12 year old arrested for playing with Gameboy before Christmas

Good for her, sounds like he needs to learn a few lessons. At least she cares enough about her son to try and help him so he doesn't become another worthless adult.
my thoughts are the mom or grandmom who called the cops on the kid should get hauled into jail for calling the police for a dumbass reason. theres plenty of real crime out there dont bring the cops into some pety shit that we as kids always do during christmas. me personally when we did celebrate xmas id always poke holes in places you couldnt see to get a glimpse of what was in the boxes.

if she wanted to punish the kid take his games away and give them to charity or something or pretend to do so and then while everyone else is opening presents let him suffer in silence and then a week or so later give him his shit and say dont ever do that again or i will give your toys away problem solved.
[quote name='lokizz']my thoughts are the mom or grandmom who called the cops on the kid should get hauled into jail for calling the police for a dumbass reason. theres plenty of real crime out there dont bring the cops into some pety shit that we as kids always do during christmas. me personally when we did celebrate xmas id always poke holes in places you couldnt see to get a glimpse of what was in the boxes.

if she wanted to punish the kid take his games away and give them to charity or something or pretend to do so and then while everyone else is opening presents let him suffer in silence and then a week or so later give him his shit and say dont ever do that again or i will give your toys away problem solved.[/QUOTE]

i'd be surprised if there hasn't been 12 years of bad parenting before this. kids are curious...if they know a Xmas present is around, they're gonna look for it and find it. I always looked for mine, but never found them since my dad apparently always kept them at his office until Xmas eve. Just because I looked doesn't make me a bad kid.

Taking a swing at an officer is a little out of line, but I'd be interested in hearing how the family has raised and disciplined the kid until this point. I'd be a pretty bitter little kid if every misstep i took got me hauled away in cuffs.
It was actually probably a DS, but with some media outlets continuing lack of knowledge towards modern day videogames, they just call it a Gameboy.
[quote name='klwillis45']Yes, let's waste the cops time on this instead of handling your parental duties yourself. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Kind of what I though...Not to mention how much benefit will this kid see by getting kicked out of school.

If she really wanted to teach a lesson, just take the gift away. But I am sure she didn't want to deal with the hissy fit that kid would throw when he couldn't find his present on Christmas. The authorities probably would've ended up involved then.
This reminds me of something I did in 1992. My parents had wrapped two presents that were quite obviously video games. They put them under the tree a couple weeks before Christmas. When my parents weren't home I took the presents and slit the tape on the sides, slit the packaging, and replaced the two games (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Axelay) with two other SNES games. I played both the games and beat them before Christmas.

I learned my own lesson on Christmas morning when I opened the two games and had to pretend to be excited. My parents never found out what I did, but I had a guilty conscience about the whole thing and a lousy boring Christmas vacation.

Since that time I've never snooped around for another gift. I've learned that anticiapation is sometimes more fun than the gift itself.
Well, I just read the article and I give props to the mom for at least doing something. Most parents would've just let him have the present - especially since most kids today are whiny brats (since a huge lack of discipline in child rearing is popluar right now with the parents who are trying to be their kids' "friend" first, parent second).

Besides, I'm sure the cops weren't doing crap since most of the time they are not out fighting crime but waiting for a phone call to lead them to crime.

Anyway, we've all got an opinion on what should have been done when we should really just be thankful something was done.

Oh, and props to Nintendo for being so desirable! :)
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It was actually probably a DS, but with some media outlets continuing lack of knowledge towards modern day videogames, they just call it a Gameboy.[/QUOTE]

Uhm.. this is South Carolina, VG... it was probably a GBA, non-SP.
She's 27 years old with a 12 year old -- meaning she had the baby at 15.
Something tells me she doesn't know much about proper parenting to begin with.
excellent observation. i had pictured an old granny saving her Social Security for months, but now i imagine grandma is something like 45.
[quote name='Silencer']She's 27 years old with a 12 year old -- meaning she had the baby at 15.[/quote]

Good point. Howevery, it still doens't say anything about her parenting skills. Just that she had sex at a young age. How many people do you know had sex at 15? Me, lots. Now, maybe not all of them got pregnant, but nothing's 100% full proof - condoms, birth control, etc.

But still a good point.
Attention-defecit disorder must be hard to deal with. I can't judge the lady since I have no idea how it is to raise a kid like that. Sounds like the kid needed a serious reality check regardless of what people think of her parenting skills.
Now that was some good reading.

Today - petty larceny from family.

Tomorrow - Grand Theft Auto: South Carolina Stories.
[quote name='thebob101']Good for her, sounds like he needs to learn a few lessons. At least she cares enough about her son to try and help him so he doesn't become another worthless adult.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, at least if he does turn out worthless she can say hey I tried.
The kid was a lost cause anyways. Mom too for that matter.

He's going to have a run in with a 4 year old power ranger sometime in the future.
[quote name='TahoeMax']excellent observation. i had pictured an old granny saving her Social Security for months, but now i imagine grandma is something like 45.[/QUOTE]

it was the kids great grandmother
Seriously though, people always talk about getting the kids straight while their young, not while their commiting a felony at 17 and throwing their life away. I think this is a complete waste of taxpayer's money, but hey... if it works, it would be concidered a good investment. Lets hope it pans out.

My girlfriend's boss is about as perfect as a mother can be, and one son is going to an expensive arts school, while the other is a fucking retard who was kicked out of school, arrested multiple times and is now having sex with a woman twice his age for rent. Sometimes, all the parenting the the world doesnt help.
I wasn't surprised at all when I read it took place in Rock Hill, SC. I lived a mile north of there in Fort Mill, which is pretty much the boundary of modern civilization in that area. Everything south of Fort Mill is a ghetto.
[quote name='Cracka']it was the kids great grandmother[/quote]

Oho, so it was...

Now I'm imagining early to mid-60s...still not the helpless old lady I had initially pictured. still needs another generation in this family.
[quote name='lokizz']my thoughts are the mom or grandmom who called the cops on the kid should get hauled into jail for calling the police for a dumbass reason. theres plenty of real crime out there dont bring the cops into some pety shit that we as kids always do during christmas. me personally when we did celebrate xmas id always poke holes in places you couldnt see to get a glimpse of what was in the boxes.

if she wanted to punish the kid take his games away and give them to charity or something or pretend to do so and then while everyone else is opening presents let him suffer in silence and then a week or so later give him his shit and say dont ever do that again or i will give your toys away problem solved.[/QUOTE]

This kid is 12 and already swinging on cops. I could understand your comments if it was little johnny that stole his gameboy. But this kid is 12 and already having problems with the law. I think they did the right thing. Police, and authorities intervening in this kids life now. This could make him a better person, and keep him from becoming some type of a criminal in the future.
Well, not sure how many of you caught it, but I just happened to be channel-surfing, and the extremely mediocre Jimmy Kimmel just had this kid and his mom on for a 'live' interview. The kid seemed fairly petrified and kept answering all of Kimmel's inane questions with a "Yes" that was strangely too close-sounding to the one that Nicole Sullivan's recurring Mad TV character "Antonia" always said. (Wow...Kimmel and Mad TV...I'm really goin' top-notch here, aren't I?)

They did a lame reenactment of the 'crime' featuring the kid, Brandon, his mom, Brandi, and a couple other guys that actually looked like the supporting cast members from Chappelle Show. The segment culminated with Kimmel having a grip hand the kid a golden gift bag with the entire series of Oz on DVD, seeing as how he wasn't getting the GBA, but only "necessities" from his mom (who was HUGE, by the way).

Two questions: why give these idiots any more attention? It's not even a particularly interesting or funny story, just pathetic. Also, was I the only person who reflexively assumed the family was more of the 'Larry the Cable Guy' persuasion/skin pigmentation?

EDIT: Even Conan got in on the action, but just referencing it in a joke. After briefly describing the set-up he said, "Yeah, the boy said he no longer believes in Santa, but now believes his mother's a crazy bitch." That's better.
It was actually the grandmother's gift to the kid. I'm sure technological ignorance had a lot to do with it, but most likely so did the price difference and that special kind of grandmacentric cheapassness.

And for those still wondering, yes, it was at least a GBA SP.
I thought it to be hilarious.

And it begs the question: if your kid is such a pain in the ass, why do you get him a game system for Christmas? Isn't that just encouraging him?
What I would say to this is there are kids out there some of u have no idea about who have mental problems they make them act out constantly that can be hurtful to others as well as themselves.

The old 'that mom or dad is lazy they need to give them an ass whippin' is bullshit that kid gets mad goes to school gives off the wrong impression and ur ass goes to jail over that ass whippin.
You could be the president of the united states a doctor who operates on babys hearts when it comes down to it a kids word is worth more than yours 99 times out of a hundred.

And a kid who has problems like that mentaly is likely to try to get the parent introuble on purpose.
Im realy suprised that a cop would arrest usualy police never wanna deal with calls about kids .
Thats pretty stupid. Just because he has behaviour problems does not mean you have to arrest him for opening his present. He's a kid for God's sake!
[quote name='Cormier6083']Thats pretty stupid. Just because he has behaviour problems does not mean you have to arrest him for opening his present. He's a kid for God's sake![/quote]

Kids don't punch police. His ass is grass.
[quote name='jollydwarf'] Also, was I the only person who reflexively assumed the family was more of the 'Larry the Cable Guy' persuasion/skin pigmentation?[/quote]

Okay, wtf does "skin pigmentation" have to do with this situation?!?!

On another note...
I was at the doctor's office yesterday and they had a small area sectioned off for the kids to play in. Well, there was one kid who kept taking the toys away from his younger sibling and when the younger started crying, the mother got up, went over there and told her son that if he didn't behave she was going to call the police. Of course, he started begging her not to. She asked if he was going to behave and he started giving her excuses. Then she said, "I'm calling the police. Wait, is that them I hear at the door? The police are coming for you." And of course, he said "No, momma. I'll behave."

So, apparently this is a popular thing to do with some parents to get their kids to behave. Anyway, just weird how it correlated.
[quote name='Kayden']Kids don't punch police. His ass is grass.[/quote]
Oh if a white child puched that officer, he would got only a spanking. It's such a shame that a person is judged by the colour of their skin. Bumpkis!
[quote name='Dogpatch']The lizard man and now this. No wonder people think this state is backwards. :razz:[/quote]

Ah, the noble lizard man. It’s what separates us from those pedestrian yokels in NC and GA! ;)
What a stupid kid, I remember back in day I unwrapped my Power rangers MegaZoid and the DragonZoid while my mom was at work and before she got back I had them perfectly wrapped and in the same exact position as when she left.
[quote name='Cormier6083']Oh if a white child puched that officer, he would got only a spanking. It's such a shame that a person is judged by the colour of their skin. Bumpkis![/quote]


The biggest racists are the ones that play the race card.

I don't give a shit what color the little bastard is. The mom herself said that she did it because if she were to spank him she'd be the one in cuffs. Granted, it never should have gotten that way and she'd still a shitty mom...
[quote name='Michaellvortega']What a stupid kid, I remember back in day I unwrapped my Power rangers MegaZoid and the DragonZoid while my mom was at work and before she got back I had them perfectly wrapped and in the same exact position as when she left.[/QUOTE]
You mean Megazord, not megazoid. :lol:
bread's done