$10 Amazon Gift Card for quick, 10-question survey!

OP Hasn't been on for a couple weeks...he had a total of 5 posts...this was started on 8/19/14...

Even if it was BS, we helped the guy out, right?
Yeah that's true but a lot of us would have helped out without the extra BS anyway.

But maybe he's just been busy or something.

Yeah that's true but a lot of us would have helped out without the extra BS anyway.
I am with you on that. If I see something where someone asks for a vote or something I'm in. It takes 3 minutes out of my day, and they can win something. I think 100% of the time, the person was grateful for the help. Openfire is developing something we can benefit from, so who gives a damn about a couple bucks.

Sorry, guys, it's been a little while! Just a quick update, since people were wondering:

There were three winners who were chosen randomly and contacted via email. The feedback that I got from the survey was awesome, and it's helping me build an even better site. Things are going a little bit slowly since this is just a side-project for me, but I'm finding time to work on it in spite of all my other commitments (I'm taking 18 credits to finish my degree and working two part-time jobs, doing an internship, and starting a company right now, which is why I haven't been on in a while).

Hopefully I'll have a beta live in the next couple months. I really appreciate all of the feedback that I've gotten, and there were some fantastic ideas that I'm working into the site, but I'm still just one guy building it. Thanks for your patience! I'll keep you guys up-to-date!

Did anyone here win or is this guy just full of crap?

I don't think it was a real contest.

Anyone from CAG win to prove me wrong? 

bread's done