1gb Memory Stick Pro DUO 39 bucks at amazon

Thanks, I was waiting for a good deal one one of these.
Item(s) Subtotal: $49.33
Shipping & Handling: $5.58
Super Saver Discount: $-5.58
Total Before Tax: $49.33
Estimated Tax: $0.00
Total: $49.33
Estimated A9 Instant Reward: $-0.77
Gift Certificate Amount: $15.00
Grand Total: $33.56​
I just hope the rebate won't be too much of a bitch to get back.
$45 to start - $10 rebate - $33.75 credit + Free Shipping + Amazon Prime Trial + Free Shutterfly Photobook Coupon

~ $3.00 after taxes. Hoorah.
Good find. I had bought it for $59 this morning, but called and they said they would refund me the $10 price change.
bread's done