15% off all clothes and other stuff at NoSweatShop.com


Hey Fair Traders! http://www.nosweatshop.com (also known as http://www.nosweatapparel.com) is having a huge 15% off clearance sale. Everything's apparently gotta go to make room for the '07 line. Cool tee-shirts, awesome quality knock-off chucks, etc.

I've dealt with these guys several times and have always been really happy about the quality of merchandise and customer service. Best of all, everything's made by union shops with ethical business practices. If you believe in fair trade and wanna save a couple bucks, check 'em out
I would never buy from this store. They consider Palestine a country and as a Jew, I find that very rude and disgraceful. IF you ahve any compassion towards the Holocaust and millions of Jews around the world, do not buy from this despicable store.
[quote name='mvick288']I would never buy from this store. They consider Palestine a country and as a Jew, I find that very rude and disgraceful. IF you ahve any compassion towards the Holocaust and millions of Jews around the world, do not buy from this despicable store.[/QUOTE]

Take it to the versus forum, homey. This thread is about saving cash on fair trade clothes.
[quote name='mvick288']its about saving cash? i guess your fine that the cash you are spending is going to terrorists[/QUOTE]

You know, kid, if your head wasn't so far up your ass, you'd maybe realize that Israel is at least every bit as much of the problem as the Palestinians -- if not moreso. The Palestinians have basically been ghettoized and subjugated by a people who have a long history of being ghettoized and subjugated. Ironic, isn't it?

Anyway, NoSweatApparel ain't the bad guys in this equation. They're a part of the fair trade global economy that treats people and the environment with respect. But, if you'd rather trot around in a pair of child labor-made Nike's and Levi's made in a sweatshop in China, Bangladesh, or Lesotho, then go right ahead and continue being part of the problem.

And with that, I'll kindly welcome you to my ignore list.
hey i wear nike everyday.. it supports the economy for both countries. this comapny might be doing something good, but it is a disgrace for everyone.

Israel the problem? i guess your head is up your ass. Palestine isnt even a real country, last time i checked. nice one. go on and supporting this nazi terrorist organization
First off Palestine is a land mass and not legally recognized country. Secondly it's pretty damn disgusting to see that supporting hatemongering, prejudice, and genocide is acceptable if it saves you a few dollars on clothes. You make me sick Scobie.
Wow...just wow.

And thanks for posting Scobie, seems like a good site and has some interesting stuff. I may buy a few things to support them and their classifying Palestine as a country ways :booty:
ur tag obvoiusly fits. you obviously do not know anything. nothing like supporting a terrorist country and paying 3 dollars more for a shirt that looks like crap.
Or maybe you're the one who doesn't know anything because you are acting like Israel is innocent in the matter when they are FAR from it.

Of course, this is a topic for the VS forums so I'm not saying anything else on the matter.
your saying that Israel is the cause of problems? how about surrounding countries accept the fact that Israel is here to stay
Sigh... a mod is probably going to have to close this thread because some users like to start flamewars over such trivial topics.
trivial topics? are you kidding? there is nothing trivial over stupid arabs blowing themselves up and killing countless others in Israel. there is nothing trivial about people believing that Palestine is a country
[quote name='2poor']Sigh... a mod is probably going to have to close this thread because some users like to start flamewars over such trivial topics.[/quote]
So genocide is a "trivial topic"? Palestinians who desire to do the same thing the Nazis did is "trivial"? You go right ahead and enjoy your discount t-shirt while you help fund the execution and persecution of people based only on their religious beliefs. You're a colossal scumbag. I bet if someone said something about black people or rap music you'd be all over them you hypocrite.
[quote name='knuckles_fetish']So genocide is a "trivial topic"? Palestinians who desire to do the same thing the Nazis did is "trivial"? You go right ahead and enjoy your discount t-shirt while you help fund the execution and persecution of people based only on their religious beliefs. You're a colossal scumbag. I bet if someone said something about black people or rap music you'd be all over them you hypocrite.[/quote]

Strange and here I thought it was Israel who had the tanks, planes, and camps this time. :whistle2:k
Israel displaced > 4 million people, and when they try to take their land back, they're the bad ones?
fucking ridiculous.

Ignore list + 2.

edit: 15% off isn't a bad deal at all. I'll have to check that out. Thanks OP.
It's trivial because the topic that got your panties in a bunch was about some clothing store online. Then you went apeshit talking about hate, predjudice, and genocide.
how is Israel the bad guy? It is their land. IF anything they are not doing enough. THey are constantly being bombed and having missiles dropped on them. Israel should be fighting harder. They have the best military in the world.
It's pretty fucked up that I had to delete every post in this thread besides the OP.

This thread is about 15% off at that particular store. I don't give a shit who they support. Keep this shit on topic and stop the threadcrapping.
The only thing that's messed up is your apathetic attitude of "oh I'm not Jewish so I don't care about genocide. I'd rather save some money on a t-shirt and fund human rights violations instead of caring or having an ounce of morals". It's funny that a thread got deleted in the DVD forum for a deal on a site that sold bootleg anime but a store that supports genocide is OK. Is Cheapy naturally bald or does he shave to fit in with the skinheads?
[quote name='greydemise']yikes! $42 for a pair of converse-like shoes?! thanks for the deal, but no thanks..bump cause someone may want[/QUOTE]

You have to understand that costs will be higher when children and people from developing countries are not exploited. While $42 may seem like a lot for a pair of "Chuck Taylors", I would much rather spend the extra $12-14 knowing that I am not supporting a company that would rather increase its profits rather than their bankroll.
above op: would you rather spend money to fund a terrorist network? exploting kids seems so much better in this instance
Some kid is gonna get fucked in the ass no matter who you buy your shoes from. It's best not to think about it.
[quote name='mvick288']above op: would you rather spend money to fund a terrorist network? exploting kids seems so much better in this instance[/QUOTE]
If you start again I'm going to report you're posts. It has nothing to do with the topic. If you don't like it don't buy.
[quote name='whoknows']If you start again I'm going to report you're posts. It has nothing to do with the topic. If you don't like it don't buy.[/quote]

Shit. I'll do it for you.
[quote name='mvick288']sorry, i am just expressing my views. terrorism is a tad more important than a few bux saved[/quote]

You're more than welcome to express your views in a thread that pertains to terrorism. This is a thread about clothing deals.

This is your last chance.
[quote name='mvick288']Trakan: if i say something, which i will nto anymore, what would happen?[/quote]
Most likely, an appetizer of banning, with a ban salad, followed up by a huge steaming pile of banning.
Does anyone know how the fit of the faux-chuck is? I might give them a try. All I wear are Chucks and Duane Peters from Vision Street Wear.

[quote name='greydemise']yikes! $42 for a pair of converse-like shoes?! [/quote] Most stores have Chuck's at their retail of ~$45... although I've never paid more than $20.
[quote name='monoxide101']Does anyone know how the fit of the faux-chuck is? I might give them a try. All I wear are Chucks and Duane Peters from Vision Street Wear.[/QUOTE]

They fit just like official Chucks. They may be slightly rougher around the edges in terms of construction, but they seem to hold up better than the Nike made Chucks.

One of the coolest things about them is they give you a copy of the compensation contract for the union workers in Indonesia. That shop has been quite successful and has sent some small reverberations through the garment industry in the developing world.
bread's done