granting a few keys to bogus requests gets the word out on Reddit that everyone should try shooting him a request because it doesn't hurt to try (except for the additional several hours of work it creates for the guy)?

I understand your position, and I'd probably feel poisoned against the game and the dev to the point that if I ever played it**, I'd remember it as "that game" and have that sour the experience for me. I just think it's unreasonable to think that your email was unique in its obvious validity at a single glance. I also figure that if I ever put myself in his position***, I'd also want to handle it all in one go and then be done with it. I wouldn't want to drop what I'm doing later to give priority to more (often fraudulent) key requests.

Not saying the dev is right to deny you your key, but I hope looking at his side of it takes off some of the sting.

* Pulled out of thin air, but possible.

** Nope, backlog and cardz. I mean let's be realistic here.

** I wouldn't, but I have wisdom from the experience of seeing this happen too many times.
Exactly, that's what I was trying to tell hal before. To be fair though, I think signing up on their site with your Steam ID/email address was always a requirement to get a steam key (I believe it was always posted in the group).. but I could be wrong. It sucks that hal didn't get a key, but I doubt the dev has time to deal with hundreds or possibly thousands of requests, which is why they required people to sign up on their site.

Personally I think all devs should ask WGN to help, since it'll be far less hassle on the devs.

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Squatch, can I get crazy machines: elements please. I'd quote but such a hassle to delete all that text on mobile.
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Personally I think all devs should ask WGN to help, since it'll be far less hassle on the devs.
FWIW some of them do and other people refer game devs to Carl and vice versa but he turns some of them down. Some he doesn't have the interest in and others he just felt like he had too much going on already or maybe didn't have the time or didn't want to get involved.

At any rate, I don't think that is an option in every case since it's at Carl's discretion, which is completely his right. I know he definitely has turned devs down for hosting a keys for votes promo.

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ESO must have been getting a lot of negativity and flame wars. They locked down their forum so only people who own the game on Steam can post now.

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On Steam.


And to clarify that, owning it outside of Steam won't let you post there.
Wow - has a company ever done that before for one of their games that you must own it (on Steam) in order to post on their Steam Forums?

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FWIW I don't think it was just the Steam key for existing owners issue that prompted them to lock the board down. There seemed to be a fair bit of 'Too expensive!' 'This will be F2P soon!' etc posts too.

Wow - has a company ever done that before for one of their games that you must own it (on Steam) in order to post on their Steam Forums?
It's been done before, but only on indies that I can recall and I know you don't pay attention to them. :p

Usually it's on a controversial game that generates a lot of rage, like Garry's Incident.

Good. How entitled ...
I stopped reading there.

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Good. How entitled are these people that feel that they should get the game for free on a different platform (is that the issue, I'm not even sure)? That's like saying that when I get a game for the PS4, I should also get it for the Xbox for free.

I mean, it's not and it's kind of different but still that's my argument about this thing I don't really care about.
This is the old catch-22 thing.

I understand game publisher's + developer's (business) perspective - game companies make different versions for certain distributors; and they want to double-dip or multiple-dip on us customers. Great for them, bad for us gamers. Given the fortune these companies spend + make, especially on AAA titles - they might need to recoup. Hence ESO - it bombed.

Most people probably bought ESO b/c they didn't think it would go to Steam; and didn't want to wait for it to hit Steam.

As a gamer + consumer: one thing I find tiring - is we're all playing here on Windows, but there's different distribution platforms that have different versions. Sometimes, there's different DRM schemes - i.e. Steam-version has CEG, another version has something else for DRM. Omerta on GOG finally got updated + patched to same-version as Steam, after months and months of gamers on GOG waiting. Should game-owners be penalized for buying one-version say over another? This crap, it sucks. We've seen other versions get more DLC's on one version, but DLC never hit another version - that crap, it sucks. If I own a game on Windows - shouldn't that be enough? Shouldn't game companies keep every Windows version up-to-date in every regard, from patches to content DLC's?

Of course - with a MMO like ESO, we know it'll always keep itself up-to-date, no matter what version....since everyone had to run same-version to play online together properly.

It's nice when stores + game companies do stuff like Humble Stores does, offering up both DRM-FREE versions + Steam-keys.

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Most people probably bought ESO b/c they didn't think it would go to Steam; and didn't want to wait for it to hit Steam.
That's the thing. Some people likely would have bought it on Steam if that were an option. But Zenimax thought it was big enough that they didn't need Steam so they didn't list it there. The fact that it's getting added now I would guess is likely due to sales not being as high as they had hoped.

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Unrelated to any current discussion - for those who bought the Groupees Paradox Effect bundle - the card drops for Dead Effect are unbelievably slow.  Game has 3 cards total, idled the game for 5 hours over 2 sessions, only got 2 cards so far.  It's almost as bad as Awesomenauts' drop rate.

That's the thing. Some people likely would have bought it on Steam if that were an option. But Zenimax thought it was big enough that they didn't need Steam so they didn't list it there. The fact that it's getting added now I would guess is likely due to sales not being as high as they had hoped.
Here's another thing, too.

There's a good chance that - DLC might be cheaper to buy on a Steam-sale for a Steam-version, as opposed to buying outside of there.

I mean, have we even seen TSW's "Issue" numbered DLC's or Massive Edition go on sale outside of Steam?

Nope - pretty much, Steam-version's been only one on sale, quite a damn bit.

But, of course - if we're talking ESO, we're talking Zenimax + Bethesda. And we know how much their DLC sales suck...even though it's not nearly as much as BioWare's (lack of) DLC "sales", though.

Lol at 66% off.
GameFly's got Fallout day today, as well

Same prices it looks like, pretty much:!/promotion/161

GameFly probably still got active coupons like JUL20OFF (20% off extra), though.


If anyone got GMG money built-up or if GMG's got coupons, they also Fallout day over there:


Add Amazon DVG to the club - price-matched:

I'm sure some of y'all got Bing-made Amazon GC $ to blow - so, there's Amazon, too.

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Just saw Hacker Evolution had cards added to it on the 14th, been in a bunch of bundles and apparently free at one point on GMG according to ITAD. Lucius has cards added recently as well (was disappointed to read it wasn't very good, was a game that sounded like it had a neat premise).
These games any good? Bundlestars has them bundled for $2.99. With cards now that could recoup my expenses.
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