1,000 Ways to Die - 70 and counting.


10 (100%)
1,000 Ways to Die is a show on Spike TV with prime examples of Darwinism and just plain bad luck.

Check the official site for the video of a number you're interested in seeing more on. http://www.spike.com/show/27237

Season 2 is 'bound: http://seat42f.com/index.php/latest...-new-seasons-of-1000-ways-to-die-and-manswers

Episode 1
208: Semi-cide
A man is split in half by an 18-wheeler while working under his car in a parking lot. His torso and legs were accidentally sent to separate hospitals.

422: Constriction Accident
A construction worker is buried under three tons of sand and dies from crush asphyxia.

092: Fang Banged
A drunken man is shot at by his equally drunken brother. When he ducks, he falls onto a rattlesnake, which bites him close to his heart.

832: Lesbocution
A woman returning to her friend's house for lesbian sexual relations steps barefoot into a puddle with a live wire in it and touches a metal pole, electrocuting herself.

125: Love Bugged
An amateur entomologist and herpetologist dies from a Black Widow spider bite in a misguided attempt to build an immunity to Black Widow venom.

640: Tumble Die
A man is trapped inside an industrial clothes dryer, dying of hyperthermia.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 2
293: Freeze Died
A man is intentionally trapped in a meat freezer after impregnating his mob-connected employer's teenage granddaughter and dies of hypothermia.

713: Dive Bombed
A group of friends fly themselves home from the Caribbean in a private plane shortly after going scuba diving. At 12,000 ft, they all suffer from decompression sickness and crash.

091: De-Coffinated
A land dispute between two brothers in Haiti ends with one brother contacting a witch doctor to poison the other with tetrodotoxin, causing paralysis. Believed to be dead, the poisoned brother is buried alive, and his corpse is later found by grave robbers.

606: Wet Dream
A man who wants to live like a fish constructs a fish-suit out of waterbed material and attempts to use it. The suit is so constricting, however, that he cannot get into the water fast enough, and he perishes from heat exhaustion.

112: Fur Burger
In the 2nd century, one method of execution was wrapping the victim in freshly-killed animal skins, tying him to a tree, and leaving him to be pecked to death by vultures.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 3
064: Habeus Corpse
A lawyer's prank turns deadly when he smashes through a window on the 34th floor of his office building, trying to demonstrate its unbreakability.

288 Chippin' Dale
A man clearing brush gets his foot caught in a wood chipper trying to clear a jam.

226: Gasketballed
A couple climb into a giant helium-filled basketball, but are suffocated due to lack of oxygen.

199: Me So Hornet
A man shoots a hornet's nest with a paintball gun in an effort to remove it from a tree. The hornets attack him, triggering anaphylactic shock due to an unknown allergy to hornet venom.

952: Dumbrella
A sword swallower on the skids takes a bet to swallow an umbrella, only to accidentally hit the release and cause it to lodge in his esophagus, closing off his trachea.

674: Kill-Do
A nymphomaniac uses a peeled carrot as a sex toy. A sharp edge on the carrot causes a cut in her vagina, and the motion of masturbation forces air into the laceration, causing an air embolism.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 4
818: Frightmare
A woman suffers from SUNDS (Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome), and dies from cardiac arrest in her sleep, brought on from an intense nightmare she couldn't wake up from.

097: Oprah Win-fried
A death row inmate watching television on his metallic prison toilet is electrocuted when he grabs an exposed portion of the television power cord.

412: Em-Bear-Assed
A man under the influence of psilocybin comes across a group of furries engaged in sexual encounters around a campfire in the desert, and attempts to join in, but is rebuffed. He mistakes a nearby brown bear for one of the participants and is mauled.

625: Midnight Choker
A man impresses bar patrons by swallowing a billiard ball (the 8-ball in particular) and then bringing it back up. He repeats the trick with the heavier cue ball, but the extra weight causes the ball to get lodged in his throat, asphyxiating him.

269: Window Pained
A peeping tom spies on a woman dancing around her house in lingerie. He partially enters a window to get a better look, but is spotted and accidentally hits the window support. The window breaks his neck between the C2 and C3 vertebrae, killing him.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 5
04: Wel-Dead
A man connects a welder to his ear piercings to administer an electric shock and adrenaline rush. He turns the voltage on the welder to the maximum, and the electricity interrupts his natural electrical rhythms, causing cardiac arrest.

230: Trailer Trashed
A man attempts to unclog his RV's toilet with bleach. The bleach reacts with the sewage to form chlorine gas, which suffocates him.

171: Nite Capped
A man is shot on New Year's Eve by a bullet fired into the air by revelers a few miles away.

385: Sh*t Faced
An alcoholic recovering from throat surgery asks his wife to give him an enema consisting of sherry. The alcohol bypasses the digestive tract and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream unfiltered by the liver, causing alcohol poisoning.

197: Dead Eye
A high school physical education teacher demonstrates the javelin and makes an impressive throw. Running to retrieve the javelin, he turns around and yells at the class, only to impale himself through the eye on the javelin while turning back around.

319: Domin-a-dead
A man dies from an unknown allergy to latex after being subjected to wear a latex suit by a dominatrix. A ball gag prevents him from properly voicing his condition.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 6
610: Deep Fried
A man with anger issues is fired from his job in a metal workshop. When he confronts the foreman, he is knocked into a vat of hydrochloric acid.

892: Gorgeous Gorge
A bulimic model binges, and her stomach ruptures before she can purge.

347: Re-Tired
A porn addict inflating a truck tire is distracted by a pornographic magazine. He is killed by shrapnel from the metal tire rim when the tire explodes from overinflation.

652: Botoxicated
A woman, desperate to get rid of her wrinkles, hires an inexperienced doctor to administer botox in her home. The man unknowingly injects pure botulism into her face, resulting in intense pain and paralysis. While lying in a hot tub to relax, the woman's entire body becomes paralyzed and she drowns.

498: Choke-A-Lot
Two extremely dim-witted men start throwing cocoa powder at each other in a confined room. The powder gets into their lungs and they are asphyxiated.

629: Sex Ray
A man is having an x-ray of his head taken when the doctor and nurse begin having sexual intercourse in the control room. They accidentally hit the exposure button repeatedly while having sex, eventually giving the patient a lethal dose of radiation.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 7
314: Dung For (originally Sh*t Happens)
A farm-hand hides from an angry farmer in a manure truck after being caught messing with the farmer's daughter. Another load of manure is dumped on the farm-hand, suffocating him.

622: Brain Worms
A couple eat live snails and ingest Angiostrongylus cantonensis, parasites that travel through their bloodstreams to their brains, where they feed on their brain matter until they die.

401: Abracadaver
A second-rate magician attempts to perform the famed "bullet catch trick". Part of his wand becomes lodged in the gun's barrel, and when the assistant fires the blank in his direction for the illusion, the wand chunk is shot into his jugular vein, and he bleeds to death.

429: Weed Whacked
Two stoners run out of marijuana, so they look for other things to light up. Unfortunately, they unwittingly decide on North America's most toxic plant: poison sumac.

221: Rebel Without A Pulse
Soon after the American Civil War, a Confederate deserter is ordered to be executed via firing squad. All of the shooters miss, but the deserter dies anyway from a massive heart attack caused by hearing the shots.

510: Kill Basa
A man who wants to sport a "large package" uses surgical tubing to tie a 12-inch kielbasa sausage to his groin. Hours later, he collapses and dies from a resulting blood clot in his artery.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 8
770: Face Offed
A Las Vegas showgirl shaves her legs with a rusty razor blade. When she cuts herself, she contracts Group A streptococcal infection, which develops into necrotizing fasciitis ("flesh-eating" bacteria) that eats away her face after surfacing in a pimple.

047: Re-Coiled
A survivalist living alone in the wilderness is killed when a snake pulls the trigger on his rifle when he picks it up.

301: Sucked Offed
An escaped female convict hides from police for forty-five minutes in a 55-degree lake, while leeches suck her blood. When she comes out of the water, she is too weak from hypothermia and blood loss to move further and dies of exposure.

312: Re-Formed
A thief hides in a dumpster, and the dumpster is emptied into a garbage truck. Another dumpster is emptied on top of him, and the load of trash is compacted, crushing him.

963: Fin-Ished
A woman catches a fish, and as she pulls it from the water, it flies through the air and lodges in her throat, choking her.

553: Butt Plugged
A newly-released con shoves a can of pepper spray into his rectum to avoid detection by a police officer. When the officer shoves the con against his truck, the can is activated, soaking the con's inner colon with the spray, which eats it away.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 9
502: Gas-Hole
An escaped con hides out in the wilderness. Wanting to get drunk but having no booze, he syphons the gasoline from his motorcycle, thinking he can drink it because it contains ethanol. When he vomits it back up into his campfire, he is engulfed in flames.

001: Ichiboned
A young, shy Japanese couple were too repressed to even consummate their marriage by making love. After 7 years and a bottle of plum wine, they tried once more, and this time succeeded. Their hearts weren't physically ready for such a shock, however, and they both died from cardiac arrest after achieving simultaneous orgasms.

518: Jake N' Baked
A narcolepsy patient working as a metal worker falls asleep in a curing oven, and when a co-worker unknowingly locks him in and turns it on, he bakes to death.

734: Die It
A woman, desperate to lose weight, swallows tapeworm larvae. They ate everything she did, and eventually bred and spread throughout her body.

499: Pained Gun
A pair of high-school boys film themselves shooting a paintball gun around their neighborhood. When the gun malfunctions, it shoots an air canister at 200 mph into the larynx of one of the teens, breaking his neck.

283: Deadliest Catch
An electrician tries his hand at fishing to calm his nerves, but is frustrated by not being able to make a catch. He strings an electrical wire into the lake to kill the fish, but accidentally steps off the wooden boat seat with his bare feet onto the metal of the boat floor, electrocuting himself.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 10
077: Red, White and Blew
A group of rednecks attempt to celebrate the Fourth of July by launching a homemade firework from a homemade launcher. When it fails to work, one of them looks down the barrel of the launcher, and the firework explodes in his face, shattering his skull into his brain.

756: Bank Ruptured
A man with the eating disorder Pica manages to fill his stomach with metal objects, which eventually cut the surrounding veins and arteries, filling his stomach with blood. The stomach soon bursts and spills blood into his abdomen.

066: Guitar Zeros
Two Chinese heavy metal music enthusiasts spend their nights doing air guitar and listening to loud rock music while jumping back and forth on their beds. This ends when one of the men slips off the bed next to the window and falls 6 stories. His friend follows suit and also jumps to his death.

196: Radium Girls
A group of women who work at a factory that uses paint with radium to create fluorescent watch faces notice that the paint also glows when applied to their skin. The radium eventually seeps into their bones after repeated applications, causing bone cancer.

638: Oz Holed
Two teenagers obsessed with rock legend Ozzy Osbourne snort fire ants in celebration of Ozzfest, believing an urban legend that Osbourne had supposedly done the same with fellow rocker Nikki Sixx. The ants immediately latch onto their nasal cavities and trachea and proceed to bite and sting them repeatedly, causing swelling and eventual suffocation.

710: Tanked Girl
A female scuba diver waits in a decompression chamber after making an emergency swim back to the surface. A crew worker accidentally releases the pressure of the room, causing her body to instantly explode.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 11
117: Gut Busted
A man starts belching constantly while on a date due to numerous peptic ulcers lining his stomach. Thinking the belching is simply due to gas, he asks his date to punch him in the stomach to stop it. Instead, the impact causes his stomach to burst.

417: DestRoid
A body builder who uses anabolic steroids and human growth hormones on a daily basis dies of a heart attack due to cardiomyopathy caused by the steroids.

078: Text Dead
A man is texting his girlfriend while driving, arguing about where she should be picked up. Since neither of them are paying attention to where they are going, the man accidentally runs over his girlfriend with his half-ton pickup truck when she unknowingly steps out in front of it.

210: Pissed Off
An Irishman on a golf course in the United States is recovering his ball from the rough when a rat runs up his pants leg, scratches his leg, and urinates on him. The urine seeps into the scratch, causing leptospirosis, which kills him a week later.

222: Car Jacked
A car thief attempts to steal a sports car by descending from the garage ceiling by a rope. His leg becomes tangled in his rope, leaving him suspended upside down. Unable to free himself, the thief eventually dies from rising blood pressure and multiple strokes caused by the venous hemmoraging in his skull.

201: Blown Job
A drunken clown, who had suffered from coulrophobia as a child, drives to a kiddie party for his next job. When he stops short in front of the party, a canister of CO2 is activated, inflating a giant balloon while he is still in the car. He is too drunk to sense the danger until it is too late, and dies when the balloon pins him inside the car and he suffocates.[/hiddenlist]

Episode 12
447: Water Logged
A college student jumps from a cliff into a lake and hits the water at an angle that causes water to rush into his rectum, rupturing his large intestine.

302: Funny Boned
A man dies of cardiac arrest after a 36 hour attack of uncontrollable laughter.

072: Bowed Out
Two Japanese men accidentally bump heads while bowing to each other, rupturing an aneurysm in one's brain.

277: You're So Vein
An inmate is executed by lethal injection, but the poison doesn't take effect until the strap restraining his arm, which acted as a tourniquet, is undone.

085: Doggie Style
A drunken shoplifter chokes on a hotdog he shoved down his throat as he fled a convenience store.

403: Heart On
A man is electrocuted when he attaches jumper cables to a cow heart and uses it as a sex toy.[/hiddenlist]
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[quote name='Shrapnellistic'] A college student jumps from a cliff into a lake and hits the water at an angle that causes water to rush into his rectum, rupturing his large intestine.[/QUOTE]


Damn, what a way to go. I might have to check this show out. What day / time is it on?
I just watched this for the first time last night. Water bursting your rectum = LAME.

I also enjoyed the one where the dude got electrocuted by fucking a cow heart being pumped with electricity.
Why'd you wait till the day after the season finale to start the thread?

This show is pretty enjoyable. I've watched both seasons.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Didn't know the season was over, I just caught re-runs and am watching clips on the official site that I've yet to see myself.[/QUOTE]

Ah, okay. The water up the rectum episode was the finale. Not sure when season 3 starts.
Season 2 is 'bound: http://seat42f.com/index.php/latest...-new-seasons-of-1000-ways-to-die-and-manswers

The season finale drew an impressive 1.8 million viewers, its largest ever audience. The series is also a hit on Spike.com as it was the most-watched video content in February and the show's premiere drove traffic up 127% in weekly unique visitors.

They should easily hit all 1,000 if Darwin Awards is credible.

'Narly stuff. Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic pistol anyone? Or how about jumping on a 25 year old mine when drunk, third world roulette style.
Worst thing I ever heard was a guy getting buried in hot asphalt when he was standing behind a truck some other guy dumped out. The other guys on the crew couldn't even save him because digging him out by hand burned through their gloves, and even if you get him out, he's fucked anyway.
606: Wet Dream
A man who wants to live like a fish constructs a fish-suit out of waterbed material and attempts to use it. The suit is so constricting, however, that he cannot get into the water fast enough, and he perishes from heat exhaustion.

In episode 4, how could they possibly know the woman was having a nightmare if she never awakened to describe it? A variation on the 'if you dream you're falling and don't wake up before you hit the ground, you'll die' gag.
I believe the brain waves you give off while having a nightmare are different from normal dreams or non-dream sleep, and since it sounds like she suffered from a sleep illness they had probably been monitoring her sleep patterns, but I could be wrong. I'm glad I haven't watched this show, I don't think I could handle it
bread's done