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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread VII

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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    I saw two like new wifi vitas on Tues or Wed. They usually show up from 5-10 and they disappear in 5 minutes so have one click ready. Good luck!
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    They actually had a like new wifi vita for $174 and another like new for $185 yesterday at around 5:30-6 I told my friend to get it, but he didn't want it
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    My very good 3G vita was brand new with memory card and ar cards, but the box was beat up badly
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    fuck my 3g vita is being delivered by fuck lasership its going to be stolen more than likely as with my past orders from them
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    What do I need to look out for on the vita I bought?
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    What is a "medium mark on disc"? i was surprised to see that $209 vita sit around for a good 10 minutes
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    Thanks, got the uncharted vita. drake's fortune is the name of the first game on ps3 :)
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

    did they have more than 1 FEB for $214? because I got one too! with a $50 amazon giftcard making it $165, I couldnt resist
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread IV

    yup i agree one of my favorite underrated games it is like monster hunter so fact there is a code to unlock a monster hunter armor set
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    Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread IV

    Thanks clevelandbrowns and shadowkast for castlevania $15.99 been waiting all year for that kinda price
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    Arcana Heart 3 (PS3) PAL Disc $33 Shipped

    yea this deal isnt dead i just ordered mine for about $33US and wont charge your card until they ship
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    MAG 13.55 Prime shipping available

    Theres much better games for $13 like enslaved, majin, dead space, littlebigplanet, metal gear solid 4
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    Arcana Heart 3 (PS3) PAL Disc $33 Shipped

    How did you select united states on sendit? I dont see it...
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    Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction $15.99 Newegg

    Thanks but i got both last week for $12 each on amazon warehouse deals
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    Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (X360) $14.99 Newegg

    I will be the first to say this game rocks! I had a lot of fun and dont listen to the negative nancys
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    Amazon Credit Deals - Borderlands 2 and More

    Dont do it I heard theres only 8 hours and its too easy Its got a 5.2 out of 10 on metacritic
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    Amazon Credit Deals - Borderlands 2 and More

    my order of the mortal kombat tournament edition isnt coming until friday!? WHAT!?
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    Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (360) $10.52 (PS3) $19.94 at Amazon - Prime Eligible

    i bought it too, i love zelda and ico/shadow of the colossus i feel like theres so many underrated games this year with this and enslaved isn't beyond good and evil hd coming out to psn soon?
bread's done