Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm okay with him leaving (although I get the sense you feel this way because you're not a Tennant fan)
Actually I love Tennant. His seasons had a great vivacity and humor throughout, and he's honestly a really good actor. I wish I could have seen the production of Hamlet with him and Patrick Stewart in a theater. I just found the ninth Doctor more compelling than the tenth; Eccleston really brought a lot of raw energy to the character, and Davies did a great job incorporating that energy into a really interesting character. That bitterness and anger you mention are really wonderfully represented.

9 and 10 are easily my favorite Doctors, but the ninth will always be my Doctor.

Anyway, I wasn't really trying to say that I wish we'd gotten the full set of Davies arcs starring only Eccleston, but one more season would have been amazing, I feel like the new series was only really starting to come into its own by the time Eccleston left. And yeah, while I generally don't care all that much about the specials, it'd have been nice to see him played off against some of the other Doctors, older or newer.
You guys are such nerds.

I watched all of these episodes a few years ago, and I don't remember them well enough to go into the level of detail you guys are. I just remember enjoying the first Eccleston in 2 billion, not liking the plastic episode, thinking the pterodactyl wedding was too campy (yes I know they are canon creatures), not liking Jack Harkness thrusting his member everywhere, then enjoying the Bad Wolf arc.

Tennant's acting reeled me into the series more, but Davies was still writing campy stuff and using pretty bad graphics. Donna was a great companion, and his departure with Bernard (who played the companion in the 1966 Dr. Who movie) was epic.

Matt Smith was the real Doctor to me. He was great, the supporting cast was great, and most of his stories were amazing. It stopped being campy when he arrived, which is probably due more to Moffat taking over. Season 6 and 7 were my favorites out of every season from all series. The Christmas episodes were so good.

Then there's Capaldi. He's a good Doctor, but the stories aren't really there. Bill was good. Waiting to see what they do with the female Doctor.

9 and 10 are easily my favorite Doctors, but the ninth will always be my Doctor.

Matt Smith was the real Doctor to me.

or GTFO (posers)!


or GTFO (posers)!
4 and 7 were both really good. 3 was also pretty good. They were just set in different times with different values. 11 was the first one to combine great acting, a great cast, great writing, and high production costs, and that's why Smith takes the fish custard.

And yeah, I listened to a good 400 Doctor Who audiobooks during my drives to work over the past 6 years. That's probably why the 2005-2007 series are hard for me to remember, because I've got hundreds of other Who stories to sort through.

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There seems to be a desire from many (here on CAG and elsewhere) to vehemently assert that the only reason there's any reason to complain about Humble is due to IGN buying them.
you talk as if it wasn't bad before then...


In 2018 I bought one bundle.

In 2017 I bought eight bundles.

Since IGN's purchase (October 13th 2017), I've only bought two bundles.

Maybe I've been pickier, maybe IGN sucks.

Humble has definitely been getting worse.

I've definitely bought more groupees bundles (though most were probably music) than Humbles in 2017-2018.

For fun, the rest of my year/bundle counts.

2016 11

2015 17

2014 11

2013 29

2012 9

2011 6

2010 2

Seems like 2013 was the best year. Seems to be from their Weekly Sales.

Just a warning...

Don't buy anything digital from Gamestop using guest checkout and pay via Paypal when your Paypal email address has a "+" in it because Gamestop's shitty website doesn't recognize an email address with a "+" in it as valid so you can't lookup your order history to view the code.

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Just a warning...

Don't buy anything digital from Gamestop using guest checkout and pay via Paypal when your Paypal email address has a "+" in it because Gamestop's shitty website doesn't recognize an email address with a "+" in it as valid so you can't lookup your order history to view the code.
What are you adding in your email address?

I'll show myself out.

What are you adding in your email address?

I'll show myself out.
Even though I'm sure you know, just in case you don't...

You can add "+whatever" to a gmail address for filtering purposes.

My paypal address has "+paypal" so that's where Gamestop sent the email.

You guys are such nerds.
Calls everyone a nerd... Proceeds to one up them all by admitting to listening to Dr. Who audiobooks.

Anyhow, Peter Capaldi was the best Dr. Whom. Not because I've watched Dr. Who, because I have not, but because he was amazing in the BBC's Musketeers and that show suffered when they killed of his character far too soon so who could go play the Doctor and I insist on that show's sacrifice not being in vain.

Anyhow. Rockies won tonight... Was sort of hoping for the Cubs but my happy enough with the Rockies as there's former Royals on that team too. I should be looking for the Brewers buy Ryan Braun is just the type of asshole you cannot root for. (Failed a PED test and tried to claim the specimen collector was an antisemite in an effort to defend his poor judgement.)

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I watched the one where Davison, McCoy, and Colin Baker call up Davison's daughter to coerce her husband (David Tennant) to let them be a part of the Day of the Doctor special, and John Barrowman gives them a ride to the studio in his van full of children because he's actually not gay.

And to tie this all into the Steam thread, here's a Torchwood favorite:


Here's something somewhat relevant, now that Microsoft has released some of these things on Steam:
Don't buy Rush! A Disney/Pixar Adventure.
I know, you're saying to yourself, "What the hell are you talking about? It never crossed my mind to buy this," but consider this: I was going to talk about it anyway, and, look, you're reading it, so. . . . I'm not a guy who's super-familiar with the genre of "endless runners," as this seems to be something that is at least heavily weighted toward mobile platforms. However, it's more-or-less what it sounds like, where you control a character whose objective is essentially to move from point A to point B on a map in the shortest time and with the highest score (apparently obtained by collecting gemgaws along the way) possible. The goals are never more complicated than this. It's a genre that seems tailor-made for kids and people who have the intellectual capacity of kids. While a Pixar-themed game seems like it has the potential to be an awesome idea, as the studio has several great franchises, like Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Toy Story, and some dumb franchises like Cars, dressing up an "endless runner" with Pixar trappings does not a good game make. The premise of Rush! is that you are a kid in what is essentially a Pixar theme park with VR equipment and you can go around various areas playing "missions" that are endless-runner levels. This is a fundamental waste of an opportunity. Numerous adventure games or arcade games can be (and some have been) produced using these licenses, but this one is just bad. I played this courtesy of a Game Pass deal on my XBONE, but I definitely wouldn't pay money for it and I would discourage anyone else from doing so either.

In fairness,
I'm a grown man playing a kids' game--maybe kids find this sort of thing entertaining in brief spurts, but it seems like an insult to a kid's intelligence to me.
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[blah blah endless runners blah]
Endless runners aren't meant to make you think about the nature of the universe, they're just another form of score attack games. Whether they measure that score in distance run, time taken to reach a point, or an abstract point system attained by correctly executing certain criteria, they're all essentially in the same vein as games like Tetris or Centipede—you're there to put your reflexes (and maybe pattern recognition) to the test to see if you can do better than anyone else. Or yourself, some people are into that, too.
I used to play an endless runner on my phone.  Forgot the name, but this was years ago.  You just ran trying to avoid trees and it got faster and faster.  It was an entertaining time killer in short spurts or fun game to get competitive around family with.  I recall downloading a similar zombie one a few years ago to.  I don't know why anyone would want to play it on anything other than a phone.   I guess it'd be novel on VR.  

No ... there is never a good reason to root for the Cubs. Ever.
Hockey starts tonight so I'm not sure how much I'll even follow the playoffs but I'll be honest... I will root for any team over the Indians, including the Brewers, but every other team over the Brewers.

Yes, that means I could be rooting for the Yankee or the Red Sox.

Edit: Oh, forgot to post the hockey news that's game related... Alex Ovechkin, Stanely Cup champion and greatest goal scorer of his generation (and arguably the greatest of all time), is going to be an in game commander in World of Warships. That shit is so out there I couldn't even make it up...

The trailer is great in that WTF did I just watch???

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Endless runners aren't meant to make you think about the nature of the universe, they're just another form of score attack games. Whether they measure that score in distance run, time taken to reach a point, or an abstract point system attained by correctly executing certain criteria, they're all essentially in the same vein as games like Tetris or Centipede—you're there to put your reflexes (and maybe pattern recognition) to the test to see if you can do better than anyone else. Or yourself, some people are into that, too.
Hm. Well, I guess you could argue that Pinball FX3 is also a "score attack" game, so it falls in the same general category, but it's a hell of a lot more entertaining to me than something like this.

Also, I never understood the point of Tetris. Then again, I never played with Rubik's cubes, so. . . .
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Hm. Well, I guess you could argue that Pinball FX3 is also a "score attack" game, so it falls in the same general category, but it's a hell of a lot more entertaining to me than something like this.

Also, I never understood the point of Tetris. Then again, I never played with Rubik's cubes, so. . . .
Different kinds of score attack games appeal to different kinds of people. Some are more skill-based, some are more puzzle-based, some are more memorization-based, and some are more reflex-based; some are better suited for quick occasional bursts, and others are more suited for longer stretches at a time. What you're actually doing, as well as the presentation, can have a big impact as well. For most of their players, though, they all ultimately appeal to the same basic urge—the drive to overcome others/yourself. Endless runners just tend to do that in a very bite-sized, reflex heavy format. You can almost think of most of them as deconstructed platformers in a way.
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Hm. Well, I guess you could argue that Pinball FX3 is also a "score attack" game, so it falls in the same general category, but it's a hell of a lot more entertaining to me than something like this.
Different kinds of score attack games appeal to different kinds of people. Some are more skill-based, some are more puzzle-based, some are more memorization-based, and some are more reflex-based; some are better suited for quick occasional bursts, and others are more suited for longer stretches at a time. What you're actually doing, as well as the presentation, can have a big impact as well. For most of their players, though, they all ultimately appeal to the same basic urge—the drive to overcome others/yourself. Endless runners just tend to do that in a very bite-sized, reflex heavy format. You can almost think of most of them as deconstructed platformers in a way.
I really enjoy FX3, but I'm also a fan of endless runners, especially Canabalt. Both are similar in that the best part is that any failure isn't due to something random--if I fail it's because I screwed up. And the worst part is that any failure isn't due to something random--if I fail it's because I screwed up.

Good news people! Now everyone can get a copy of Bloody Boobs without it showing up on your Steam feed. This eliminates the chance of it coming back to haunt you when you want to serve on the Supreme Court in the future. 

Fanatical's Dollar Carnage Bundle

Bloody Boobs

Goodbye My King
Watch This!
Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale
Crystal City
all for $1. Which is coincidentally how much my father loaned me when I started my billion dollar empire, because I am a self made cat. I paid him back, with interest of course, the very next day.
This eliminates the chance of it coming back to haunt you when you want to serve on the Supreme Court in the future.
In this day and age, you could be caught on tape violating the dead body of your own gram gram, shitting on the constitution while bathing in baby's blood AND they'd still swear you in with a minimum of fuss.

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In this day and age, you could be caught on tape violating the dead body of your own gram gram, shitting on the constitution while bathing in baby's blood AND they'd still swear you in with a minimum of fuss.
Only if you're a conservative Republican, though. If you're a minority liberal or Democrat, they'll call to impeach you for wearing a tan suit.

Only if you're a conservative Republican, though. If you're a minority liberal or Democrat, they'll call to impeach you for wearing a tan suit.
That's a lie and you know it. Trying to insist that Republicans were merely making a big deal out of just a choice of suit color shows that you are completely biased on this point. You know damn well that he ate Dijon Mustard, too.

Hockey starts tonight so I'm not sure how much I'll even follow the playoffs but I'll be honest... I will root for any team over the Indians, including the Brewers, but every other team over the Brewers.

Yes, that means I could be rooting for the Yankee or the Red Sox.
Honestly, I don't care much who wins the world series this year, but I'm really rooting for a sweep... getting suspicious of all these game 7s in sports these days.

Hot Price Glitch sounds like one of those poorly-translated Japanese animated porn titles on Steam. 

Hey, I think it's on sale for $8.99!

That's a lie and you know it. Trying to insist that Republicans were merely making a big deal out of just a choice of suit color shows that you are completely biased on this point. You know damn well that he ate Dijon Mustard, too.
Also eats arugula. Pretentious commie.

What is the best way to clean up my windows install? I just got the 1809 Oct windows 10 update and it ballooned my os footprint on my hard drive.

I just need something to do a little bit of cleaning on it's own. Don't need anything super in depth.

I heard that after these big updates you can run a program that cleans up the leftover install files or whatever that makes your windows 10 seem huge.
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What is the best way to clean up my windows install? I just got the 1809 Oct windows 10 update and it ballooned my os footprint on my hard drive.

I just need something to do a little bit of cleaning on it's own. Don't need anything super in depth.

I heard that after these big updates you can run a program that cleans up the leftover install files or whatever that makes your windows 10 seem huge.
Settings -> System -> Storage -> Free up space now

Should be noted that selecting to clean up "Previous Windows Installation(s)" will prevent you from rolling back to the previous version, in the event that you run into any issues with 1809.

No one probably cares, but thanks to Tamper Data (RIP in peace) I was able to bypass the shitty regex/email validation and access my Gamestop order, since Gamestop customer service is slow as Steam's (or they were just ignoring me).

Looks like Shadow Warrior 2 won the GOG 10th Anniversary giveaway contest (54% of the votes, compared to Superhot's 17% and Firewatch's 29%).

The 48 hour giveaway should begin in less than 5 minutes.

bread's done