Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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I like it.

(1) Say all DLC will be fore free
(2) Get all sorts of praise and write-ups
(3) Sell "massive expansions" instead as though 10-hour content DLC isn't a thing
(4) Profit!
Yup. Cdprojektred is better than most of the bigger publishers in terms of how they treat customers, but for a company that's so far developed two decent (imho, though, overrated) games and are going back in their "all dlc is free" thing before the game even releases, they sure get slobbered over
I personally don't care much either way.  My arc will be the same as it is for 95% of games -- play base game, buy Season Pass when it's on sale telling myself it's a great deal, never play Season Pass content because I've moved on to new games.

I'll put it in line behind the BSI season pass content and Metro Last Light season pass content and Borderlands 2 season pass content and...

Yup. Cdprojektred is better than most of the bigger publishers in terms of how they treat customers, but for a company that's so far developed two decent (imho, though, overrated) games and are going back in their "all dlc is free" thing before the game even releases, they sure get slobbered over
Expansion different from DLC (like the bullcrap horse armor skin from Bestheda). Not to white knighting CD Project but I prefer the good old day expansion where it adds sufficient content to enrich the game rather than some dumb costumes/maps (looking at your Batman Origins).

And it look like they are serious about pushing quality PC game instead of making PC port. Plus, their DRM-free stance makes it appealing in a world where even single player game has online-DRM (i.e. SimCity)

I'll play through witcher, but the season pass I'll buy regardless of if I see myself playing it or not, and play it depending how much I liked the base game. If tge first two are any indication I won't be playing the season pass
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Expansion different from DLC (like the bullcrap horse armor skin from Bestheda). Not to white knighting CD Project but I prefer the good old day expansion where it adds sufficient content to enrich the game rather than some dumb costumes/maps (looking at your Batman Origins).

And it look like they are serious about pushing quality PC game instead of making PC port. Plus, their DRM-free stance makes it appealing in a world where even single player game has online-DRM (i.e. SimCity)
Dude dlc is dlc. Some are bigger and preferable but it's still downloadable content. It's a cheap way to get more money off a game. And "expansions" are priced accordingly. You can't really compare shivering isles to horse armor because it's apples and oranges; one is a huge expansion but I think msrp was thirty bucks. People are going to spin this as "fan service" because omfg it's's a way to make money easily.

Edit: case in point of cdprojektred slobbering...since oblivion Bethesda has released nothing but "expansion packs" for it's rpgs outside of hearthfire, which was five bucks. You don't see anybody going "SEE BETHESDA DOES DLC RIGHT"
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Ftr I have no problem with the development of the dlc, it's more the inevitable white knights that are going to come out to develop contingencies like "oh THIS doesn't count because it's an EXPANSION"
One of the midweek deals is South Park: The Stick of Truth. I gave some opinions on it a week or two ago, and those still stand (SP fan = buy, buy, buy).

I do want to add, since I finished the game last weekend, that there are one or two simply unforgettable, outrageous scenes that any fan of the series would want to see. One, in particular, is revealed in layers and as you reach each point you will find yourself laughing harder and harder. It's maybe one of the most memorable videogame fights I've ever witnessed. (spoiler screenshot in my Steam profile). Do check out the game if you're a fan of SP.

Regarding the DLC - do not buy. I forgot I had the DLC, and by the time I remembered I'd already outleveled all of it. All of it consists of themed costumes that have beneficial properties. The thing is they are very low leveled and you'll have no problem whatsoever with any enemy you meet until you're way past that point.

Game - yes. DLC - no.

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It's semantics. Horse armor was DLC. So was Dragonborn by Bethesda which clocks in at ~30 hours with side quests and other non-linear content. DLC is just the term for it these days.
The next news will be that the expansions are retail only. Can't call it DLC if you can't download it!

Finally finished Bloodborne. I'm not entirely sure I feel about it. I liked the ending I got, short as it was, but I still don't know if I'm ever going to go back to play through it again. 

On one hand, I still have 2 endings to go for but on the other, there's no real difference in how I would play it, unlike DS1+2.

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Finally finished Bloodborne. I'm not entirely sure I feel about it. I liked the ending I got, short as it was, but I still don't know if I'm ever going to go back to play through it again.
I feel the same way. It was good but not mindblowing like the original Dark Souls was to me.

Gonna sell this ps4 and get a 980. These new consoles are trash.

I would give anything to play dark souls 1 again for the first time. Does bloodborne have any cool secrets in it akin to
return to the asylum or the painted world of ariamis?
I would give anything to play dark souls 1 again for the first time. Does bloodborne have any cool secrets in it akin to
return to the asylum or the painted world of ariamis?
Not really. There's optional areas but it's not gonna give you that Dark Souls 1 feelio. The chalice dungeons are pretty cool optional content, but they're not as cool as they sound on paper.

Multiplayer is bad compared to the Dark Souls and especially Dark Souls 2. Huge lack of variety in weapons, gear, and environments compared to those games too.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good game and easily my GOTY so far, but don't be an idiot like me and buy a ps4 for it just yet. I got a cowboom one but it was still not worth it. There's zero good exclusives otherwise and even BB runs like shit. It's seriously underpowered hardware especially coming from a decent PC.

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Not really. There's optional areas but it's not gonna give you that Dark Souls 1 feelio. The chalice dungeons are pretty cool optional content, but they're not as cool as they sound on paper.

Multiplayer is bad compared to the Dark Souls and especially Dark Souls 2. Huge lack of variety in weapons, gear, and environments compared to those games too.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good game and easily my GOTY so far, but don't be an idiot like me and buy a ps4 for it just yet. I got a cowboom one but it was still not worth it. There's zero good exclusives otherwise and even BB runs like shit. It's seriously underpowered hardware especially coming from a decent PC.
Yeah, I agree. It's a game worth your time, but it's no system seller.
Damn...I was hoping w/Miyazaki in charge it might come close to DS1. I'll definitely have to buy a PS4 sooner than I originally planned because of it, but I"m really glad I didn't bite on the deal amazon had going, now.

Its definitely disappointing that it appears there aren't really options for different build types in bloodborne...that's where a lot of replay value comes from in dark souls.

I'm not surprised it's $30.  I mean... it's KF2 but better.   Also inflation.  It's a fine price.  Glad they didn't push it up to $40.

Yeah. It's not like they're not going to milk this game for all its worth through DLC anyway.

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Finally... but a let-down that it's $30. $20 would have been a definite pre-order, but $30 is a big stretch.

I'm not surprised it's $30. I mean... it's KF2 but better. Also inflation. It's a fine price. Glad they didn't push it up to $40.
Yep, these are my thoughts. I was actually thinking it was going to be $40. I mean KF1 was $20 retail 7 years ago and it was basically a mod. This is built from the ground up with a lot a lot more work going into it than went into KF1 initially so I am happy with the $30 price point.

Finally... but a let-down that it's $30. $20 would have been a definite pre-order, but $30 is a big stretch.
$20 would have been really cool, but I got over 700 hours out of the first and this looks to be an improvement in many areas. I'm getting in at $30 and playing as soon as it downloads.

The only thing I haven't heard about that I'd really like to see is the inclusion of some other mode. It would be nice to have something like KF's objective mode to at least mix it up a little bit. But I know Tripwire has a lot of plans for the game and they didn't an outstanding job supporting the last one, so I'm at least hopeful there will be a community mod or two that interests me.

Yeah. It's not like they're not going to milk this game for all its worth through DLC anyway.
I'm not sure if you're serious, but all the KF DLC was optional/cosmetic stuff. That's not really how they roll. They do have an obnoxious tendency to keep the DLC from hitting 75% off though. But given that DLC is mostly support for the freebies, I can't begrudge them too much.

I'm not sure if you're serious, but all the KF DLC was optional/cosmetic stuff. That's not really how they roll. They do have an obnoxious tendency to keep the DLC from hitting 75% off though. But given that DLC is mostly support for the freebies, I can't begrudge them too much.
Oh, I know, I mean that they'll keep the price of the game low, but make up for any losses through DLC sales.

Finally finished Bloodborne. I'm not entirely sure I feel about it. I liked the ending I got, short as it was, but I still don't know if I'm ever going to go back to play through it again.

On one hand, I still have 2 endings to go for but on the other, there's no real difference in how I would play it, unlike DS1+2.
just youtube those 2 endings. Sound like you weren't impressed with its gameplay so don't waste anymore time run through it

I feel the same way. It was good but not mindblowing like the original Dark Souls was to me.

Gonna sell this ps4 and get a 980. These new consoles are trash.
half of the games on new console (PS4 and X1) are remastered junk. They are competing to see which one brought out the next gen console first and forgetting that you need next gen games to play on these consoles too

PC is where the value and fun are.. (for now)

just youtube those 2 endings. Sound like you weren't impressed with its gameplay so don't waste anymore time run through it

half of the games on new console (PS4 and X1) are remastered junk. They are competing to see which one brought out the next gen console first and forgetting that you need next gen games to play on these consoles too

PC is where the value and fun are.. (for now)
Pc is always where value and fun are at...gets majority of games in addition to alot of exclusives (including the crpgs, which are a genre I like a lot and were getting a lot of with this recent resurgence). Sony and Microsoft should just give up and Join pc market because I want them to.
just youtube those 2 endings. Sound like you weren't impressed with its gameplay so don't waste anymore time run through it

half of the games on new console (PS4 and X1) are remastered junk. They are competing to see which one brought out the next gen console first and forgetting that you need next gen games to play on these consoles too

PC is where the value and fun are.. (for now)
Wii U is legit tho.

Not really.

I have all "new" gen consoles and play my PC way more than any of them.

Every console this gen is "OMG LETS PUSH BACK THE RELEASE DATE". Bunch of dbag developers.
Well yea, I play my PC more than anything else too. But bayo 2, mk8, smash, etc are worth the $200 refurb. Ps4 and Xbone on the other hand are completely redundant if you have a decent PC.

And dates getting pushed back is nothing new bro.

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Wii U is legit tho.
Not really.

I have all "new" gen consoles and play my PC way more than any of them.

Every console this gen is "OMG LETS PUSH BACK THE RELEASE DATE". Bunch of dbag developers.
I think wii u is worth it because the games are comparatively much more of a unique experience than you'll find on any other platform (you don't find games with the combination of polish, art style, and gameplay on any non Nintendo platform). and it's not like pc doesn't ever have games get pushed back
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bread's done