Recent content by Allnatural

  1. Allnatural

    Teen Kills 4; Judge LITERALLY Lets Him Off Because He is Rich!

    And corroborated by this very same judge. Apparently the judge pushed for rehab in this case as well, but the wildly different outcomes in these two cases...
  2. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    The best I can give you are estimates based on what tells me, which I also use to calculate the weights for the 5/3/1 sets. 6'1" ~190lbs (bodyfat a bit on the high side since I've been bulking for a while, though no idea the %) Squat 250 Bench 180 OHP 120 No deadlift...
  3. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    I lifted. Hit a new PR on the back squat (low-bar) at 235lbs, preceded by triples at 230. Still baby weights, but it felt good all the same. Nailed a single at 195 on my front squat a couple days before, which was awesome (200 is soooo close). Lifting today as well, though I'm not adding...
  4. Allnatural

    Searching For A Job - Rant/Rave/Discuss Here

    I've been fortunate that I've never been out of work for long (never underestimate the power of networking). Back in December I took a voluntary layoff from my previous job as a carpet cleaner. Easily the worst job I've ever worked, so I was happy to leave it. Within a few weeks I had landed a...
  5. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    If that works for you, great, but don't assume that working out more days will always give you better results. It's the resting, eating, and sleeping between workouts that builds muscle. If you need more calories, add some healthy fats to your diet. Nuts are a great choice, and add some extra...
  6. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    As was already mentioned, eat. Diet will be crucial. Look up any of the numerous TDEE calculators online and figure out how many caloires you'll need to gain lean mass. it's not an exact science, but it'll give you a general idea of what you'll need. As for your workout, it really doesn't need...
  7. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    Based on what I've heard/read (and I admit it could be brosciense) .5lbs is about as much *lean* mass as you can realistically gain per week. More than that and you're packing on some fat as well.
  8. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    Badass! I wish I could do deadlifts. Working out at home, in an apartment, prevents it. I have hit 210lbs on the Romanian deadlift though, for reps. Feeling good about that. :)
  9. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    That's cool. We all have different goals, and you obiously did good in losing the weight. :)
  10. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    Really? I'm about the same height and at 160lbs I was lanky as fuck. I'm trying to get my lean mass up to at least 180.
  11. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    Squats are killing me. It's a loooong trip from top to bottom for my lanky legs. Was doing 205lbs (pathetic) comfortably for sets of 6. 210....nah. Think I'll have to deload a bit. Legs are gettin' bigger though. Flat bench, gone. I was continually stalling at 170. After a few resets I gave up...
  12. Allnatural

    CAG Beer Drinkers Unite! Beer Snobs and Cheap Ass Drunks Welcome!

    I missed Hopslam this year. The places that sell it in my area sell out quickly. :(
  13. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    There was a thread here a while back on the topic. Much ridicule was heaped upon the OP, and good times were had. Granted, he was going for a more extreme version, though I don't remember the details. If your goal is weight loss, there are better (and healthier) ways to do it. If your goal is...
  14. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    No harm in taking a break until you feel better, especially if it's a full-body sickness. Last time I tried to workout with a severe cold I though I was going to die.
  15. Allnatural

    CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

    This has been my go-to song (and album) when going all-out with the weights: Never do squats without it.
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