$1.75€[$2.50]/Day for Leaving Your PC On! ALSO, Paying 75% on ALL Sites!

ya ummmm it puts shit load of like ads on bottom of my screen and top, it goes your infected, then changed my background to blue saying spyware detected, and everytime your online its disconnecting me
ya we will see hahaha im up to a whole dollar!!!! WOW! XD regardless ummm ya thanks for method but also lol like i said i saw a thread saying 10 days, and one for months end, either way i have a question Since they pay in Euro (isn't that higher then USD) so wouldn't the $5 turn into like $6 or whatever?
[quote name='Xfactor19990']sweet so when i cash out im actually getting $7.50, im confused tho, are they paying me 7.5 cents a hour? Or ten cents?[/quote]

The math in the OP seems to be a little off. You do earn 0.075 euros an hour, which equals 10.53 cents. Thus, over 24 hours, you'd earn $2.5272. I don't know if they'll round up because that's like giving away money, and since this is a continuous thing, the only time it would be relevent is when you're cashing out. Either way, I'm almost up to 4 euros, but I'd really like to see Sling's payment go through before we all rack up too much money.
Haha, and on a related note, I just received an email newsletter from them, which I took over to Babelfish to be translated, and here's what I got.

About disbursements: Particularly the new members would like we again to point out that we disburse to 20. the subsequent month. That requested disbursements are called by 20 September are booked in August.
Soooooo...that means Sling won't be due to receive his payment until October 20th. I've seen sites use methods like this before, and it's a great way to lengthen the redemption process and make excuses for why payments haven't been made. I'm filing this one under "I'll believe it when I see it".
I think I'm going to ease up when I get to 6-7 euros. If they're not willing to send me that, there's no chance in hell they'd send me 20. Don't want to risk pissing them off right out of the gate.
[quote name='Slingshot377']Takes no effort running the method I posted above. By October 20th I will probablys have over $100 euros to cash out.[/quote]

Well, that's true. It doesn't take much effort. I'd just hate to get my hopes up, looking forward to $100+...and then get F'd in the A. That would be mildly upsetting, lol.
[quote name='Xfactor19990']anyone get payment? It seems the topic creator stopped bumping[/quote]

Sounds like a scam, I wouldn't bother with it.
Haven't checked this thread in awhile, but those who didn't bother to read what I posted a month ago, here it is for you again. The following is from an email newsletter that I received from inetcash which was then translated on Babelfish:

About disbursements: Particularly the new members would like we again to point out that we disburse to 20. the subsequent month. That requested disbursements are called by 20 September are booked in August.
Soooooo...that means the OP won't be due to receive his payment until October 20th. I've seen sites use methods like this before, and it's a great way to lengthen the redemption process and make excuses for why payments haven't been made. I'm filing this one under "I'll believe it when I see it".
None of us are due to receive payment yet. Obviously, this whole thing seems too good to be true, but I can't call bullshit until after 10/20.
[quote name='Xfactor19990']so here we are judgement day, did they pay?[/quote]

Well, I haven't received anything to my paypal yet, but when I log into the site and check my payout history, it says "in progress". I'll give them about a week to get things taken care of. Then we'll see where we stand. Honestly, considering the surfbar doesn't even really download/install properly, I wouldn't be surprised if this is supposed to be dead. Guess we'll see.
Well, I can finally provide true confirmation that this is bogus. I actually submitted a support ticket to them (using Babelfish to translate my question to German) about a week ago, inquiring about my outstanding payment. They responded today with this (again...translated by Babelfish):

we nibble still at the inability to pay of one of the marking out. It is this mark other one than with nevertheless our predecessors. Remaining marking out are absolutely solvent, have unfortunately inch for a long time dates of payment. Partly with clauses, on which we cannot count concretely. Here an example: We pay end of the subsequent month to beginning of the month following on it. In the case of good has these marking out to 14. of the Subsequent month paid in the worst case these marking out on 7. of the month following on it paid. We know that it is not your problem, but if we us let in for the failure of marking out not gone häten, we would have never come into payment problems. The sum which we from the evenly specified marking out to get have is sufficient, in order to transact all missing August disbursements and all Septembers disbursements. The problem which we it has is that INetCash.de grew too fast. But by the long dates of payment just as fast the funds did not clean-come. If we got over this phase now, then it continues to go in the future flowing, since now also regularly the large funds clean-come. This mark will not remain hanging anybody on its disbursements, as with our predecessors. Those are not exhortations to hold out separate facts. We know that InetCash.de has this mark a solid future, it however in the future also everything of it will be convinced. It does suffering to us that it runs so holperig for the moment and we must ourselves excuse for it. But everyone can contribute to the fact that we remain in the future no more on the distance. The following partner pays us with appropriate mass at free test runs a bonus in high of a whole Monthly payment, if 500 test runs are made by you


In addition comes that this partner pays fast, and amit is also helpful
to plug our fiscal gap. Also the partner under
http://lotto.ich-finde.com pays up to 12,-- EUR per free
Registreierung, additionally gets everyone that free of charge
registers still another Lotto assets at a value of 2 there,-- EUR,
which corresponds exactly to two Lotto rows. This money stands for us
at 15. the subsequent month for order which then before the next
disbursement is exact. We strive to realise naturally in the future the
disbursements time near. And we know 100%ig that everyone gets its
money and also in the long term. Fact is, we in the coming days the
financial means will have all disbursements to transact.
With kind regards

Patrick Winter
bread's done