16GB Sony Memory Stick Pro duo $49.99

Good price, but I got 16GB for $35 by buying 2 8GB microSDs and a less than $5 converter. Have used it for a couple of days, and it's working great. Also expandable, so if I get 16GB microSDs some day, I can just pop those in.
O.O Ehh...I've seen them sell on ebay from 300$ to .01$ .... The only problem is...it's a scam...IDK about this one but I'd keep my distance.
yah never buy on eGay lol because almost 99% of the time they will be FAKE.. so unless you think you're that lucky, then dont. You might as well buy a lottery then :)

I also agree eCost is a shady in the way the buying process is. The last few times I bought i bout from http://www.PSPPandora.net and had no problems. But mainly stay away from eBay.
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