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Well since Neuro hasn't stepped up to the plate yet I guess I will post the BEST DEAL OF ALL TIME ON THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME.

Interwebz TROLL Simulator


$100.00 (99% off) $1.00


Available platforms: Windows


No charity, no buy.

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Okay that makes Depression Quest and I Get This Call Everyday look like game of the year.

I'm not sure I'd take it if they paid me $1.

Meh, I already own Social Justice Warriors which looks to be far better game.

Meh, I already own Social Justice Warriors which looks to be far better game.

See I actually think that one looks halfway decent, even not being a huge fan of pixel art. It seems clever and doesn't take itself too seriously while offering a bit of social commentary on the gaming community at large which often does.

Of course I, ahem, still need to play it like 99.9% of the games I own.

I appreciate you keeping this updated because I've gotten too lazy to check their site.  I used to do it every few days to see the new deals but they've been putting up mostly crap for the last several months.


BTA: Cloud Soldier (game) + wallpaper

Deal is still going on for another day but Steam keys are up for this now.

*Edit: Game doesn't unlock on Steam until the 7th, but you can add the key now.

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Biting on this one.  Always enjoy these wonky controlling space craft type games for an hour or two before getting horribly frustrated and never playing them again.

Biting on this one. Always enjoy these wonky controlling space craft type games for an hour or two before getting horribly frustrated and never playing them again.
Thanks for the sacrifice so that the rest of us can have this for 15 cents in an actual bundle instead of paying $1 for it.

So I know this is a dumbass question, but anyone play this Revenge game?

It's been in a bunch of ragged ass bottom feeder fleabag bundles that I kept passing on so amazingly enough I don't own it yet.

Okay I now own the game because one of two Desura keys the developer posted on the game's Facebook page on November 30th still hadn't been used. Yes this really happened. I guess me and that one other guy who grabbed the other key are the only ones who ever looked at his Facebook page.

Anyhow, since there is literally not a single review or impressions I could find for this anywhere on the internet, I'm downloading it now to try it.

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So I know this is a dumbass question, but anyone play this Revenge game?

It's been in a bunch of ragged ass bottom feeder fleabag bundles that I kept passing on so amazingly enough I don't own it yet.

Okay I now own the game because one of two Desura keys the developer posted on the game's Facebook page on November 30th still hadn't been used. Yes this really happened. I guess me and that one other guy who grabbed the other key are the only ones who ever looked at his Facebook page.

Anyhow, since there is literally not a single review or impressions I could find for this anywhere on the internet, I'm downloading it now to try it.
I think what probably happened is that everybody who tried to download the key since then died of a brain aneurysm from getting too close to playing the game.

I guess what I'm saying here is try not to die of a brain aneurysm.
Since I know everyone is waiting with bated breath, impressions:

TL;DR - there may be some potential there but Early Early Access so wait.

It's made in the Unreal engine. Not really sure which version. By AAA standards it looks dated of course but for an indie it's quite decent visually. Npcs are 1000X better than the Bavarian Horror Story ones that Realms of Arkania HD™ released with [customspoiler=(Don't Click if you value your eyes)][customspoiler=Seriously][customspoiler=You were warned]
[/customspoiler][/customspoiler][/customspoiler] and the hair isn't much worse than some huge budget AAA games really (Dragon Age Inquisition I love you to death but I'm looking at you and your frightening hair when I say that).  There's a brief narrated intro but TL;DR you're basically Harry Potter going off to wizard school. I wandered around a bit and played it pretty much as a walking simulator because I think that's all there is to do right now? 
There's a story mode and I read on the website something about investigating some evil wizard or some such. I don't know. I didn't encounter anyone who I could interact with though there were some npcs I overheard having a (text) conversation. Mostly I just ran around. There was some cool stuff like a magic escalator where there's just a piece of a stairway and it floats up and down and you hitch a ride on it. Hey, I'm easily impressed.
It kind of reminded me of running around some huge old game like Daggerfall. Except way less pixelated. And with less screeching skeletions, and less giantic rats. Okay not like Daggerfall.

Apparently, it's been made by one guy who's a student so while there's still quite a bit left to do, I've modded before and what's he's even managed to do for one person, well that was a lot of work. I hope he can stick with it. The concept sounds interesting to me. It's supposed to be more of an adventure running around and investigating and not so much combat, so yeah I guess a walking sim basically.

There was no way to save that I could find right now which is probably the biggest problem with it at the moment, although really if there's no story content you're just touring the buildings and hopping on magical staircases and what not anyway.

It has potential. I want to pull a Spoder and say 'It's totally worth $1 even though I got it for free and wouldn't have paid $1 for it myself cuz that's how I roll' but honestly it may be best to wait for it to get more content and come further along.

The guy making it obviously isn't in it for the money judging by the bundles he chose to put it in, basically all the sub Groupees/Gala/Royale ones that like 3 people on the planet ever buy so the chance for it to show up in other bundles is high.

I'd put at worth keeping an eye on at least.
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Since I know everyone is waiting with bated breath, impressions:

TL;DR - there may be some potential there but Early Early Access so wait.

It's made in the Unreal engine. Not really sure which version. By AAA standards it looks dated of course but for an indie it's quite decent visually. Npcs are 1000X better than the Bavarian Horror Story ones that Realms of Arkania HD™ released with [customspoiler=(Don't Click if you value your eyes)][customspoiler=Seriously][customspoiler=You were warned]
[/customspoiler][/customspoiler][/customspoiler] and the hair isn't much worse than some huge budget AAA games really (Dragon Age Inquisition I love you to death but I'm looking at you and your frightening hair when I say that). There's a brief narrated intro but TL;DR you're basically Harry Potter going off to wizard school. I wandered around a bit and played it pretty much as a walking simulator because I think that's all there is to do right now?

There's a story mode and I read on the website something about investigating some evil wizard or some such. I don't know. I didn't encounter anyone who I could interact with though there were some npcs I overheard having a (text) conversation. Mostly I just ran around. There was some cool stuff like a magic escalator where there's just a piece of a stairway and it floats up and down and you hitch a ride on it. Hey, I'm easily impressed.

It kind of reminded me of running around some huge old game like Daggerfall. Except way less pixelated. And with less screeching skeletions, and less giantic rats. Okay not like Daggerfall.

Apparently, it's been made by one guy who's a student so while there's still quite a bit left to do, I've modded before and what's he's even managed to do for one person, well that was a lot of work. I hope he can stick with it. The concept sounds interesting to me. It's supposed to be more of an adventure running around and investigating and not so much combat, so yeah I guess a walking sim basically.

There was no way to save that I could find right now which is probably the biggest problem with it at the moment, although really if there's no story content you're just touring the buildings and hopping on magical staircases and what not anyway.

It has potential. I want to pull a Spoder and say 'It's totally worth $1 even though I got it for free and wouldn't have paid $1 for it myself cuz that's how I roll' but honestly it may be best to wait for it to get more content and come further along.

The guy making it obviously isn't in it for the money judging by the bundles he chose to put it in, basically all the sub Groupees/Gala/Royale ones that like 3 people on the planet ever buy so the chance for it to show up in other bundles is high.

I'd put at worth keeping an eye on at least.
Damnit, you ruined it when you didn't pull a spoder!

No Desura for this one. It's on Desura, but the Indiegamestand sale page is very clear that they are not including Desura keys with this one. There is a promise of Steam keys if/when greenlit.
They're really a pain about that and one of the only 'bundle'(ish) sites that doesn't give them out for non-Steam stuff but I give up fighting them on it. Plus everything gets Greenlit lately anyway.

I'm half tempted but the number of games that were just in IGS and never in another bundle is really low.

No Desura for this one. It's on Desura, but the Indiegamestand sale page is very clear that they are not including Desura keys with this one.
Huh, wonder what happened. That note wasn't there when I posted it this morning and it definitely had the Desura logo under the REDEEM THIS GAME ON:.
No Desura for this one. It's on Desura, but the Indiegamestand sale page is very clear that they are not including Desura keys with this one. There is a promise of Steam keys if/when greenlit.

Very interesting looking game. Anyone tried it?
Nah, I've seen Sheldrick on The Big Bang Theory and don't think he is very funny, so I don't want to contribute to his Trust Fund.

Bazinga that, beeyotch!

Oh I still complained about it to them. I just stopped expecting any better from them. Doesn't mean I won't grumble about it.

The game looks great, but I'm going to wait on it appearing in a bundle at a later stage.

When you watch the youtube vid one of the vids appeared to watch next was a game called "Drift Stage" which looks fun too.

The game looks great, but I'm going to wait on it appearing in a bundle at a later stage.

When you watch the youtube vid one of the vids appeared to watch next was a game called "Drift Stage" which looks fun too.
Same. It's tempting because it's my sorta game. The video doesn't inspire absolute confidence. If it was steam keys today, I'd be more tempted to bite. But I think I'm waiting for bundle.

I don't know what's more sad, Chaos Ride being an IGS deal while Be Mine 17 is still running, or that it doesn't come with a steam key..

To be fair, I'm guessing IGS had this scheduled ahead of time and had no idea that it'd be bundled at the same time? Would also explain the lack of Steam keys and why it links to their Greenlight page (was scheduled before the game was greenlit). They might provide Steam keys after the fact, but it's not worth the risk.

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