Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Thanks. I keep thinking about getting it, but that warning on Steam has been scaring me off.

Speaking of which, Steam keeps hardlocking on me tonight. I had to force quit out of 4 times so far.
I would just buy it. On sale the GOTY edition is five bucks. Considering that it might work w/out any tinkering I think it's worth a gamble, and I'm sure if you google "FO3 windows 8" or something there's probably a fix worked out if it doesn't work for you.

I wanna go back to the days of dip switches on my motherboard and having to craft a .bat file just right in order to get my game to play.
I have zero problems with that, sounds OK to me. I'm quite sure I can still handle an autoexec.bat and config.sys file to handle the voodoo memory manager of Ultima 7 which was the worst to get running. If you can get that one, everything else is simple.

Why did Seatle not run the ball toward the end
Most likely reason? OC's an idiot.

Only other reason? OC got paid off BIG time. /conspiracytheory

Yup Russel was't really having a good day passing it, they should of ran it
Especially when you have arguably one of the best RBs in the league right now. That call was just stupid in every possible way. His recent Wiki edit history is pretty funny though.

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Most likely reason? OC's an idiot.

Only other reason? OC got paid off BIG time. /conspiracytheory

Especially when you have arguably one of the best RBs in the league right now. That call was just stupid in every possible way. His recent Wiki edit history is pretty funny though.
Haha I read through a bunch of those and they were freaking hilarious. Crazy how many revisions were made after the game though. Best one,

Current Team "New England Patriots "

Current Position " Super Bowl 49 MVP"

How do I insert yellow comic sans on mobile?
Of all the things we needed in the CAG site update...

Please stop pretending you have even the tiniest of a clue as to how PC hardware works. You're probably the 2nd dumbest PC user (and you know Ed123 is #1) I've ever had the misfortune to chat with. I love seeing people piss and moan about having to buy new hardware every 3 years. Back in the glory days of PC gaming you practically HAD to buy at least a new GPU (sometimes even a CPU) every single year. Now you can go years and years using a $300 black friday laptop. I'd love to see things go back to the good old days of technical hurdles and $$$ hardware to drive these indie idiots and console rejects back out PC gaming forever.
This is one of the messier breakups I've witnessed.

I have zero problems with that, sounds OK to me. I'm quite sure I can still handle an autoexec.bat and config.sys file to handle the voodoo memory manager of Ultima 7 which was the worst to get running. If you can get that one, everything else is simple.
I missed Ultima 7, but I had a hell of a time getting the right configuration of expanded/extended memory on my 386 with 2 mb of ram to get Betrayal at Krondor to run. I do not miss those days, let me tell you, when even when I finally got it running I had to listen to the "soundtrack" on a 15 or whatever it was tone PC speaker. When I got my first job and built my own PC for the first time, with better than minimum system requirements, that was a glorious day. Shit, that first computer my parents bought didn't even have a mouse. I don't know how that was even possible back in 1993.

I can't say I anticipate either one greatly. Also I assume they're both at least two years off from today. Any other big name AAA games coming out in the next couple of years? I'm drawing a blank.
Batman: Arkham Knight comes to mind, but other than that I'm drawing a blank too. Not much to really even consider CPU/GPU adjustments for the next little while.

In the patch-notes, they did list generic performance improvements. I'm curious how much that improved things, in general for AMD users.
But, yeah - there are still lingering issues they listed as that they are working on for AMD configs specifically.

Let's hope AMD + Techland can get the issues straightened-out for AMD users. Seems crazy that Crossfiring 4 AMD cards, even before the patch - it wasn't performing that great for him.

Any AMD users here want to comment on performance before and after the patch?
I've been playing Dying Light both before and after the patch on an i5-3570k, AMD HD 7950 (3GB), and 16GB of RAM with no problems thus far @ 1920x1080. My FPS stay in the 48-60 range depending on how many zombies are getting limbs severed. Turning the view distance all the way down helps immensely and adds no visual enhancement whatsoever surprisingly. I have everything else turned up to high (max) and the game runs just fine for me.

Would I buy this game for $59.99? No, because I'm mostly a CAG. Would I buy this game again from a Russian trader ~4 months ago for an Andrew Jackson, hell yeah. Is the game fun? Depends on what you want or expect from a Techland made game. I think it's pretty fun so far. Crafting weapons and adding upgrades add for some zombie slashing and killing variety fun. The whole parkour aspect seems a little carried away since it's basically the same thing as free running in an Assassin's Creed game.

The three different skill trees (agility, survival, and power) are decent but a little underwhelming. The survivor skill seems to be the slowest to level, while power and agility get a double xp bonus at night. The side quests add a lot of extra game play but are mostly simple fetch quests, defending areas, helping civilians, or completing quarantine zones you find throughout the city. I'm finding the difficulty to be fairly easy so far as I'm about 50% through the story and have completed 68% of the side quests.

I'm rating Dying Light: 3 game saving interceptions out of 5 baffling play calls at this point.

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I finished Transistor last night and thought it worthy of 6 out of 10. Maybe 5.

It's just not that good.

Look past the fancy art and it's a rather shallow and pretty linear experience.

Soz 'ard.
I finished Transistor last night and thought it worthy of 6 out of 10. Maybe 5.

It's just not that good.

Look past the fancy art and it's a rather shallow and pretty linear experience.

Soz 'ard.
That's kind of how I felt about Bastion. It was decently well-made and controlled well, but I never understood what the big deal was. It was a pretty forgettable experience for me.

I finished Transistor last night and thought it worthy of 6 out of 10. Maybe 5.

It's just not that good.

Look past the fancy art and it's a rather shallow and pretty linear experience.

Soz 'ard.
That's funny I finished it as well last night and feel exactly opposite. I really enjoyed the story, art, gameplay. Sure it's pretty linear but Supergiant is more about story and mood. I really enjoyed the function mechanic and finding different combos to use together. Also the game is brutally hard with all 10 limiters in place. The game is actually pretty short though. After I finished last night I was able to go back through the entire campaign to finish up achievements. For me it was a 9/10 but saying that, now that I am done I will likely never play it again so if you are looking for replay there isn't any after the second playthrough.

I wanna go back to the days of dip switches on my motherboard and having to craft a .bat file just right in order to get my game to play.
I have zero problems with that, sounds OK to me. I'm quite sure I can still handle an autoexec.bat and config.sys file to handle the voodoo memory manager of Ultima 7 which was the worst to get running. If you can get that one, everything else is simple.
I remember I even "built" a menu on my startup to select which config will my system load up. Mostly because Ultima 7, but RAM was something really expensive back then too, I had a config to play Rebel Assault, at least until my father bought 4MB more of RAM. I used QEMM too. Good memories.

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I just bought Heavy Bullets for 2.50 playfire bucks, the 20% voucher works if you are using real money. Thing is it gave me an extra copy as a gift, I didn't see that on the store page. Thought I would let you guys know.

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I must be repressing some awful EMS/XMS experiences because I don't have the same memories of having a hard time dealing with getting Ultima 7 running. What drove me over the edge and sent me to console peasantry land for a time was getting my 386 to acknowledge a stupid CD-ROM drive, of all things. Master/slave, my ass.

Any other big name AAA games coming out in the next couple of years? I'm drawing a blank.
Assassin's Creed: Westward Expansion, Assassin's Creed: Bolshevik Revolution, Far Cry 5, Assassin's Creed: Jade Empire, Assassin's Creed: Inca Gold, Far Cry 6, Assassin's Creed: Lapland Caribou Rancher, Assassin's Creed: Scramble for Africa, Far Cry 6: Retro-Pixel Adventures, Far Cry 7, Assassin's Creed: Columbia Shuttle Sabotage, Assassin's Creed: Iranian Hostages, Far Cry 8, Assassin's Creed: We Didn't Start The Fire...

That's kind of how I felt about Bastion. It was decently well-made and controlled well, but I never understood what the big deal was. It was a pretty forgettable experience for me.
I feel the same way about Pong!

Assassin's Creed: Westward Expansion, Assassin's Creed: Bolshevik Revolution, Far Cry 5, Assassin's Creed: Jade Empire, Assassin's Creed: Inca Gold, Far Cry 6, Assassin's Creed: Lapland Caribou Rancher, Assassin's Creed: Scramble for Africa, Far Cry 6: Retro-Pixel Adventures, Far Cry 7, Assassin's Creed: Columbia Shuttle Sabotage, Assassin's Creed: Iranian Hostages, Far Cry 8, Assassin's Creed: We Didn't Start The Fire...

He said next couple of years...that's Ubi's lineup for just the next year! You also forgot: Splinter Cell: TSA, Splinter Cell: Border Patrol, Splinter Cell: Mall Cop, Splinter Cell: Tech Support and Splinter Cell: WalMart Greeter.

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He said next couple of years...that's Ubi's for just the next year! You also forgot: Splinter Cell: TSA, Splinter Cell: Border Patrol, Splinter Cell: Mall Cop, Splinter Cell: Tech Support and Splinter Cell: WalMart Greeter.
I'd buy Splinter Cell: WalMart Greeter.

I must be repressing some awful EMS/XMS experiences because I don't have the same memories of having a hard time dealing with getting Ultima 7 running. What drove me over the edge and sent me to console peasantry land for a time was getting my 386 to acknowledge a stupid CD-ROM drive, of all things. Master/slave, my ass.
Ah, console pedantry. Reading this post just gave me a whiff of nostalgia for the days when I HAD to own a Dreamcast and Gamecube because there were so many gaming experiences that the PC just wasn't capable of. It was like traveling to countries with completely different cultures. Man, how the times have changed... Now I have basically zero interest in any of the new consoles, and it feels like all genres have been swallowed up into one gigantic profit-driven monolith of an industry. And anything I'm semi-interested in I now pay for with lunch money and then promptly forget about. And I spend all my gaming time on this fuck ing forum.

That's kind of how I felt about Bastion. It was decently well-made and controlled well, but I never understood what the big deal was. It was a pretty forgettable experience for me.
Agreed. the problem with bastion to me was the somewhat boring gameplay. The music and art was top notch, and the narrator was a cool gimmick, but lacking gameplay meant it's not something I'll ever even consider playing again. It's a good, but not great, game
I picked up Ryse from the $10 sale and am liking it well enough so far.  It's about 70% cut scene and 30% game (at least as far as I've played) but it looks hella pretty even on Normal and the combat is entertaining to me.  The "QTEs" don't bother me much since it's more a reward for getting it right than a penalty for getting it wrong.  Nothing like wolf attacks in Tomb Raider and that sort of thing.

Not an unqualified success but for ten bucks it's good 'nuff.


Daily Deal
80% off Torchlight and Torchlight II
Weeklong Deals

Prices listed do not take into account any available voucher.
2014 Revisited Sale
Daily Deal
80% off Europa Universalis III Chronicles (Steam) - $5.99
Current Voucher: 20% off 20PERO-FFDIGI-GAMESX (Expires 2/6 1600 UTC)

79% off Magicka (Steam) ~ $1.29
70% off Magicka Collection (Steam) ~ $4.42 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Magicka
  • Magicka Vietnam
  • Magicka Wizard Survival Kit
  • Magicka Caverns and Marshlands
  • Magicka Nippon
  • Magicka Final Frontier
  • Magicka Frozen Lake
  • Magicka Watch Tower
  • Magicka Robe Bundle
79% off Magicka DLC Bundle (Steam) ~ $3.69 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Magicka: Volcano Hideout
  • Magicka: Mirror Crystal Cavern Hideout
  • Magicka: Wizard's Survival Kit
  • Magicka: Vietnam
  • Magicka: Tower of Niflheim
  • Magicka: The Watchtower
  • Magicka: The Stars Are Left
  • Magicka: The Other Side of the Coin
  • Magicka: The Lonely Cruise
  • Magicka: The Doctors Robe pack
  • Magicka: Tank Robe
  • Magicka: Support Robe
  • Magicka: Pieces Challengepack Evil hideouts
  • Magicka: Peculiar Gadgets Item Pack
  • Magicka: Party Robes
  • Magicka: Nippon
  • Magicka: Mega Villain Robes
  • Magicka: Marshlands
  • Magicka: Horror Props Item Pack
  • Magicka: Holiday Spirit Item Pack
  • Magicka: Heirlooms Item Pack
  • Magicka: Grimnir's Laboratory
  • Magicka: Gamer Bundle
  • Magicka: Frozen Lake
  • Magicka: Final Frontier
  • Magicka: Dungeons and Daemons
  • Magicka: Aspiring Musician Robes

50% off Wildstar [Online Game Code] - $19.99
50% off Wildstar Deluxe Edition [Online Game Code] - $27.49

"Console Sale"
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Frictional just released a new chapter in the Penumbra series as a mod for the first Amnesia game. You know, in case you're one of those people who actually played the Penumbra games, as opposed to having them in a vast uncharted wasteland of backlog.

Frictional just released a new chapter in the Penumbra series as a mod for the first Amnesia game. You know, in case you're one of those people who actually played the Penumbra games, as opposed to having them in a vast uncharted wasteland of backlog.
Wow, awesome! I played the Penumbra games before anybody knew about or played Amnesia (that's how cool I am), so I think I definitely will try this out. Thanks for the heads up!

edit - was Frictional actually involved with this? It doesn't appear to be the case, but either way it still looks great.

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Assassin's Creed: Westward Expansion, Assassin's Creed: Bolshevik Revolution, Far Cry 5, Assassin's Creed: Jade Empire, Assassin's Creed: Inca Gold, Far Cry 6, Assassin's Creed: Lapland Caribou Rancher, Assassin's Creed: Scramble for Africa, Far Cry 6: Retro-Pixel Adventures, Far Cry 7, Assassin's Creed: Columbia Shuttle Sabotage, Assassin's Creed: Iranian Hostages, Far Cry 8, Assassin's Creed: We Didn't Start The Fire...
:beer: want to like twice.

I'd buy Splinter Cell: WalMart Greeter.
Wal-Marts in inner-cities practically are warzones

I can imagine the game now... you get attacked trying to stop a shoplifter, you defend yourself and subdue the assailant, the police arrive and the assailant violently resists arrest and is fatally shot, and then Al Sharpton swoops in on a plane and calls you racist. Fin.

both of you

Gotta learn to utilize that avatar, Mak :booty:

Found this Amazon review of the GTX 960.

i cant wait for tax day because this card look good to play on bo1 an bo2 an tony hawk pro skater hd an nza 1 an nza2 i am waiting on nza 3 an bo3 or waw 2
Spending $200 to play Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD seems like a nice way to spend your tax return.

Found this Amazon review of the GTX 960.

Spending $200 to play Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD seems like a nice way to spend your tax return.

i cant wait for tax day because this card look good to play on bo1 an bo2 an tony hawk pro skater hd an nza 1 an nza2 i am waiting on nza 3 an bo3 or waw 2
Either that's Tebow posting or Tebonics is starting to catch on like wildfire...

Wal-Marts in inner-cities practically are warzones

I can imagine the game now... you get attacked trying to stop a shoplifter, you defend yourself and subdue the assailant, the police arrive and the assailant violently resists arrest and is fatally shot, and then Al Sharpton swoops in on a plane and calls you racist. Fin.
I see some potential for Black Friday DLC.

The Mysterious Cities of Gold : Secret Paths


Should Cure someones post SB Blues !

Enjoy ! :)
Thanks! Grabbed it almost 20 minutes after your post. I was really surprised it wasn't lurked anonymously earlier.

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bread's done