2 copies of Braid giveaway!

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I've got one:

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This thread brings back some REALLY bad gaming memories. I can't believe I played most of the games shown here! I was expecting most people to talk about a good game that was overhyped, but you people impressed me and really bought out the crap!

I've played tons of crap, but none worse than:


It was an import PS1 game a friend of mine brought back from his trip to Japan for a $1. It was a racing game with some of the worst steering controls imagined and no collision detection that allowed you to fly through anything. I just read on Wikipedia that it got a 0.0 review when it came out, and I can wholeheartedly say I agree.

Great idea for a contest! I'd love to win Braid, but the contest itself is alreadly fun!
I already have Braid. I just wanted to post the worst game ever. The Uncanny Xmen for the NES is the most frustrating, awful game I ever played. I was so excited when I got this when I was 7 years old and the disappointment and awfulness of this game has stuck with me forever.


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Cheetahmen II - NES

The first Cheetahmen was meant to capitalize on the TMNT craze. It was made by one of those weird unauthorized Nintendo publishers. Obviously, it was a huge failure, but they started on part 2 anyway. They "finished" the game, printed about 1500 copies, but never released them to stores (ran out of money or something.) They sold the copies out of a warehouse some years later and ROMs made it on to the web.

The game is hardly playable, though it's "complete."

If you need further convincing, see here:
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[quote name='00JON']I already have Braid. I just wanted to post the worst game ever. The Uncanny Xmen for the NES is the most frustrating, awful game I ever played. I was so excited when I got this when I was 7 years old and the disappointment and awfulness of this game has stuck with me forever.


Damn it, I was going to post this.

Well, what about







So many scars.

G.I. Joe for the original NES, circa 1991. Nothing like a ridiculous difficult combined with mediocre graphics to ruin the spirit of a show and dash the enthusiasm of a 5-year-old. Paid around $60 for it, sold it to Funcoland within a week for less than half the price (adding to the disappointment and overall suckage/suckitude).
Uncle Fester's Quest on the NES.


This game still gives me nightmares till this day. Worst game ever!
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Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game: The Movie: The Game (played it on arcade and PSX)
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Sweet peaces of crap.Eye of the Beholder for the Super Nintendo.
Wow... There were some games in this topic that I actually liked... Anyway, the worst game I played in recent memory is Kameo for the X360.
Good thing I got the game for free.
The Hunt for Red October. I played Silent Service with my Dad, and we were hoping for another good sub simulation. It wasn't. :cry:

Oh cool, I usually stumble upon these kind of contests after they're done with.

Let's see... worst game I've ever played? I usually try to push those kind of memories to the deepest recesses of my mind, but if I were to dig back all the painful memories I'd have to say ...

Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind for the Genesis.


Being the keen kid I was in the early '90s I was still trying to find cheap things to play. I should have known from the shitty puns as to what I was getting myself into, but I was a stupid kid, I didn't know better. I can still remember the wretched title screen music and the terrible synthesized voiceovers of Bubsy saying something before a level. Like the first level, "What could possibly go wrong?" except it came out "Whht chhhud pshhbly ghh wrhhg".

It didn't help that the game itself was pretty wonky, and that Bubsy could be killed by anything and fucking everything. Water, falling, touching just about anything in the environment. It was a nightmare. If I could, I'd find the man responsible for it and shit in his heart.

Anyways, that's my bit. If I happen to win my XBL tag is Rickenslacker
I too gotta go with X-Men on the NES. I remember being so excited about the title as a kid and saving up money for months... only to be exposed to this:

[quote name='Metrock']Fallout 3 for Xbox 360. A lot people I know really liked this game but I didn't like it at all.


have you got out of the vault? better after that
Castlevania 64 for the Nintendo 64


I could never bring myself to finish the game. I think I played it for a total of 45 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.
[quote name='crzyboy88']

fuck me sideways. They made a sequel to it too.[/quote]

Holy crap, that was a horrid game. I forgot all about that until now. Easily the worst game I've played (that I recall).
[quote name='xdawg17']Perfect Dark Zero for xbox 360. Worst most pointless game ever. [/QUOTE]
really really bad. i'm glad i didnt pay $60 at launch for that. dear lord, what were they thinking?

and i liked dragonball z sagas!

anyway, from the top of my mind, the game that gets a total WTF is bliss island on XBLA.
Ack... was sooooo upset to play this wreck of an arcade-port gone wrong.
They couldn't even render dots ... I mean... what the !?!

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