20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
Everyone's mentioned about how CAG is what the community makes it, and how CAG is about great game deals. Well, yes, this is all true, but I think everyone is neglecting to mention what CAG really is.....a cult. We will follow our cheap-master to Hailey's Comet and back.

Oh, and it's about me getting $200 in free games too.
I stumbled onto this site about 6 months ago or so. but wow, some of the deals I've found have been incredible. the GTA san andreas deal for 35 bucks is a steal. as well as countless 10 and 15 dollar games. with games costing what they do (normally 50 bucks) this website has made gaming affordable again. thanks CheapyD for founding this site
CAG means a great site where you can find interesting news as well as deals that you can't beat...saving money is good!! Thanks!!
I live in the Bay Area in California. This area has one of the highest costs of living in the country (next to New York). I myself have to find cheap ass tactics to get by to get the best deals on anything (food, clothing, etc.)

Thats why I am glad I joined CAG. This gives me an extra advantage that several others around me doesnt have. I know where to find the best deals on videogames, dvds and yes....even clothing. I do try to make a contribution every now and then by posting a deal that I stumbled across.

Thanks for everything CAG!!!!
CAG to me means too many games, too little time and an emptier wallet from all the good deals, but keep it up! I just wish I had more time to use the forums and get in on some of the deals that don't stay alive long, but alas work prevents that. Thanks everyone for making this site great.
Being a CAG means that I get to buy great games for low prices and get to see the priceless looks on confused Circuit City employees' faces. :D
Being a CAG means being part of a community... with one common purpose... CHEAP GAMES BABY!!!... we try to help at the same time with the others here when we find our own deals... its not all taking... it is sharing

Being a CAG has meant an enourmous swelling in my game collection too :lol:
CAG means that gamers across alll boundaries of gaming can come together and express themsevles as Cheap ass mofos. Yes, computer gamers and console gamers can finally come together and say that we all are lazy ass bastards and need an easy way to fine our next gaming high. This site does that and saves my ass some bling. Hopefully someday, countries around the world will put down their WMDs and say, "Damn, we're both cheap foo bags, lets just swap ways of getting shit for a few Gs." Excuse me as I go and cry.
I just sigend up for CAG today and I love it. I have already gotten at least 10 magazines for free and am planning on using this site before I buy any games to see if I can get them cheaper. Well, thanks for the deals, and keep up the good work.
I'm out- For now
CAG to me means I have a lot less money to spend on the essentials (like food) but since I'm getting great games in return, all is well :D
I have found some many great deals from users here. Myself though, am harldy ever online enough to give back to this community. I too, find cheap ass deals at flea markets and such, but that cannot be shared with the users here at CAG.
Being a CAG means having to sift through a dozen deals on crappy speakers to finally find that gem of a video card! :)

- John...
What does CAG mean to me? Well, it's not just being a gamer anymore, it's an entire lifestyle. While at home, I can play all the games I paid less then a Starbuck's coffee for. When at school, I can read my free magazines. CAG has made it possible for me to continue to do something else, besides games. It saves me enough money to eat. THANK YOU CHEAPY D!
It means that I can have more enjoyment playing games, because the cheaper they are, the more you can stock up on... why buy one game for $50 when you can buy 10 for the same price and have much more fun? Thats what it means to me.
Cheap Ass Gamer provides that rare rush of frantically taking advantage of ridiculous sales on games I wouldn't otherwise buy. After successfully geting 4 copies of 12 different games, there's an orgasmic intensity that a night with a 76 year old woman could never match.
CAG helps me afford more games. For the same amount of budgeted money for entertainment, I'm able to add more games to my collection. Thanks CheapyD!
I try and visit CAG every day, but I believe this will be my first post. I used to spend more time PC Gaming, but my wife and I recently had a baby girl and I prefer to spend more time downstairs with her. I can often be holding her asleep on my lap and still play a console game, not something I can easily do on my PC. CAG helps me keep an eye out for bargains, since we don't have much money left after all the diapers :)
Being a CAG means less money spent on more games, allowing me to enjoy my favorite form of entertainment longer. It also means the use of possibly the most useful video game web site in the world.
Being a CAG for me is looking at all the deals other people get because I almost always miss out on them.
CAG means Cheap ass gamer I think? That's what I've always assumed.

I could find something to buy with 200 bucks.
The place I first go to find the best gaming deals online and at B&M stores. I have made out pretty good on the deals in the past couple months. Thanks Cheapy.
Being a CAG means, well, cheap games. It means buying new for cheaper than used. It means witty and inane conversation. It means $2 games at overstock.com. It means wishing I had more money, not to mention time. And I love it. Thanks Cheapy.
Before CAG, I was in the poor house with only a few games.
But with CAG, I'm in the poor house with tons of games!

I guess that's what CAG means to me...Being poor, but having fun while being poor...

Jeez, I'm sleepy.
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