2011 MLB Discussion Thread

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this should be the "classiest" NLCS ever (this will only make sense if you know about the brewer/cardinal rivalry)
[quote name='renique46']fucking phillies 102 wins for nothing....[/QUOTE]

2001 Seattle Mariners have that beat.

I wonder what happened to Ryan Howard at the end of the game.
I bet Bud Selig is torn. On the one hand, his Brewers have a great chance at a title, and on the other, this has to be about the most unappealing quartet of teams from a ratings standpoint. Middle America, eat your heart out.
[quote name='tcrash247']I hate baseball.[/QUOTE]

I've hated baseball all season.

The Cardinals winning makes things worse.

Go Tigers, I guess.
[quote name='Nate Nanjo']2001 Seattle Mariners have that beat.

I wonder what happened to Ryan Howard at the end of the game.[/QUOTE]

Ankle or an Achilles. It looked really bad.
Fun fact I just researched: This is the first time ever that the League Championship Series have not featured a single team from either the East or West Coast.

The last time time something similar happened? 1968, the last year there were no League Championship Series (seeing as there were no divisions), when the Tigers defeated the Cardinals in the World Series.
[quote name='bvharris']Fun fact I just researched: This is the first time ever that the League Championship Series have not featured a single team from either the East or West Coast.

The last time time something similar happened? 1968, the last year there were no League Championship Series (seeing as there were no divisions), when the Tigers defeated the Cardinals in the World Series.[/QUOTE]

Ironic those two teams are still in it and it was also they were in the 2006 World Series.
[quote name='renique46']fucking phillies 102 wins for nothing....[/QUOTE]

Say hello to the 18-1 Patriots. ;)

[quote name='tcrash247']I hate baseball.[/QUOTE]

I think baseball is a pretty good sport if you ask me. :D
What a horrible way to end the season with not even 1 run. Quite a few mistakes. Why did Chase Utley attempt the steal? Ryan Howard should have never been given the green light on a 3-0 count down only by 1 run.

It's the same story, the offense was horrible. I saw the NLDS batting averages and other than Jimmy Rollins and Chase Utley that were in the .4xx range and Shane Victorino in the .3xx range, everyone else's numbers were not even close to being what they needed to for a world championship team.

Ryan Howard .105?! Same with Placido Polanco and Carlos Ruiz was 0.59! Raul Ibanez was .200 and Hunter Pence was I think .211.

Cardinals were a better team and I think they have a very good chance of winning it all.
[quote name='62t']Should have let Atlanta in[/QUOTE]

Was STL the best team that could give Philly a threat? Maybe so, but even if they didn't make it didn't mean the Phillies would've won the World Series, much less make it in the first place.

But that's in the past now. Just like the Phillies.
[quote name='JStryke']But that's in the past now. Just like the Phillies.[/QUOTE]

Well, at least we can make sure the Braves have a very long drought of not winning the division.
[quote name='62t']Should have let Atlanta in[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I would have rather seen them not get the franchise record for wins and lost to the Braves so they wouldn't have to face the Cardinals since based on the past series with the Cardinals this year, I expected this to happen. I know it wouldn't have been a 100% sure thing they would win a series against the Diamondbacks but they would have at least stood a much greater chance.
Carp pitched a beauty tonight. Can't believe he tamed the Phillies bat at Home of all things. even with Hunter Pence they coudnt scrounge up at least 1 run. Where will they go from here?
[quote name='tcrash247']Well, at least we can make sure the Braves have a very long drought of not winning the division.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't mean much if you can't win it all. I take great satisfaction in seeing the Philly dreams crushed anyways, so it's all good by me.

And I don't expect your run to be much longer anyways. Their window of opportunity is closing.
[quote name='integralsmatic']Carp pitched a beauty tonight. Can't believe he tamed the Phillies bat at Home of all things. even with Hunter Pence they coudnt scrounge up at least 1 run. Where will they go from here?[/QUOTE]

He pitched a good game but the way the phils were swinging tonight, Brett myers could've pitched a shutout against them.

But he did get the job done. But as pathetic as the phils lineup is, it's not as impressive as even docs pitching tonight against the cards offense.
[quote name='JStryke']Doesn't mean much if you can't win it all. I take great satisfaction in seeing the Philly dreams crushed anyways, so it's all good by me.

And I don't expect your run to be much longer anyways. Their window of opportunity is closing.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, I'd rather lose in the playoffs than not make the playoffs.

And your window is opening? You saw what happened in the month of September, right? In a way, we're waiting for some guy's contracts to end so we have more freedom to do some things. It's hard to bring up guys to put in a permanent spot when you're paying other guys way too much to just sit on the bench (Ibanez, Rollins, Polanco after the All Star break).
[quote name='tcrash247']Like I said, I'd rather lose in the playoffs than not make the playoffs.

And your window is opening? You saw what happened in the month of September, right? In a way, we're waiting for some guy's contracts to end so we have more freedom to do some things. It's hard to bring up guys to put in a permanent spot when you're paying other guys way too much to just sit on the bench (Ibanez, Rollins, Polanco after the All Star break).[/QUOTE]

I never said ours was opening. I know the Braves need to make some moves. We don't really have that big bat presently, and we need to get rid of Lowe.

As for not making the playoffs, does it suck we didn't make it, sure. But I'm also realistic and the way the Braves played in September, they didn't deserve to make it. Way I look at it, it stings less than to fail to make the playoffs then it is to fail to win/make the world series.
[quote name='confoosious']That "window is closing" stuff is nonsense. The window never closes in baseball these days when you have tons of money.[/QUOTE]

Amaro doesn't have a blank check book. Philly's ownership is about at their breaking point for payroll.
[quote name='confoosious']That "window is closing" stuff is nonsense. The window never closes in baseball these days when you have tons of money.[/QUOTE]

A ton of that money is going to be tied up in Ryan Howard and 2 32+ year old pitchers. Yes, they're good but you think they're going to put up sub-2.50 ERAs the rest of their contract?
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Amaro doesn't have a blank check book. Philly's ownership is about at their breaking point for payroll.[/QUOTE]

They won't keep spending crazily but it's not like all of the sudden they turn into the Marlins.

They still will have top 5 payroll as long as CBP keeps selling out, Phillies gear is flying off the shelves, and ratings are good. They get rid of Ibanez and Lidge contracts next year. And Oswalt is a club option. Blanton is guaranteed for 2012.

Hamels will get good money through arbitration but there's money to spend on a bat this offseason. The only question is if Amaro knows what he's doing.

You know who the window is closing on? The Brewers. Everyone knows Fielder is out after this year. I hope they win the NL.

[quote name='icedrake523']A ton of that money is going to be tied up in Ryan Howard and 2 32+ year old pitchers. Yes, they're good but you think they're going to put up sub-2.50 ERAs the rest of their contract?[/QUOTE]

Yes on the pitchers. Doc's work ethic is legendary and he's the type of pitcher that is smart enough to win and be smart about his pitches. Not worried at all about Halladay. Lee is a mini doc and will be fine. Hamels is young and great. The rotation is solid for 4 more years.

Howard... howard is a mess and the biggest mistake of Amaro's tenure. The worst thing that couldve happened to him was making the last out again. Maybe somehow he can be unloaded to St Louis. I wish him well but it could get brutal for him in Philly.

Also we have the greatest farm team in MLB: The Astros.
[quote name='confoosious']Also we have the greatest farm team in MLB: The Astros.[/QUOTE]


Howard is fucking wretched. I'm not sure if I'm more upset with him, or in Manuel for keeping him in the lineup as weak as he has been in the past 3 games.

What I can't figure out is how the NL Central is represented in the NLCS. That's the worst fucking division in MLB by a long shot.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

Howard is fucking wretched. I'm not sure if I'm more upset with him, or in Manuel for keeping him in the lineup as weak as he has been in the past 3 games.

What I can't figure out is how the NL Central is represented in the NLCS. That's the worst fucking division in MLB by a long shot.[/QUOTE]

You can't take him out. He's your $25M slugger.

Also, NL Central not only NLCS but in World Series.
[quote name='confoosious']Yes on the pitchers. Doc's work ethic is legendary and he's the type of pitcher that is smart enough to win and be smart about his pitches. Not worried at all about Halladay. Lee is a mini doc and will be fine. Hamels is young and great. The rotation is solid for 4 more years.[/QUOTE]

Halladay's work ethic isn't making him younger. I'm sure he'll still good but not what he is now. Wasn't Lee already dealing with some injuries earlier this year? He's signed through 2015 with an option for 2016. You think he's still going to be this good at 36/37?
I'd like to think you're not thinking about payroll when a person is showing no hope of performance.

It's not just his batting slump, but showing no patience at the plate. 3-pitch strikeouts are unacceptable. Swinging on a 3-0? Jumpin' jehosaphat, that's ridiculous!

Yes, you totally bench him. I was saying that back in Game 3. The overall offense was limp the last 3 games, but he epitomized a no patience hack and slasher that you don't want at the plate facing smart pitching like Carpenter.

Also, yes, the World Series too. I thought that was the evident part. fucking Brewers are going to take it all. That makes my stomach churn.
[quote name='icedrake523']Halladay's work ethic isn't making him younger. I'm sure he'll still good but not what he is now. Wasn't Lee already dealing with some injuries earlier this year? He's signed through 2015 with an option for 2016. You think he's still going to be this good at 36/37?[/QUOTE]

nah, Lee and Halladay were fine. Hamels spent about 1/2 week on the DL somewhere in there but it was kinda shady.

Pitchers can pitch deep into their 30s if they are smart. It's the one trick flamethrowing ponies that can't adapt. I think Halladay will be fine.

Between Ibanez, Oswalt, and Lidge, the phils have $39M coming off the payroll this year. Even if you pocket half of that, $20M for a bat and a 7th inning set up guy is pretty easy to find I think.
I just hope they don't lose Ryan Madson

[quote name='mykevermin']I'd like to think you're not thinking about payroll when a person is showing no hope of performance.

It's not just his batting slump, but showing no patience at the plate. 3-pitch strikeouts are unacceptable. Swinging on a 3-0? Jumpin' jehosaphat, that's ridiculous!

Yes, you totally bench him. I was saying that back in Game 3. The overall offense was limp the last 3 games, but he epitomized a no patience hack and slasher that you don't want at the plate facing smart pitching like Carpenter.

Also, yes, the World Series too. I thought that was the evident part. fucking Brewers are going to take it all. That makes my stomach churn.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to see him benched next year or at least platooning him and benching him with there is a lefty pitching, but Charlie will never do it.
Internally no one. I would have thought Bastardo earlier in the season but the 2nd half of the season for him wasn't great. Stutes just seems average, they need Kendrick for a long reliver and if Oswalt leaves, they will need Blanton to be the 5th starter figuring that they will have a rotation of Hallady, Lee, Hamels, Worely, Blanton.
[quote name='confoosious']Between Ibanez, Oswalt, and Lidge, the phils have $39M coming off the payroll this year. Even if you pocket half of that, $20M for a bat and a 7th inning set up guy is pretty easy to find I think.[/QUOTE]

Also, Rollins very well may be out the door too if he wants too much or too many years and won't back down. I would LOVE Jose Reyes but he's going to want a ton of money.

I'm positive they will sign Madson for multiple years, even if he wants a lot, they need to pay the man. A fantastic starting rotation is great and everything, but if you can't close out games then you're fucked.

And no, they'll never bench Howard, especially with Manuel as the manager. He's the king of "HE'S MY GUY AND HE PLAYS NO MATTER WHAT." That's evident when he used Lidge for almost the entire year as the closer when he sucked ass. I'm actually surprised Ibanez got less playing time (as he should have) when Mayberry got hot.

We'll see what happens next year but my confidence in this team is dwindling unless they make some BIG changes with the lineup. This lineup proved they can't hit when they need to for 2 years in a row. Lets not make it a third, k?
Blech, not sure how such a exciting regular season could produce such a terrible postseason. Not a single team I want to root for left...

At least I have hockey still.
I just...I don't understand this game anymore. A division that allowed the Pittsburgh Pirates to be in 1st place HALF WAY through the season (who were battling the Reds at the time) now has two OTHER teams going to the NLCS. I guess the weird thing is, if the Yankees had won, you could have said the same thing about the AL East...but that's a little more common in that division.

But the Cardinals were playing worse than the freaking PIRATES for over half the season...and now they knock off the 102 win Phillies. How could anyone sit infront of a television camera and "analyze" these games with a straight face? Sometimes shit happens and people don't live up to expectations. That about sums it up. There's no deeper meaning to the Tigers or Cardinals knocking off the top teams in the each league. They rolled the dice, and it went their way. The end.

What a worthless season.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I just...I don't understand this game anymore. A division that allowed the Pittsburgh Pirates to be in 1st place HALF WAY through the season (who were battling the Reds at the time) now has two OTHER teams going to the NLCS. I guess the weird thing is, if the Yankees had won, you could have said the same thing about the AL East...but that's a little more common in that division.

But the Cardinals were playing worse than the freaking PIRATES for over half the season...and now they knock off the 102 win Phillies. How could anyone sit infront of a television camera and "analyze" these games with a straight face? Sometimes shit happens and people don't live up to expectations. That about sums it up. There's no deeper meaning to the Tigers or Cardinals knocking off the top teams in the each league. They rolled the dice, and it went their way. The end.

What a worthless season.[/QUOTE]
What a ridiculous thing to say. This is why everyone else hates Yanks and Sox fans. The whole fucking galaxy revolves around them. A team that can perform in aggregate isn't good enough. Sorry A-Rod.

Like Fangraphs said: How To Lose An ALDS Game 5:
Bottom 3rd, 1st and 2nd, 2 outs – Robinson Cano flies out to center field.

Bottom 4th, Bases loaded, 1 out – Russell Martin pops out to first base.
Bottom 4th, Bases loaded, 2 out – Brett Gardner fouled out to third base.

Bottom 7th, Bases loaded, 1 out – Alex Rodriguez struck out.
Bottom 7th, Bases loaded, 2 out – Nick Swisher struck out.

PS The team with the highest probability to win when the playoffs started is still in. So I piss on your "top teams".
[quote name='icedrake523']Halladay's work ethic isn't making him younger. I'm sure he'll still good but not what he is now. Wasn't Lee already dealing with some injuries earlier this year? He's signed through 2015 with an option for 2016. You think he's still going to be this good at 36/37?[/QUOTE]

Halladay throws a ton of innings but not a ton of pitches, he's kind of like Maddux in that regard. Lee's velocity has increased for seven consecutive seasons. They'll both be fine for at least another three years.

Of course an elbow or shoulder injury could always strike at any time, but older, established pitchers without a track record of those kinds of injuries tend to not fall to them. Kind of selection bias, but the trend exists nonetheless.
[quote name='speedracer']What a ridiculous thing to say. This is why everyone else hates Yanks and Sox fans. The whole fucking galaxy revolves around them. A team that can perform in aggregate isn't good enough. Sorry A-Rod.

Like Fangraphs said: How To Lose An ALDS Game 5:

PS The team with the highest probability to win when the playoffs started is still in. So I piss on your "top teams".

My reference to the "top teams' was a fact. Both #1 seeds were knocked off. Three of the four remaining teams were hovering around .500 at the All Star break (with 49-43 records). Unless Texas wins, the World Series champ is going to be some team who just figured out that the season had begun in July. I don't care whose fanbase you hate, but that's a really lame end to the season.

I agree about the Yankees though. They choked on the big stage. That's what makes it so frustrating. It doesn't feel so much that the Tigers beat them as they beat themselves. Same exact thing with the Phillies. There were points in those games where the Tigers and Cardinals were practically begging to be beaten, and neither team could just find that big hit. So, instead, you get two teams moving on who are most likely going to get destroyed by their LCS opponent. It makes for boring baseball.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']My reference to the "top teams' was a fact. Both #1 seeds were knocked off. Three of the four remaining teams were hovering around .500 at the All Star break (with 49-43 records). Unless Texas wins, the World Series champ is going to be some team who just figured out that the season had begun in July. I don't care whose fanbase you hate, but that's a really lame end to the season.[/quote]
For you.

Statistically, winning regular season games isn't enough to give you the greatest probability to win it all. It certainly helps but it's not everything. Ask Yank fans.. oh wait.. ;D
I agree about the Yankees though. They choked on the big stage. That's what makes it so frustrating. It doesn't feel so much that the Tigers beat them as they beat themselves. Same exact thing with the Phillies. There were points in those games where the Tigers and Cardinals were practically begging to be beaten, and neither team could just find that big hit. So, instead, you get two teams moving on who are most likely going to get destroyed by their LCS opponent. It makes for boring baseball.
I disagree and that point is important to me because that difference is what makes baseball special. We talk about 162 games and the tens of thousands of this pitch or that take or this hit or that leadoff from first, but really at the end of it all, it comes down to a ridiculously small sample size. There were exactly 5 at bats that the Yankees must come through on. If you told me a random Yankee batter would 4 times hit with the bases loaded and game 5 in the balance, how would you bet?

I would have bet in favor of the Yanks and I would have been wrong. And that's what makes baseball so fucking rad.

If the game was on paper, it wouldn't be interesting would it?

I sometimes try to imagine being that person. Hell, I get sweaty palms pitching in the 9th in MLB 11. That moment makes and breaks people. And that's friggin AWESOME. You just can't buy that or prep for it. Halladay's 1 ER wasn't good enough. lolwut?

/ive been drinking, why do you ask?
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