Recent content by Ninjas in a Box

  1. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Rangers if you see this, I am on right now.
  2. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    I should be on tonight to play my games. This week has been a rough on for me so I haven't been able to play. Let me know when you guys can play tonight.
  3. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Yeah that's what I thought too when I quit that would have given him the win. I hope he forgives me after this. If not i understand.
  4. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Okay enough guys I know what I did was wrong. I get it. If dark tower wants to play the game again that's fine. I'll stay back to run the clock down.
  5. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Yeah I get that. I'm gonna let dark tower decide if he wants to play again or not. Let him score 4 goals on me and I'll sit back to let the game go by faster.
  6. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Is that what you want to do then? Fine by me. That's if you want to play again. And I am sorry about the first game, I shouldn't have done that.
  7. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    I was going to let you win that game man. Nate, I'll just make easy for everyone and quit the league.
  8. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Halo 4 looks really good. I was amazed with graphics and gameplay. Looks like this new company took the visuals into a darker route instead of the somewhat cartoon look.
  9. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Sounds good. I'll see ya on around that time.
  10. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Boston, Pittsburgh, Tampa bay and Florida, I'll be on today to play my games. I had server issues with NHL 13 and it wouldnt let me connect to gm yesterday. Plus, I've been a little under the weather as well.
  11. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Minnesota, Montreal, and buffalo go ahead and play my CPU because I'm not sure I'll be able to make it on tonight either.
  12. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Whaaaaaaat... You mean that wouldn't go through?! Lol oh well, people can dream. I hear Drayson Bowman is supposed to be the next Pavel Datsyuk or something plus Nate said we are rolling 25 seasons in this league so buckle up boys. Yeah I was trying to make some moves with New Jersey and they...
bread's done