Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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why was the mega man legacy collection changed back to full price? I was just about to buy it when it changed back to $15. Why is that? The summer sale isn't over yet.
It's possible that it's a glitch and it will revert back to the sale price in a bit.

If it doesn't, well, I guess Capcom changed their minds and decided not to have it on sale. In which case, I refer you to Foxhack's post above mine.

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I never watched Twin Peaks when it originally aired, though I was mildly aware of it. Since then, a lot of media that I like is referenced as having a 'Twin Peaks vibe' (e.g. Alan Wake, Deadly Premonition, Life is Strange). Since there is the new show out, I figured now was the time to check out the original on Netflix.

I was bored to tears. I've re-watched 90's era shows, even 80's era, and enjoyed them, but this seems so dated. I guess I just missed the boat on that one. Can you get anything out of the new show if you don't know the old one?
MelaniaCat and I just tried watching the pilot episode of the original series last night. It was terrible, it's a disaster. The music was what I found most irritating. It was soooooooooo fuck ing cheesy. We made it to where the girl played Sherilyn Fenn was walking around next to that meeting. Couldn't take it anymore. Deleted the new series off the DVR too, if it's anything like that dumpster fire then I don't want to waste any time on it. SADDEST SHOW EVER!

MelaniaCat and I just tried watching the pilot episode of the original series last night. It was terrible, it's a disaster. The music was what I found most irritating. It was soooooooooo fuck ing cheesy. We made it to where the girl played Sherilyn Fenn was walking around next to that meeting. Couldn't take it anymore. Deleted the new series off the DVR too, if it's anything like that dumpster fire then I don't want to waste any time on it. SADDEST SHOW EVER!
I think I made it to where she actually went into said meeting and panicked all the shareholders/investors. Not long after that, I started to drift to sleep (mind you, it was the middle of the day and I was well-rested). I watched the whole episode (well, parts of it watched me), but yeah, after that, it got deleted from my phone.

Thought the Steam controller would replace a mouse and keyboard and game controller for my Steam link.

It gathers dust next to the computer while I still have a keyboard and mouse and XB1 controller in the living room.

Yeah, Steam Controller is an easy pass. The trigger buttons feel all springy and ready to break. You get minimal functionality added with the right tracker pad thing, but then you sacrifice all functionality of most games (FPS, twin stick shooters, etc.) with the removal of the second stick. I mean you might eventually get used to it, but not recommended.

this all the way. I got one to go along with my link. Rarely used it. Built a steamOS box then bought a second thinking I would need it for 2 player games, how bad could it be, i rarely used it but Im sure I would get used to it.

Nope nope nope. I really wish I would have just bought 2 xboneS bluetooth controllers and called it a day

No. Even being a fan of the old series having only seen in about 7 years ago, this new one makes no sense to me up to episode 7.

It's definitely more Lynch-Like than the original, imo
I could give this a try, but who knows if I'm right...or not.

I think our friend Dougie was originally "Good" Dale Cooper. I think Good Coop was maybe re-wired/re-programmed by the FBI to become (more or less) the zombie that he has become + a shell of his former self (that remembers very little of his true past); and that Bob is basically using his body as a vessel to control him.

Dougie has had a few recent glimpses of his former self - i.e. doing FBI-like things like attacking the small guy that tried to kill him in Ep 7 + mostly stuff he repeats refers to his habits when he was a FBI agent such as "Cases" and "Coffee".

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I could give this a try, but who knows if I'm right...or not.

I think our friend Dougie was originally "Good" Dale Cooper. I think Good Coop was maybe re-wired/re-programmed by the FBI to become (more or less) the zombie that he has become + a shell of his former self (that remembers very little of his true past); and that Bob is basically using his body as a vessel to control him.

Dougie has had a few recent glimpses of his former self - i.e. doing FBI-like things like attacking the small guy that tried to kill him in Ep 7 + mostly stuff he repeats refers to his habits when he was a FBI agent such as "Cases" and "Coffee".
Dougie is good Coop. However, I imagine the reason he's the way he is is simply due to having spent so much time in the Black Lodge. There's also the AC/DC theory: According to MIKE (The One-Armed Man); Doppelganger Coop was supposed to return to the Lodge, at which point good Coop could leave. Therefore, doppelganger Coop created Dougie as a decoy so that he wouldn't have to go back. MIKE to Dougie: “Someone manufactured you for a purpose but I think now that’s been fulfilled.” MIKE to good Coop: “You were tricked. Now one of you must die.” BOB is a part of doppelganger Coop. Doppelganger Coop to BOB: "You're still with me. That's good." Doppelganger Coop also seemingly raped Diane. It's assumed he did the same to Audrey while she was in a coma after the bank explosion in season 2's finale, which led to the birth of Richard Horne (the smoking guy at the Roadhouse who assaulted the girl).


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Dragon Age: I - $2.97:

Deluxe - $4.97


Passing on the Dragon Age since it's part of Origin Access so I'll just pay for a month and play the deluxe if I ever get around to it.
Here's the table break-down of DA:I content here:

Deluxe doesn't have all the DLC's.

You'll basically be missing the 3 main content DLC's.

If you want it all, you need to go GOTY to also get the other 3 content DLC's: Jaws of Hakkon DLC; Descent DLC; and Trespasser DLC.

If you need to go GOTY at some point, Game UK has had GOTY for around $6-7 before for an Origin key. If you feel the need to go GOTY, just wait til they have another sale like they've had a few times before.

DAI base-game took me around 150+ hours to finish, anyways. And I still ain't got to the DLC's.

Trespasser DLC is supposed to be important set-up for DA4, though.

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Guess it wasn't a glitch. Wanted to play through 1-6 before the second collection comes out. Should i buy it at full price? Decisions decisions...
You could always just wait and see. If it's not on sale now, then there's no hurry. Several other places run sales on Capcom games.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a limited time sale. I recall other big publishers running sales of their own chosen duration during past Steam sales.

That depressing moment when you realize "oh, that can't even happen now" right after you think "Oh, maybe today will be better in the Steam Sale".  It's a real downer. :(

On a positive note, I've went from not caring about buying anything to being pretty sure I'm gonna buy Black Desert online.  So, progress, anyway.

I'm sure most folks have already seen these but, for those who are enjoying new and old Twin Peaks:

Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart and The Elephant Man  (my personal favorite) are must watches.

Lynch has a very polarizing writing/directorial style so I understand why some are having a hard time getting into it.

A friend of mine really liked the new Mass Effect.

He also really liked the New Transformers movie.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

I've passed so far on da:I because you have a tranny in your party, wtf

Is it a good game otherwise?
Depends on how you feel about DAO + DA2 - since DAI feels like a combo of the things that were great in each one.

It's basically a mix of DAO's scope (epic storyline); DA2 combat (flashy-looking combat + it feels a bit more action-y); DAO combat (tactical cam returns + some of the combat can be strategic); Loyalty-style quests (see DA2 + ME2); MMO-style side-quests (find X items, get X things, defeat X enemies); and AC stuff (open-world game with collect-a-thons everywhere).

If that all sounds good to you: DAI's great.

I've spent over 150 hours w/ the base-game.

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I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but some of these sticker pages are weird as fuck....


what is this i don't even

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No love for Mulholland Drive?

Twin Peaks (original 2 seasons) might be hard for someone to watch if they have never seen it before, I find very little from that era has aged well unless you were a fan when it was current.  Also it and pretty much anything else Lynch touches is too "weird" for a lot of people which I can totally understand.  People like different things.  I hated the Sopranos.  I love old and new Twin Peaks and the movie as well.  *shrugs*

No love for Mulholland Drive?

Twin Peaks (original 2 seasons) might be hard for someone to watch if they have never seen it before, I find very little from that era has aged well unless you were a fan when it was current. Also it and pretty much anything else Lynch touches is too "weird" for a lot of people which I can totally understand. People like different things. I hated the Sopranos. I love old and new Twin Peaks and the movie as well. *shrugs*
Mulholland Dr was good, not too weird by Lynch's standards. It was no Lost Highway. That said I feel like TP aged pretty well, it is crazy how it takes just about every basic genre known to man and rolls it into one awesome show.
Is Mass Effect Andromeda worth $29.99 from GameStop? I loved and 100%'d the original trilogy fwiw
Depends. Do you have nothing else to play right now? It's already been cheaper on Origin, and it will be again.

I've passed so far on da:I because you have a tranny in your party, wtf

Is it a good game otherwise?
Um, what? I don't even remember this about the game--elf mage, check; female warrior, check; dwarven rogue, check. I don't know, dude, but if you're that closed-minded, maybe BioWare RPGs aren't for you. Those libtard Canadian cucks have a tendency to put a variety of "romance" options in their games.

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No love for Mulholland Drive?

Twin Peaks (original 2 seasons) might be hard for someone to watch if they have never seen it before, I find very little from that era has aged well unless you were a fan when it was current. Also it and pretty much anything else Lynch touches is too "weird" for a lot of people which I can totally understand. People like different things. I hated the Sopranos. I love old and new Twin Peaks and the movie as well. *shrugs*
I think Mullholland Drive is Lynch's best film. It's accessible yet still strangely weird.

I am also surprised at all the comments "Twin Peaks didn't age well". I completely disagree with that. A better analogy would be "you've either done drugs or you haven't" when it comes to Lynch's work. Much like Terrance Malick some people just don't get Lynch and that's fine. It's not for you. However, this series has aged well and it stands the test of time. The girls in the show are all incredibly good looking starting with Shelly and Audrey and continuing to Laura and Donna. It makes fun of soap operas while being one at the time same. It juxtaposes light-hearted primetime television fodder against David Lynch's favorite dark underbelly of society theme.

The reason Twin Peaks is so popular is because it aged incredibly well. If you don't like it, then that's fine.

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Um, what? I don't even remember this about the game--elf mage, check; female warrior, check; dwarven rogue, check. I don't know, dude, but if you're that closed-minded, maybe BioWare RPGs aren't for you. Those libtard Canadian cucks have a tendency to put a variety of "romance" options in their games.
One of Iron Bull's band o' misfits is a woman living as a man (which I realize isn't the modern-approved language but that's how it's presented in game). If you ask, he says basically that he wanted to live as a dude and Iron Bull don't care about that stuff so that's where he found a home. He is an extremely minor character, never part of your party and I can't imagine why anyone would seriously care. No idea if the question was posed as a joke, a troll or seriously.

I do not feel like Twin Peaks has aged poorly, but I have tried to watch other shows from around the same time period and found it difficult to do so.  Thus my guess that having liked the show to begin with is why its age doesn't bother me, but maybe if I had never seen it before I would feel differently.  I dunno.


I am also surprised at all the comments "Twin Peaks didn't age well". I completely disagree with that. A better analogy would be "you've either done drugs or you haven't" when it comes to Lynch's work. Much like Terrance Malick some people just don't get Lynch and that's fine. It's not for you.
Having never seen anything Lynch, if he's anything like Terrance Malick, count me out.
I've never finished the second season of twin peaks because it meanders for far too long and I lose all interest for the series half way through. 

I still kinda wanna check out the third season.

I've never finished the second season of twin peaks because it meanders for far too long and I lose all interest for the series half way through.

I still kinda wanna check out the third season.
Skip everything from S2E10 to S2E19 and just read synopses to get caught up. That's what I did after reading about how much the show drags on with pointless side stories in the second half of S2 and I don't feel like I missed out at all.

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I love weird movies and TV shows.

Twin Peaks was just shite. Very poor acting, terrible music, it was painfully boring to watch. Maybe it picks up in the second episode? I will never know because there are much better shows to spend my time watching.  :speaktothehand:

Skip everything from S2E10 to S2E19 and just read synopses to get caught up. That's what I did after reading about how much the show drags on with pointless side stories in the second half of S2 and I don't feel like I missed out at all.
That's the sign of a quality TV show when people recommend you skip half a season because it's pointless.

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TrumpCat, on 26 Jun 2017 - 11:02 PM, said:

That's the sign of a quality TV show when people recommend you skip half a season because it's pointless.
Part of the blame for that is on ABC for pressuring Lynch to reveal Laura's killer. After that happens, everything falls apart and the show loses focus. Lynch didn't actually have anything to do with the second half of the season, with the exception of the finale which is just a mind-blowing hour of television.

If anything, it says a lot about the show when ten episodes can be total directionless garbage but the other 20 are so well-regarded that the show becomes a cult phenomenon.

terrible music
Absolute fucking insanity lol.

I've never finished the second season of twin peaks because it meanders for far too long and I lose all interest for the series half way through.

I still kinda wanna check out the third season.
The second season takes a nosedive due to Lynch/Frost stepping away. Lynch went to make Wild At Heart and Frost also directed a film. There were too many hands in the cookie jar at that point. Season two is great up until episode 14. From there you can skip up until 21. Then its worth picking up to the end (29). 14-21 are dreadful but once the Windom Earle storyline starts, its worth seeing through to the end. The new season picks up 25 years later from the last episode of season 2, which is also the last one Lynch directed til now. He came back specifically to direct that last season 2 episode.

Part of the blame for that is on ABC for pressuring Lynch to reveal Laura's killer.
All of the blame. Lynch and Frost knew who the killer was, but had no concrete plans on a reveal timeframe. Twin Peaks was before its time and network TV reacted as such. There's a really good documentary with one of the DVD sets called "Secrets From Another Place", its on Youtube too I think. Really interesting watch and explains a lot of the BS going on in season 2.

Mark Frost's involvement or lack thereof is equally as important as Lynch's.

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I love weird movies and TV shows.

Twin Peaks was just shite. Very poor acting, terrible music, it was painfully boring to watch. Maybe it picks up in the second episode? I will never know because there are much better shows to spend my time watching. :speaktothehand:
Lol, so you quit watching after a pilot episode and then claimed the entire thing is terrible? GG.

I love weird movies and TV shows.

Twin Peaks was just shite. Very poor acting, terrible music, it was painfully boring to watch. Maybe it picks up in the second episode? I will never know because there are much better shows to spend my time watching. :speaktothehand:
Don't feed stray cats especially a cat named Trump.

bread's done