2 new systems but little to no interest?


This isn't meant to flame either or both but I know I'm not alone when I say that neither the Wii or the PS3 will be getting my money on launch day. I don't know: neither of them has that 'draw' that makes me say yes I have to have this. Lack of killer app perhaps...

I basically take it from the point of view. I look at my Gamecube sitting on my shelf, just sitting there. I haven't played it in months. The Wii seems alright in principle but I have a bad feeling I'll buy one at launch and it'll sit there just like my GC.

The PS3 is an easy no thanks right now (thanks to a near $700 price tag - thats rent for me at my apartment). The reason being I've already bought one next gen system, an Xbox 360, which I still enjoy and have enjoyed more and more as the better releases come out. The PS2 still has a wealth of games coming out or are already available and I can wait for one to be available later on down the line. Remember how Xbox 360 was so scarce in the beginning months, now you can't go to a store where there aren't at least 5 or more on display.

So my hats off to the early adopters: let me know how one or both are.
I suggest you stay off the internet then come this November. As the hype from both systems is going to be big and talked about..

I would find it hard personally to avoid getting one after reading the hype on two systems.
If I had already gotten a 360, I might pass up the launch of the new systems as well, but since I haven't, I'm ready for Wii. I've talked it up enough that I'm fine being the guinea pig.
Normally I don't do the launch thing, but the Wii is so different I want to try it out ASAP.

I think with the 360 and PS3 though, it would be wise to hold off until the PS3's been out for a year to see which of the similar systerms (if either) has the better support/lineup, whatever. I've never understood investing money in systems at launch rather than waiting for a while when they're cheaper and you have a better idea of which system will cater to your tastes.
Well, I agree, come November, it will be all Wii/PS3 hype, wall to wall. I haven't bought a launch system since the Dreamcast, so I've been through it before. For anyone sitting out for the first time in awhile, you have to remember, for the most part, the launch games aren't the big games on the system. There are exceptions (Halo, SSBM), but for the most part, people are paying $50 for Fantavision or Mad Dash Racing, games you'll see for under $10 in a couple years.

If you wait, you'll get a much better deal, you'll get a system that is more likely to work for longer (the later systems for the PS2 and Xbox seem more stable), and you not only have a larger selection of games, you will start seeing discounted games.

Overall, it's worth waiting.
At first I was interested in both the PS3 and Wii. I bought a 360 back in March and have been extremely happy with it, and therefore think I'm going to hold off for a while. It's not about the money this time, but rather the time to actually play all these games. I already have a huge backlog on the 360 as it stands now, and that only will get worse as the year moves on. If I could get some kind of deal on the Wii/PS3 after launch (like we've seen on the 360's) then I would strongly consider that however.
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