Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Dude, I was thinking the same thing... if 2000 is considered "old". Well :censored:
My initial thought was the same, that "it was released in 2000, that's not that old." But people who have been born before the movie came out have graduated high school and are in college now, which is kind of wild to think about.

Also I think once you start making arguments about whether a movie is old or not the majority of the time it's really a proxy argument for whether or not you're old

I remember thinking about how lame my dad was for listening to oldies from the 60s like Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons when I was a kid.

Now I listen to cool songs from the 80s and 90s and OMG I'M WORSE THAN MY DAD WAS!


Hey man, there's something you oughta know I'll tell ya Park Avenue leads to Skid Row.

I remember thinking about how lame my dad was for listening to oldies from the 60s like Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons when I was a kid.

Now I listen to cool songs from the 80s and 90s and OMG I'M WORSE THAN MY DAD WAS!
Maybe you picked those games up digitally or with GWG. Xbox doesn't make you redownload when you switch to physical from digital.
Hm. No, it's weirder than that. I've checked it out with a few other games I've installed from disc. It only appears to work with games that are not part of the Game Pass. For things that are part of Game Pass, it will not launch the game and instead will tell me that I need to renew my Game Pass. This may be an undocmented feature of the system that is somehow related to the implementation of Game Pass, as this is a (relatively) new offering by Microsoft.

I'm young enough where I'm going to vote for Bernie in 2020 and just move to another country if Trump or Darth Penceus reclaims the belt. I mean I'm a white male and I own a polo so they're looking out for me, but I don't like the idea of government shutdowns and the rest of the world hating us.

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I'm young enough where I'm going to vote for Bernie in 2020 and just move to another country

Please take all the Hollywood Snowflakes ( Streisand, etc) with you who dramatically threatened to leave the US and then realized, yeahhhhhh jus kiddin....

At leat you'll have TebowDragon Bernie--backing you!

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Anthem is an MMO.  I don't expect whatever scores it gets at the moment to truly reflect what the game will be eventually.  It's not Mass Effect.  It's not some deep, story-rich RPG out of the gate.  Sure, it could have been way better out the gate, but I fully expect EA to give Bioware a chance to right the boat. 


Anthem is an MMO. I don't expect whatever scores it gets at the moment to truly reflect what the game will be eventually. It's not Mass Effect. It's not some deep, story-rich RPG out of the gate. Sure, it could have been way better out the gate, but I fully expect EA to give Bioware a chance to right the boat.
Anthem is an MMO. I don't expect whatever scores it gets at the moment to truly reflect what the game will be eventually. It's not Mass Effect. It's not some deep, story-rich RPG out of the gate. Sure, it could have been way better out the gate, but I fully expect EA to give Bioware a chance to right the boat.
Translation: Anthem, we'll bang, ok?

I'm starting to ask myself the question that a lot of bloggers/"journalists" are going to be asking.   How did Bioware get into a position where they had to put all the chips in the middle to go outside of their core competency and make a shared-world MMO shooter? 

The ME:A bomb is going to be what sealed the deal for them in the end.  Anthem should have been the game that gave them strike 1. 

I guess they are just devoid of talent at both middle and upper management these days.

You look at something like Apex Legends and can easily see in just 3-5minutes of gameplay video that the core of the game is rock solid. 

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I'm starting to ask myself the question that lots of people are going to be asking. Why did Bioware put all the chips in the middle to go outside of their core competency and make a shared-world MMO shooter?

The ME:A bomb is going to be what sealed the deal for them in the end. Anthem should have been the game that gave them strike 1.

I guess they are just devoid of talent at both middle and upper management these days.

You look at something like Apex Legends and see in 3-5minutes of gameplay video that the core of the game is rock solid.
Hmmm I really sucked at PUBG, maybe this is the new game (Apex) I can rage-quit.
Hmmm I really sucked at PUBG, maybe this is the new game (Apex) I can rage-quit.
Apex is more frustrating than PUBG to me. It's fun and a great game. It's also quicker so you can jump in and get killed faster. It's basically drop, loot, and then get into a mini team DM and die. Or live if you're good, which I'm not.

Apex is more frustrating than PUBG to me. It's fun and a great game. It's also quicker so you can jump in and get killed faster. It's basically drop, loot, and then get into a mini team DM and die. Or live if you're good, which I'm not.
Apex requires teamplay because there's so much health once you're armored up. That, and lack of solo-queueing, make it much harder to get into/learn than PUBG was.

I enjoy it, but only if I have tryhards to play with and carry me :)

Anthem currently sitting pretty at a 64.

RIP BioWare
ooophhh...that's actually worse than i thought it'd be, i was expecting like a low to mid 70s

Anthem is an MMO. I don't expect whatever scores it gets at the moment to truly reflect what the game will be eventually. It's not Mass Effect. It's not some deep, story-rich RPG out of the gate. Sure, it could have been way better out the gate, but I fully expect EA to give Bioware a chance to right the boat.
this is true, and it'll probably improve a fair bit, but with more and more games dropping their hat in the "games as a service" quasi-mmo ring, i think it's probably gonna be harder and harder to rebound from a bad start. there's no novelty to it anymore, and a lot of people i think are already kind of fatigued by the idea, so unless a game drops and is worth playing from day 1 i think it's probably going to be easy for these things to get buried.

random, but the fanatical "undercover" bundle that's out is worth a look. sexy brutale is worth 3 bucks on its own imo, so if anything else looks interesting might be worth picking up

Learn from my mistakes:

Layers of Fear - 5D9MX-8QHAI-NJTGA

johnsgame - ABQ5B-0A8M0-299JR

Innerspace - HT2QD-Z23LW-M6T9R

Fahrenheit Indigo  - 9AXDD-3THHP-7RZPJ

Lol saying Anthem is an MMO is the stupidest thing I’ve heard about the game. (Didn’t know 4 people was massively multiplayer)

Also saying the early reviews don’t asinine. So a game should get a 6-12month grace period after it comes out to get full of content?!

Hope you’re trolling...
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Anthem is an MMO. I don't expect whatever scores it gets at the moment to truly reflect what the game will be eventually. It's not Mass Effect. It's not some deep, story-rich RPG out of the gate. Sure, it could have been way better out the gate, but I fully expect EA to give Bioware a chance to right the boat.

it's just semantics.  Call it whatever you want.  I'm sure most people here understand what kind of game it is. I use the term "shared-world shooter" most, because that's what this particular subset of games is to me. You're solo most of time, sometimes your in social hubs, and sometimes it links you up with other people to clear objectives.  It also differentiates it from actual mmorpgs. 

"loot shooter"

"mmo shooter"

"borderlands clone/derivative"


"annual pass bullshit"

"Open world game" LOLOL ok that's my peeve one

The term "MMO" has lost all meaning these days anyways because no one is developing mmorpg's anymore in the classic sense. 

These loot shooters, CoD games, and Ubisoft-likes have bastardized all sorts of conventional RPG stat and leveling system too.

It has all become homogenized.

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You know what I call it. Early Access $60 in Full-Game release skin :)

On a side note we finally got ACOdyssey woooo
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I'm starting to ask myself the question that a lot of bloggers/"journalists" are going to be asking. How did Bioware get into a position where they had to put all the chips in the middle to go outside of their core competency and make a shared-world MMO shooter?

The ME:A bomb is going to be what sealed the deal for them in the end. Anthem should have been the game that gave them strike 1.

I guess they are just devoid of talent at both middle and upper management these days.

You look at something like Apex Legends and can easily see in just 3-5minutes of gameplay video that the core of the game is rock solid.
BioWare hasn't been BioWare for years. Slowly but surely, everybody who's really somebody and a big name at that studio, has left. Who's really left now? Casey Hudson (who at one point left and a bit later returned)? Mark Darrah?

The 2 Doctors, Jennifer Hepler, David Gaider, Drew Karpynshyn, Mike Laidlaw, Trent Oster, Brent Knowles - all no longer w/ BioWare.

Also, when was the last true CRPG from BioWare? DA:O maybe?

When was the point when BioWare lost its way for you entirely? This question, might differ from person-to-person - depending on their tastes and whatnot. NWN1's Original base-game campaign (eh, it was mediocre, IMHO - HOTU was redemption)? Dragon Age 2? ME3's Ending? Was it ME:A? Anthem?

I think for many, ME:A or Anthem might be that final nail in the coffin.

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bread's done