PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

If The Crew werent so terrible I would get it cause I need a racer but ugh its not fun to race in that game.  Rivals for $6 is a much better deal and you all should get it.

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Man if only JC3s broken gameplay were $10 or less I would rebuy it.

I am going to buy tomb raider definitive for 4.49 though. loved that game. ill probably play it again in a year just before the new tomb raider comes over to ps4
If JC3 had even been $15 I probably would have jumped on it just to avoid it taking a rental slot for weeks. I already played TR twice, it really is an excellent game.

If The Crew werent so terrible I would get it cause I need a racer but ugh its not fun to race in that game. Rivals for $6 is a much better deal and you all should get it.
Even I might pull the trigger on Rivals. But cops... uggghhh...

If JC3 had even been $15 I probably would have jumped on it just to avoid it taking a rental slot for weeks. I already played TR twice, it really is an excellent game.

Even I might pull the trigger on Rivals. But cops... uggghhh...
Dont worry about the cops. At first the game seems hard but after a few races you get better cars and it opens up a lot. Its real fun. And the cop missions or races werent hard at all. Or very annoying that I remember.

I think I'll grab Rivals from the sale.  Tempted to upgrade to PS4 version of Darksiders 2 as well.  Hoping my E3 experience credit comes in before the end of the sale.  Might grab Tomb Raider too to go again through it after playing the PS3 one.

After the XBOX and PS4 conferences I'm really struggling to understand what Nintendo is anymore. I thought the Zelda trailer might do something for me but it just kind of looks like Link in a vast nothingness that doesn't look as good as about 85% of the other game's vast nothingness(s). I'm not even trying to knock them but shit, I don't see them succeeding anytime soon. 

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After the XBOX and PS4 conferences I'm really struggling to understand what Nintendo is anymore. I thought the Zelda trailer might do something for me but it just kind of looks like Link in a vast nothingness that doesn't look as good as about 85% of the other game's vast nothingness(s). I'm not even trying to knock them but shit, I don't see them succeeding anytime soon.
I thought Zelda looked good, but I wanna see these new game changing completely change the way you play Zelda things Reggie was going on about. If it's just the ability to make platforms and/or build shit with the touchpad then Lolololol.
I thought Zelda looked good, but I wanna see these new game changing completely change the way you play Zelda things Reggie was going on about. If it's just the ability to make platforms and/or build shit with the touchpad then Lolololol.
I like the art style but then when you start looking at the trees and backgrounds it just looks janky. The mechanics look like the same Zelda mechanics we've had forever at this point. Overall it just looked boring as shit to me.

Watching this Zelda demo and thinking about playing Ratchet and Clank with my son yesterday it's now really fucking apparent power does matter! 

Nintendo really just closes their eyes and ears to everything that's happening right around them. 

Kilik and I are looking for some help in boosting some of the MP trophies if you anyone else is interested.
Dont you really only need 2 people total? At least that is the best way to level grind. I guess I dont really remember what else there was since that was 99% of the time in MP on that game.

Dont you really only need 2 people total? At least that is the best way to level grind. I guess I dont really remember what else there was since that was 99% of the time in MP on that game.
There are at least three that seem to require more then 2 players. I will probably NEVER grind out the level 60 one though so no plat for me.

One trophy for killing two players at once with an explosives and another for being the last man standing. Another for reviving teammate.

Not really a big deal either way but if I can easily get them great. Rather not deal with the unwashed masses in random games for those. Plus I would probably never be the last man standing in a random game.

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I did the level 60 thing twice.  It was not all that bad if you have a person willing to get through it all with you.  Just keep shooting each other in the face with a grenade launcher at the exact same time for a few hours in a row.

A lot of people did it solo with that mode where you deliver med kits.  I think that supposedly took like 15 hours or something insane.  Not to mention you had nobody to talk to that way.

Watching this Zelda demo and thinking about playing Ratchet and Clank with my son yesterday it's now really fucking apparent power does matter!

Nintendo really just closes their eyes and ears to everything that's happening right around them.
You can cut the grass with a sword though. Watatatatatatata!

I think this basically sums up this year's E3 for Nintendo:


When I was watching the replay this morning, I was not listening all that closely.  I just assumed it was Sucker Punch making the Spider-Man game.  Now another article I was reading made me go look and I see that it is in fact Insomniac that is making it.  That makes me wonder what it is that Sony has Sucker Punch working on now.  It has been a while since First Light.

Kilik and I are looking for some help in boosting some of the MP trophies if you anyone else is interested.
Was going to post this, both of us did quite a few of the mp trophies but a couple of the easier ones to get need a 3rd person.

Anyone wants to work on those, id be down to help you get all the easy ones that 2 people can get as well, I think jimbob and me knocked out those in hour or so.

fuck grinding to level 60 or whatever though.

Dont you really only need 2 people total? At least that is the best way to level grind. I guess I dont really remember what else there was since that was 99% of the time in MP on that game.
Theres a few other trophies to boost and a couple of them need 3 people to do it easily.

But yea only 2 for the god forsaken level 60 grind.

Taco Tuesday was fantastic.  So good.  Man I was hungry.  The hot chick at Tijuana Flats finally remembered my name and most (well just the beer) of what I order now too.  Definitely going back for dinner after my workout tonight. 

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great comment from the side chat of the live playstation thing:

Pyro-ToxinGod of War is looking like the last of us i don't like it but I will reserve judment

one 6gb download and now another 17 gb download. fucking hate when games do that shit.

nfs rivals

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More info on the Song of the Deep CE:

I received some more clarification on the Song of the Deep Collectors Edition. Unfortunately it is not the puzzle version that Australia is getting, however it does come with a steelbook case, soundtrack voucher & stickers (the art cards?).

Still no pictures unfortunately.
Steelbook FTW

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bread's done