20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
it means being a loser pretty much, and having lots of games i never play. on a more exciting note my brother bought a slikstik arcade machine (the quad, the control panel is a beast) and i've been playing that and neglecting my consoles. long live robotron.
CAG means "the best place for SIZZLING HOT DEALS on videogames." Forget fatwallet, forget anandtech, forget couponparadise. CAG IS THE ONE!
:cry: :lol: I thought I was alone. I would go to EB or whatever and see people ploping down 50.00 bucks + for a game. I was starting to feel cheap. I was always regulated to the bargain bin. This site reaffirms that gamers love getting deals. :lol: This site has saved me a ton of money. Us CAG'S must help each other out. :D :D
I love this site. This is the site I always go to for research on cheap videogames. I am a cheap ass gamer and always will be. A big thanks goes to the person who made this awesome site.
Because of this site alone I have been able to save a ton of $ and I've been able to purchase 3-4 times more games than I ever had. So now I can start putting in some cash in my 401k. thanx 2 all

what it means? odd question really.

yea it means "cheap ass gamer" but i don't think you want the literal meaning.

CAG is a place where i can come and expect a really great group of people who tend to have a lot of fun.

CAG is a place where i can go and spark conversations between myself and my wife [usually "Dan, we don't need another game" or "please steph? ill do the dishes!" ok...it's a LOT of me begging...]

CAG is just a place where i can come and enjoy reading [i cant post much due to my life not letting me sit fer more than 10 minutes]

so i guess what "CAG" means to me is a little bit of peace in my hectic world

thank you
CAG means a new place to pick up SMS games..................hopefully a cheap-ass good time too!
CAG means to have a Shaq-Fuing time going to multiple stores to find the cheapest games possible.

CAG also means to hold out on great games until they drop to 10.
I just registered today, and I only wish I would have found this site sooner.
CAG means Cheap Ass Games for my Not Enough Extra Money for Games Ass
CAG means CheapAssGamer to me :p

Well actually it means that instead of checking out a whole a bunch of forums for great online deals. Some great person (that's all the sucking up, I promise) decided to make a site dedicated to that with a great forum community. It's the best thing for CheapAsses like myself everywhere! And it also gives me another place to plug my reviews in the game review section :D
[quote name='nachzeher']Being a CAG means having a backlog of games that I probably won't have time to complete even if I retire at the age of 35.[/quote]

Amen brotha!
CAG represents a great community of like-minded people who genuinely try to help one another get the best games for the cheapest prices.
CAG means Fable for $19 cheaper a week before the release date. The mentality of CAG enabled me to wait for price drops, or cheap ass opportunities... like both Lunar Complete PS1 games for $10 each.
Being a cheapassgamer means optimizing the global video game market through aggressive consumerizm.

It also means finding our own deals instead of having them fed to us from corporate bloodsuckers like vgtalk.com

Lastly, being a cheapassgamer means community and our community has some decency and respect, which can't be said of many deal finding communities (like those vultures at fatwallet).
Being a CAG means being armed with the latest deals allowing me to play the best games inexpensively. :wink: (and allows me to spend more money on the wife)
CAG means games so cheap that I can't help but run my credit card up =/ Stupid irresistable deals...

[quote name='nachzeher ']Being a CAG means having a backlog of games that I probably won't have time to complete even if I retire at the age of 35.[/quote]

haha, I couldn't agree more.
CAG = Checking Awesome Games at the Target price scanner.

CAG = Being able to buy games for cheap, play them for a few weeks, then resell them for the same amount or even more
Great community, one big distributed cheapass, game-obsessed brain, a fun diversion that's cut my productivity at work in half! Thanks for keeping this beast running!
CAG means not having to feel guilty about buying another game even though you've sworn to all your loved ones that you wouldn't. You can simply wave the receipt, say, "HA! I have saved vast amounts of money, almost as much as I would have if I hadn't bought the game in the first place. Worship me, for I am a shopping goddess!" Or god. I guess you could just say that you saved money, but that wouldn't scare them away so that you would have more solitude to play video games.
CAG means to me
!:saving money on friends
2:saving money on games
3:saving money on daily items
4:Getting into it with people on the politics board.

I love this place and I hope for a google more members.
CAG means AWESOME!!! Best deals and keeps extra cash in my pocket for other games. Good forums and some good disscusions. Best place to come to see whats cheap and see what people think about video games.
CAG means ::::::

saving money like the time i found Ncaa gamebreaker 2004, haven and dave mirra bmx for 3 bucks each finding Hobbit and spinx for 5 bucks each and getting pokemon games for 2.50 each

Getting free mags

trading with people to get red of stuff you dont like

and finally

To tell people that 90% of all games suck LOL

thanks CAG i found this page end of july and in the last 3 months i have been able to find at least 10 deals

way to go on your 20,000 people and cant wait till you hit 30,000
Since im a cheap MOFO...CAG has saved me a lot of money so I can keep gaming fresh and have not piss my wife off all in one good shot....Thanks CAG
It means saving me money....

...and anything else that I'd have to say to be entered into the contest. (Not like it matters what I write, it's a random drawing. ;))
Well I am not big on these forums... but here is what CAG means to me.

A site of people who love video games so much they cant afford to buy all the ones they want so they come here and get good deals thanks to CheapyD. WIthout Cheapassgamer I wouldnt be at the 120 gamecube games I currently have.
Being a CAG'er means to me that I can be up to date for the most part on all of the great deals so I don't end up missing out. If it wasn't for this site Circuit City would definitely have a few more games at the momemt I'm sure hahaha
CAG means being a part of a loving community, of cheapasses, who all work for a common goal: Getting Videogames for the cheapest possible price!
CAG will save me tons of money and its a great site to talk about video games and meet some new friends. did i mention it will save me money?!?! AWSOME SITE!
It means alot to me it means getting things cheaper it means hanging out with all the cool people here. I was a little upset though when I read that best buy gamers april fools joke it was funny tough.
Being a CAG to me means spending tons of money on games i would normally never buy or play just because they are cheap as hell. It also means getting cooler gifts for my friends with out them knowing im a cheap ass ;)
Being a CAG member help me get off crack, I was smoking the shit like crazy, untill one day I was looking for cheapass crack one the computer, and ran into cheapassgamer.com. I have been off crack since that wonderful day, and now have a new habbit to break. Thank you for reading my touching story.
CAG to me means being surrounded with others such as myself who have a passion for video games, cheapness and wasting time (but having fun) on the Internet.
Being a CAG means that i save BIG $$ on games. This community has been so helpful with trades and deals. THANX CAG!
Well, its a place full of gamers. Thats why I visit so much. I might not post a whole lot, but that doesnt mean I dont contribute every now and then. :) Anyways, its a great place, I love it.
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