20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
CAG is a great outlet for all hardcore gamers. I can spend my time finding awesome deals, trading for sought-after classics, or just talking games. The intelligence level is higher than the vast majority of forums, and people really know their stuff. We're all also out to help each other -- not just get a cheap deal. That gives CAG a nice community aspect.
CAg means means we are cheap bastards always hungry for deal cuz this country is heading towards inflation and stagflation and hi unemplowment
I dont really post here on CAG but i come to this site about twice a day and i actually saved over $100 on games and controllers. I love you CAG, marry me?
Being a Cheapassgamer means to save LOADS of money for me. I hate paying the rediculous price for some of these games but this site allows me to save more then i imagined. This site is one of the best out there!
CAG means freedom to me. Freedom to work fewer hours, freedom to buy tons and tons of games without ever having to worry about spending too much on a game I didn't like. Freedom to share the wealth with other less fortunate people and offer them a good deal they wouldn't ordinarilly get. And, it's given me the freedom about being able to talk about cheapass gaming deals with other people who share the same intrest, when normally all my friends look at me with a cold, blank stare when I tell them I spent 1/10th as much on a game as they did...

And most importantly, freedom to brag about all the cool stuff I got for so cheap!
To me, being a CAG means higher credit card bills and stacks of sealed games taller than me. Fortunately, there are thousands of honest people willing to buy and trade.
CAG means the way that I buy a videogame. I've never bought any single game without checking the price of CAG since I met this great site.
:) CAG means my game collection is oh-so-much-larger than it would have been, and I can support more great game designers/programmers, encouraging the production of more quality games!
cag means i've been able to amass 26 games for my gamecube that fit into my budget of only buying games $15 or less.
I love being a cheapass gamer because I work hard to earn my damn money and I want to save as much as I can. As a gamer, this place is a godsend.

Thank you, cheapyd and others, for fueling my cheap-assiness.
CAG allows a poor ol college student like me to enjoy my time out of class playing games that I wouldnt have otherwise gotten if I hadnt found the cheap deals on here. I'm also equally impressed by the trade system that has been set up which allows for a much better economic system when it comes to getting video games. Its basic supply and demand without always having to worry about some kind of monetary number.
To me, being a Cheap Ass Gamer is that rush you get when walking out of the store with $100 worth of gaming goodness that you only paid $20 for.

But then again, it's more than just that. It's almost like a weird and sometimes disturbing family that you can't help but be proud to be a part of. A family that protects it's own and pwns those who cross it. Wow, It's starting to sound a little like the mafia. So, I guess being a CAG is like being a made gamer. :)

Thank you Cheapy, for continuing to bring us offers we just can't refuse.
Cag to me means; more game for less money. Its just that there are so many games that by the end of the week I have no $$, but a huge game collection. :p
CAG is just a plain awesome place to check out everyday. Thanks to this place I have honed my cheapass skills (I didn't even know about the Best Buy GGC trick). I check this place out almost daily for the heads up on great deals.

The community is pretty awesome too. I gotta love hanging around cheap ass gamers in these parts.
Because of this site, I have gotten a lot of good video games and for really low prices. My gaming library has grown considerably and it's thanks to this sites gaming deals that are posted. Like everyone else, I believe games should be a lot cheaper and affordable. Thanks CAG!!! I am proud to be part of your community and a Cheap Ass Gamer!!!
being a CAG means i now own (and am backlogged with) so many games from THIS gen that i could probably skip NEXT gen entirely and still have games leftover when PS4, XB3 and GC3 come out!! WAAAAH!
CAG is one of the websites that I visit several times a day. It has brought about the attitude that I should do whatever I can not to pay full price for a game. Thanks!
This site is amazing, I don't think I'll ever buy a game again without checking here first to make sure I get the best deal out there.
CAG is an amazing site with great deals on games. I no longer spend more than 20 bucks on a video game because of it. It's a community with a lot of cool people helping each other out.
I enjoy buying games, but it's the community of Cheapassgamer.com that makes it great. I enjoy the charactor's that are on this site, which make for some great reading material. Also, I enjoy how helpful everyone is, even the jerks. I visit this site daily, not just to find cheap games, but to read the posts. This is not doubt a site to be a proud member of.
What CAG means to me? CAG to me, means cheap ass gamers rejoicing in their piles of cash and games. It means CheapyD is 'the man' of all men! It means this victorious man gives us the right, and freedom to be able to purchase all the games we want, because of the low prices, and most of all, It means THIS SITE ROCKS! :twisted: :!:
Being a CAG means....I'm a cheap bastard. But the site is great and so are the members of it. You can always get help if you need, and I haven't encountered any jerks yet, so...
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