Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Sentai Selects: We didn't know that we still had the rights to these either
At least "He is My Master" doesn't have millions of copies out in the market like their first title under the line does, Appleseed.

Anyone heard anything about a release for Rail wars?
Sentai has the license to the home video rights. So they're either holding off on it's release or they just haven't gotten the materials from the license holder yet.

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Viz announced that they are releasing the upcoming Death Note artbook Blanc et Noir and, more importantly, will only be doing one print run of it. If you want it, grab it now.

They will also be publishing Goodnight PunPun
Last edited by a moderator: has a 30% off used blu ray code "sunscreen" going on right now .I picked up Upotte and Crime Severing Edge on blu ray for $45.xx shipped .
man this site is hard to navigate. only thing i can find for used blu-ray is supernatural and i don't even want it

Yea, gohasting can be a pain to search, but I did manage to get Turn A Gundam: Collection Part 1 for $20 after shipping and tax.  I'm glad I woke up early this morning.

I usually just search for "Complete Series" for FUNi stuff and "Complete Collection" for Sentai stuff.

Do note that most anime is under TV Shows.
The Sailor Moon R Part 2 pre-order gift has been announced. A set of glossy art cards. Side A has the 5 main Sailor Senshi, Chibi-Usa, Pluto, Serenity, and Endymion. Side B has the Black Moon Clan.
FUNi Announcements:

- Dimension W - FUNimation is actually involved in the production of this show rather than just a licensee.

- Black Lagoon Collector's Edition - S1+S2+OAV. Ammo tin chipboard box. Art box, metal lighter, and dog tags included. Releases in November.

- Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 CE - Artbook, Journal, and post cards. Box has clear sleeves that transition from human to ghoul. CE disc case is digipak. DVD-only set is Walmart exclusive. Footage is uncensored. No Limited Edition release. Releases 9/22.

- Attack on Titan live-action, A Boy and the Beast, Psycho-Pass the Movie, and Ghost in the Shell the Movie (the new one) are all getting theatrical releases. AoT is this fall, the rest in 2016.

- Assassination Classroom Season 2 has been licensed. Coming in 2016.

- Project Itoh 3-film series (Genocidal Organ, Harmony, and The Empire of Corpses) coming in 2016.

- Noein has been license rescued. Coming to Blu-ray.

- Speed Racer (yes, the classic series) has been licensed. Coming to Blu-ray and includes episodes not released in America. Will also include Mach a Go Go.
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Pretty weak announcements IMO. Interested in the Project Itoh films,and I might pick up Noein. Would've been great if they had some dates for the Bandai licenses.

AnimEigo (yes, they still exist) panel highlights:

- Will continue to crowd fund titles for restoration.

- Otaku no Video Blu-ray will include a mini figure of Misty May and possible secret content on disc only available to crowdfunders via unique code. Premium backers get special packaging and artbook. Restorations runs at higher bitrate than Japanese Blu-rays.

- OnV will also have expanded Omake, commentaries, a mini-dojinshi, and have at least 3x the linear notes of original release. Will also include SDH subtitle tracks.

- Next project is likely Riding Bean: Octane Edition. Kickstarter possibly in fall.

- Is going to talk to the Japanese licensors this fall to license their older catalog, including You're Under Arrest Season 1, Gunsmith Cats, and Oh! My Goddess OAVs.

- If they manage to get the Urusei Yatsua license back, any Blu-ray release will likely be a "Best-Of" format.

- Tried to get Legend of Galactic Heroes but got outbid.

- Might try to license the anime based on the computer game Wizardry. Guy who originally programmed the game is the head of AnimEigo now.

- Looking into possibly doing SD Blu-ray releases for titles that are too exoensive/not profitable to restore.
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Speed Racer was quite literally the last thing I expected to be announced. Looking forward to the Psycho Pass movie but it's a bummer to see the Sunrise stuff, Eva 3.33, and the Steins;gate are all still AWOL. 

Speed Racer was quite literally the last thing I expected to be announced. Looking forward to the Psycho Pass movie but it's a bummer to see the Sunrise stuff, Eva 3.33, and the Steins;gate are all still AWOL.
More like inexcusable.

I do have a question for all the dbz blu collectors here, do you guys/girls collect the original run or kai? Curious

More like inexcusable.

I do have a question for all the dbz blu collectors here, do you guys/girls collect the original run or kai? Curious
Pretty sure it's issues with getting the materials to a lot of these shows,and the Japanese publishers not wanting some released yet.

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My excuse is that i'm not sure if it will have all the silly name changes and possible cuts due to not being able to get the lecenses.

Viz announced One Punch Man will stream in October and they have K Season 2.

Discotek panel highlights:

- It was apparently already announced but I missed it. Discotek license rescued IGPX. Will include both uncut and Toonami versions. Tentative release date is November 2015. Trying to include all versions of original miniseries.

- Has licensed Go Nagai's Gaiking. Japanese language with English subs. Coming in 2016.

- Licensed Super Dimension Century Orguss. Has been remastered. Coming in September 29th. Japanese language with improved subtitles. Dub for first 17 episodes are included (Steve Blum's first role).

- Robot Carnival coming September 1st. Includes new subtitles, Japanese and English audio, and is in widescreen. Also includes new essay by Mike O'Toole.

- Horus: Prince of the Sun has been released. Includes multiple commentaries, interviews, etc.

- Magic Knights Rayearh is coming to Blu-ray in Winter 2016. DVD version in Fall 2015. Will include both series in same package.

- In case you don't know, the Castle of Cagliostro Blu-ray includes both Streamline and Manga Entertainment dubs. Blu-ray cover raw is a 10GB file.

- Will be re-releasing the first few FUNimation Lupin movies.

- Has licensed the Lupin/Detective Conan crossover. Trying to release it as Detective Conan rather than Case Closed.

- Lupin III Jigen's Gravestone will be released on Blu-ray in 2016 with a brand new English dub. Only returning actor is Richard Epcar.

- Will be releasing the Darkstalkers OVA Collection with English dub and redone subtitles. Footage has been remastered. Coming early 2016.

- Will be re-releasing the original Street Fighter American cartoon. Will possibly have reversible cover to look like an SNES cover and a Super Famicom cover.

- Will be releasing Street Fighter Street Fighter II Movie uncut on Blu-ray in 2016. Will include both edited and uncut dub. Trying to get uncut dub with Japanese music.

- Any Discotek release from Crunchyroll is run by the latter.

- Releasing Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust on Blu-ray. Licensor will not allow Japanese version. September 9th on Blu-ray, September 29th on DVD.

- Releasing Wicked City on DVD in 2016. Includes both Streamline and Manga UK dubs.

- No release date for Yowamushi Pedal.

- Will be releasing Sonic X, Library Wars, among others but no details.

- Trying to get Detective Conan outright but license is extremely complicated right now.
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All this news makes me tingly, all but funi re releasing stuff again and again. Anyone wanna buy my Black lagoon Geneon set lol
I am kinda tempted, actually. I absolutely despise the combo pack coverart, so I might pick this up if I can get it for a reasonable price.
The Black Lagoon set is worth it if you've never invested in the series but the current releases (S1/S2 & OVA) are still cheaper. Just like Soul Eater, it's only for the super devoted fans. Great series regardless. 

I'm already researching Otakon for next year since hotel reservations literally start on Wednesday at noon but rumor has it that the attendance tanked this year (by 5k at least). Many like to blame the pre-reg woes and the riots in BMore earlier this year. I was around the area for a meeting on Saturday and parking was surprisingly easy. 

Oh, and it's worth noting that the next Otakon is the final one at the BCC. 2017 will be their first year in DC. 

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I'm already researching Otakon for next year since hotel reservations literally start on Wednesday at noon but rumor has it that the attendance tanked this year (by 5k at least). Many like to blame the pre-reg woes and the riots in BMore earlier this year. I was around the area for a meeting on Saturday and parking was surprisingly easy.
Yea, it seemed slightly less crowded this year. Sunday was empty as all hell, though that could be blamed on no super-concert or premiere this year (a la the Yoko Kanno concert last year).

Though if people thought that would make Otakon bad, I'd hate to see what they would've done in 2001. Only able to use half the Convention Center, Yankees in town for the Orioles games, a complete evacuation due to a fire scare, and the CSX Tunnel Fire closing several streets and causing several manhole covers to explode into the air.

Oh, and it's worth noting that the next Otakon is the final one at the BCC. 2017 will be their first year in DC.
It will also be my 15th and final Otakon. I hate traveling in DC, I don't own a car so I would have to head down via MARC train (which would greatly increase my travel expenses, which is currently $4), and again, I fuck ing hate DC.

Guess I'll have to settle for Baltimore ComiCon. :/

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^ I'm in Western MD so imagine how I feel! I'm debating on trying the first year of DC. I remember being deathly afraid of Baltimore in 2008. But thanks to me going to 6 Otakons and now being a UB alumni, it's safe to say that I've warmed up to the city. 

As for getting there, I'll probably go to Shady Grove and the hit the red line on the Metro. I haven't done any research yet but I hope once I'm off the metro, I can just chill around the area/hotel the whole time. I don't think I've been in DC since 2012, lol. 

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Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions Collector's [Blu-ray] msrp $129.99 with amazon prime $59.99. I wonder it worth the extra?
if you liked the series it was a pretty decent collectors (which I got for $50 a while back on amazon so it might go cheaper again) if you haven't seen the series or just found it okay but want to own the series I would just wait for the regular to go on a good sale.

I need the no game no life collectors to get down to $60 like that :/

Fine Amazon.  I'll buy your stupid Hellsing 5-8 with the stupid chipboard box that doesn't fit the entire stupid series.  Anyone know where I can get a cheap (most likely complete) copy of 1-4?  I'm not feeling the $19 price I found on eBay.


How well does Best Buy handle price mistakes?

Tokyo Ghoul CE pre-order for $42.99

Worth a shot I guess~ lol

(credit to BTT on blu-ray forums)

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Help me out dudes.  I have $85 in certs I need to spend at Best Buy.  I have these titles carted and I'm trying to decide what to buy:

- Kids on the Slope

- Deadman Wonderland

- Mardock Scramble Trilogy

- Fate / Stay Night TV: complete collection

- Another: complete collection

- Angel Beats: complete collection

They are all blind buys for me, but having read their descriptions and info a number of times they all seem quite interesting.  Which ones, if any, would you put back?

Help me out dudes. I have $85 in certs I need to spend at Best Buy. I have these titles carted and I'm trying to decide what to buy:

- Kids on the Slope

- Deadman Wonderland

- Mardock Scramble Trilogy

- Fate / Stay Night TV: complete collection

- Another: complete collection

- Angel Beats: complete collection

They are all blind buys for me, but having read their descriptions and info a number of times they all seem quite interesting. Which ones, if any, would you put back?
I can only speak for Kids, Fate, and Angel Beats all being great (Kids has a somewhat rushed, but good ending), Deadman I've only seen a little of, but it's super-violent, that's all I know

While Fate stay/night is a good series, do know that the new Unlimited Blade Works series is a remake going down a different path of the original game.
I don't think the DBZ has anything on Deepdiscount right now, because they are running a 15% off coupon with the current DVDPlanet anime sale until Wednesday afternoon!  Sweet - so Familiar of Zero seasons are under $24 (as an example).

Code is RUSTY.  Now to dig for stuff!  :)

Some prices if anyone is interested:

No Game No Life CE:  $61.63 (because it's more than a pound there is extra shipping)

Love Chunibyo CE: $55.83 (same thing as above)

Pet Girl of Sakurasou Complete Collection: $34.84

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How well does Best Buy handle price mistakes?

Tokyo Ghoul CE pre-order for $42.99

Worth a shot I guess~ lol

(credit to BTT on blu-ray forums)
Just got two of em. Worst case they cancel and I'm sad. Best case i get both and I'm happy. Middle case they cancel and give me a 10$ credit for the inconvenience like last time.
I don't think the DBZ has anything on Deepdiscount right now, because they are running a 15% off coupon with the current DVDPlanet anime sale until Wednesday afternoon! Sweet - so Familiar of Zero seasons are under $24 (as an example).

Code is RUSTY. Now to dig for stuff! :)

Some prices if anyone is interested:

No Game No Life CE: $61.63 (because it's more than a pound there is extra shipping)

Love Chunibyo CE: $55.83 (same thing as above)

Pet Girl of Sakurasou Complete Collection: $34.84
Sold! ;D


Nevermind. The extra shipping cost makes it not as great of a deal anymore since they don't qualify for the free shipping at all. I thought it was just another dollar on top of the free shipping, but $3 extra per item makes the discount less desirable. I'll think about No Game No Life possibly still, but might just hold out for something better at this point. :*(

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bread's done