22" LCD monitor: anyone using one with PS3?


2 (100%)
I am about to buy a 22" LCD monitor for my ps3.

Different monitors scale inputs differently, have different scale modes, some will let you lock aspect, others stretch, response time is just a random number that manufacturer states, etc.

Short of hooking my PS3 to every monitor I am interested in, the best way to decide which will be ok on my PS3 is benefiting from someone else' experience.

So are any of you using a 20" or 22" LCD monitor with your PS3? (360 does not count, because of ANA). How does it work?

I don't want to spend a ton ( < $300 ), as it will primarily be used for text, on my PC. I would just to to use it with my ps3 every now and then, and have it atleast look better than my 480i 27" tube.

I am aware of the technical side of things, I am more interested in 'user tests'. Please mention ghosting. 1080p and 720p game experiences, whether you use scaled or 1:1, etc. I am not interest in a 24" monitor, as it adds another $100 to the price.

~Shea M
I know you said you aren't interested in 24" lcds, but I don't have a 22/20" one. This is always a great resource on lcds: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.aspx?catid=31&threadid=2049206&enterthread=y

I have the LG 246p, it works wonderfully. The only problem that you might want to watch out w/ lcds is that for some reason in 480p/720p/1080p in "video mode" it overscans by about 5%. This isn't too big of an issue from any game I've played except warhawk. Warhawk does allow you to adjust the screen size as does pixeljunk monsters. Just to give you a ballpark most of the address bar is cut off. This is through HDMI mode only, component works fine.
re: overscan, at 1080p on pc mode works fine on my desktop or 1920x1200 as well.

I don't notice any artifacts really. I do notice artifacts when I play the wii though, but I think that's the wii actually artifacting.
I bought a Westinghouse 22inch, and it works well; the only problem is lack of HDCP. It has component inputs, so I've been using those, but look at different monitors and make sure they are either "Windows Vista Certified" or have HDCP in the description somewhere. Unlike the 360, which only needs it for upscaling DVDs, the PS3 needs HDCP to get a picture.

For me, I use the PS3 with component inputs. It works fine, but 720p has some overscan. 1080i scales perfectly.
I have a Hann's G 22" and will be buying a hdmi/dvi cable next week. I'll let you know then how it goes (I believe the ps3 supports 1680x1050).
up until last july (and before someone broke into my apt and stole it), i was using the 20" Wide Magnavox 20MF251w. and it wasn't an awesome TV, but it did it's job while i was on a tight budget. much better than playin on the 27" samsung tube my roommate had.

didn't have HDMI so i hooked up my PS3 through component. it wasn't too bad and worth the $400 back then. but i wouldn't recommend it now that most LCD monitors have HDCP (or HDMI if they're LCD TVs).
[quote name='hone']I know you said you aren't interested in 24" lcds, but I don't have a 22/20" one. This is always a great resource on lcds: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.aspx?catid=31&threadid=2049206&enterthread=y

I have the LG 246p, it works wonderfully. The only problem that you might want to watch out w/ lcds is that for some reason in 480p/720p/1080p in "video mode" it overscans by about 5%. This isn't too big of an issue from any game I've played except warhawk. Warhawk does allow you to adjust the screen size as does pixeljunk monsters. Just to give you a ballpark most of the address bar is cut off. This is through HDMI mode only, component works fine.[/QUOTE]

I also use this monitor and it's great.

Circuit city has them on clearance for 270 - 320. Has hdmi and there are no scalling issues. The only type of scalling issue (which occurs on any fixed pixel display) is the slight blurring of non native resolutions. Any artifacts are from the source console (which wii's and 360's are known for).
do you get overscan on your ps3 through hdmi?

[quote name='BULL_Ship']I also use this monitor and it's great.

Circuit city has them on clearance for 270 - 320. Has hdmi and there are no scalling issues. The only type of scalling issue (which occurs on any fixed pixel display) is the slight blurring of non native resolutions. Any artifacts are from the source console (which wii's and 360's are known for).[/quote]
[quote name='dragonsho']I have a Hann's G 22" and will be buying a hdmi/dvi cable next
week. I'll let you know then how it goes (I believe the ps3 supports 1680x1050).[/quote]

I don't think so. Most likely your monitor will scale up a 720p signal. Some 1680x1050 monitors (certain samsungs) will take a 1080p signal and scale it, but most won't even accept a 1080p signal. This is according to the two hours of googling I did today.

I am pretty sure I am going to get a samsung 225bw. It is known for bleeding, but it it has HDCP, and accepts 1080p.

[quote name='snowsquirrel']I don't think so. Most likely your monitor will scale up a 720p signal. Some 1680x1050 monitors (certain samsungs) will take a 1080p signal and scale it, but most won't even accept a 1080p signal. This is according to the two hours of googling I did today.

I am pretty sure I am going to get a samsung 225bw. It is known for bleeding, but it it has HDCP, and accepts 1080p.


That's the moniter I have, it works fine except for the little overscan of it being 16:10 and not a 16:9 tv. I have the signal at 720p and it looks great, you could set it to 1080p and still have the same overscan, but than it pops up a notice telling you, that it isn't the moniter's native resolution, but you can clear by pushing any button on the moniter. It's just annoying but if you can get past that, you can have it set to 1080p.

I have mine hooked up via a hdmi switch so I'm using it for both my computer and ps3.
I have a 22" Envision I picked up at BB for like 180 in august. Got a hdmi/dvi cable, and voila games in 1080p.. It is much, much better than the 30"crt I was using. I wont even play it if I dont have an hdtv anymore.

Are you sure you that that monitor accepts 1080, or is it upscaling 720? If it does take 1080, and looks good, what is the model number?

First post... and finally something to contribute to the forums (aside from a lurking presence). I'm using the PS3 on my Samsung 225BW. I can't speak on the very technical questions like upscaling. As a word of warning, if you set the PS3 video output at 1080p, the monitor's OSD will pop up saying that it's running at a non-optimum resolution. This window pops up every time you start or quit a game. You have to press a monitor button to get rid of it, otherwise it blocks your screen for a long time. I don't know if there's a way to get rid of the warning. Making the OSD transparent won't work either. I'm using the the 720p option and the window doesn't pop up (prob. since the 720 resolution is smaller than the monitor's native resolution). Uh, I just repeated what Thongsy said.
[quote name='hone']I know you said you aren't interested in 24" lcds, but I don't have a 22/20" one. This is always a great resource on lcds: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.aspx?catid=31&threadid=2049206&enterthread=y

I have the LG 246p, it works wonderfully. The only problem that you might want to watch out w/ lcds is that for some reason in 480p/720p/1080p in "video mode" it overscans by about 5%. This isn't too big of an issue from any game I've played except warhawk. Warhawk does allow you to adjust the screen size as does pixeljunk monsters. Just to give you a ballpark most of the address bar is cut off. This is through HDMI mode only, component works fine.[/QUOTE]

I just noticed that if you put it in video mode it does overscan. This is by design as many tv broadcasts have "rough edges" so to speak with artifact etc. Switch it to pc mode and there is no overscan.
I just realized that it seems only the samsung 22's take 1080p. Because of the fact that the samsung cost more than most 22's, I can get a cheap 24" of a lesser brand (i.e., optiquest) for about the same price (and all 24" can do 1080p)... Futureshop (the BB of Canada) has a 24"optiquest/viewsonic for $329. Most samsung 22" are about $300. Although there is a 21.16" samsung for $249 which is tempting. Man, I keep going in circles on this.... I do wonder if 1080p stretched to 1200 would look better or worse than 1080p downed to 1050? Man I am sick of this, I am just going to close my eyes, spin and point and buy!

[quote name='snowsquirrel']I just realized that it seems only the samsung 22's take 1080p. Because of the fact that the samsung cost more than most 22's, I can get a cheap 24" of a lesser brand (i.e., optiquest) for about the same price (and all 24" can do 1080p)... Futureshop (the BB of Canada) has a 24"optiquest/viewsonic for $329. Most samsung 22" are about $300. Although there is a 21.16" samsung for $249 which is tempting. Man, I keep going in circles on this.... I do wonder if 1080p stretched to 1200 would look better or worse than 1080p downed to 1050? Man I am sick of this, I am just going to close my eyes, spin and point and buy!


Most games are still 720p scalled to 1080p

Most 24" monitors offer 1 to 1 so the 1080p would remain at 1080p

Honestly the difference between 1080p and 720p is not mindblowing but less scalling is better.
I can't seem to find a 24" that does 1:1, atleast locally. I know the BenQ models do, but I am having trouble getting my hands on one.

I believe all samsung lcd's scale. There is a 24" samsung 245bw for only $349 (locally), but I am hesitant b/c of the lack of 1:1. If it did 1:1 I would run out and buy it now.

Do people with a 1:1 use it, or do you usually use fill?

Just a FYI, I got the hdmi/dvi cable today. My POS monitor really doesn't have HDCP so no go for that. Just like how it says "1080P" on it. Good job false advertising Hanns G. I guess what I'm trying to say is, avoid Hanns G.
I am not sure what model Envision I own, but I am sure it is not "true" 1080p since I had to adjust the screen size of Warhawk and PJM...However, it does have HDCP and I am using a hdmi to dvi cable and when I scan for reccomended outputs, 1080p is what pops up..I have no problems with any games, and I would highly recommend this monitor for ps3 usage..let me know if you want the model number, as I am sure it is readily available for less than $200..

Personally, I dont care if I am ruining this monitor by outputting at 1080p... As stated, I payed less than 200 for it OTD and plan on buying a 42" 1080p TV this summer..As long as it lasts me until then, I don't care about the damage I am causing to the monitor in the meantime by playing in 1080p...
Smiggity, I'd like the model number please. I was planning on getting a x2vga but if that runs me the same cost as a new monitor I'm all for a new monitor.
Yo I don't know what you mean by x2VG, I am assuming you mean 2 VGA connections but sadly it has only 1 VGA and 1 DVI and NO HDMI.. Anyways I will post the model # tomorrow, sorry it tok me so long to respond, been busy lately.. Gotta love being drunk by 2pm on St Pattys Day!!!
So I just setup my new Samsung 245BW. I wanted the G2400w, but couldn't find it locally. Plus I got it for $349, which was about $80 cheaper than was going to be able to get a g2400w shipped to me.

I was worried about a couple things with this purchase. TN colours, viewing angle, and lack of aspect scaling. All three worries have been nullified so far. From the limited places I sit, viewing angle is not an issue. Colours look great too me. I am sure if I put it beside a non-TN panel, I would see the flaws, so I guess ignorance is bliss. I hooked up the PS3, and put in a couple 1080p games (calling-all-cars, and stardust). I never notices any scaling problems. After an hour, I still can't get over how much I was missing on a 27" 480i tv. :eek: I should also mention that stand has a bit of wobble (but I am on a el-cheapo desk) but still better than most I saw today (most stores I went to don't carry the super high end stuff). I really like the height adjustment, easy to use and smooth. But like I said before, I haven't had a new monitor in a while, and am likely easily impressed.

I almost think 24" is too big for the desktop. I love my two 19" wides at work, and think that might actually be a better setup for work. But the 24" is nice for the ps3, though when I use this for gaming, am sitting close enough that 22 would have been fine.

I ran an hdmi cable from my ps3 through the wall to my office, and set it beside monitor. Now I can game on 27" crt, or this lcd. I ran a stereo cable through wall for audio. It sucks that I don't have suround sound it office, but it will work.

This will be a nice stop gap for a year until I can afford a 42" set. I am glad I didn't listen to the purists. I saved $$$, and love the quality.

If you are waiting for enough money to go big+HD, then small+HD is a great alternative. I can't believe the details, I was missing. Tommorrow, I'll likely go through my entire collection to see what I have missed. Too bad I have Uncharted, and HS lent out.

Just though I would share, in case any of you are on the fence.

[quote name='smiggity']Yo I don't know what you mean by x2VG, I am assuming you mean 2 VGA connections but sadly it has only 1 VGA and 1 DVI and NO HDMI.. Anyways I will post the model # tomorrow, sorry it tok me so long to respond, been busy lately.. Gotta love being drunk by 2pm on St Pattys Day!!![/quote]
x2vga is like an adapter box that lets you plug in component cables and the output is a vga cable.

That's awesome that you got a good monitor snowsquirrel.
So it supports 1080p natively?
it does, but it fills it fills the 1920x1200 (16:10 not 16:9) screen, so it is either chopping edges off, contorting it. Either way is a great stop gap.

If you have hdcp, and dvi-d, the no-hdmi is not an issue. I got a 12 foot cable from walmart for $29.99, which is hdmi on one end, and dvi on the other. Yeah, I could have gotten it cheaper at monoprice, but I was impatiant.

I probably bought the same cable as you squirrel... Everything works fine, I have the component cable hooked up to my surround sound..
how do you get surround out of component? In the living room the ps3 is hooked to my 5.1 through optical, and 27" NTSC, through component. Through the wall into office, I have a stereo cable hooked to component, and the dvi/hdmi cable. But I would like surround in here...

I am pretty sure component audio cables are capable of 5.1 ss. Im not sure I understand your question?? Do you mean through the ps3? In that case it is just the the audio output settings in the XMB..
[quote name='Thongsy']That's the moniter I have, it works fine except for the little overscan of it being 16:10 and not a 16:9 tv. I have the signal at 720p and it looks great, you could set it to 1080p and still have the same overscan, but than it pops up a notice telling you, that it isn't the moniter's native resolution, but you can clear by pushing any button on the moniter. It's just annoying but if you can get past that, you can have it set to 1080p.

I have mine hooked up via a hdmi switch so I'm using it for both my computer and ps3.[/quote]

Just a question. I have the same monitor (Samsung 225BW) and I was looking to hook it up to my PS3. I really want to go for cheap here, so I'm gonna buy all my stuff on monoprice.com

So basically, do I only need an HDMI to DVI cable? As for the audio, how is it done? I have Logitech X-230 2.1 speakers hooked up to my computer. Can I use them? If yes, how?

It is possible to have the links from monoprice, since I'm such a n00b and there's like 10000 differents cables that have the same name.. it gets confusing.

PS: If I hook up my PS3 to the 225BW, then how am I going to be able to switch from PS3 to "Computer"?

Thank you all!
I bought a hdmi-male to dvi-male cable. The cheapest would be to get the hdmi-male to dvi-female adapter at monoprice, the plug into ps3, and your existing dvi cable into that. My issue with that is that stress put on the hdmi socket of the ps3, as it comes out horizontal, and dvi cable is fairly heavy. that is why I bought the cable.

For sound, you just need a DIN to (left/right or red/white) banana-female cable. You plug the banana's into the red and white coming off the ps3 componant or composite cable, and the DIN into your x-230's. I have Altec lansing speakers, which use a male-male DIN cable from sub to sound card. So I just removed that cable from sub, and plugged the DIN end (of adapter cable) directly into it. But some speakers may have the din cable attached to them. In which case you would need a DIN female to banana-female.

Hope that isn't too confusing. Send links to what you pick out on mono, and we can verify that it would work. I'll try and check this board after I get back from hockey.

[quote name='snowsquirrel']I bought a hdmi-male to dvi-male cable. The cheapest would be to get the hdmi-male to dvi-female adapter at monoprice, the plug into ps3, and your existing dvi cable into that. My issue with that is that stress put on the hdmi socket of the ps3, as it comes out horizontal, and dvi cable is fairly heavy. that is why I bought the cable.

For sound, you just need a DIN to (left/right or red/white) banana-female cable. You plug the banana's into the red and white coming off the ps3 componant or composite cable, and the DIN into your x-230's. I have Altec lansing speakers, which use a male-male DIN cable from sub to sound card. So I just removed that cable from sub, and plugged the DIN end (of adapter cable) directly into it. But some speakers may have the din cable attached to them. In which case you would need a DIN female to banana-female.

Hope that isn't too confusing. Send links to what you pick out on mono, and we can verify that it would work. I'll try and check this board after I get back from hockey.


So, what about this HDMI to DVI cable? What does AWG means? The bigger the number, the better it is?


As for the audio, I am totally lost. What's a DIN? As for the cable from my sub to my sound card, I don't have any idea what it is, just that it is black...

Finally, as for my PS3 running at the same time as my computer... how do I switch from one to the other, while on the same monitor?

A big thanks!
For audio you could use something like this
You would just plug the red/white cables that came with the ps3 into that, then plug that into either the input jack on your sound card if you have one or get a female/female coupler and plug the 3.5mm end of the adapter linked above into the coupler and then plug the 3.5mm jack from your speakers into the other end of the coupler. I plug directly into my sound card and it works great. Don't have to deal with plugging or unplugging the audio cable if you want to use pc or ps3.

Here's the female coupler I'm talking about so you can see how it would work
[quote name='mkay']Finally, as for my PS3 running at the same time as my computer... how do I switch from one to the other, while on the same monitor?[/quote]

Pressing the "enter" button on the monitor will switch it between PS3 and computer.
On the 225BW it's the button left of "auto".
[quote name='dragonsho']For audio you could use something like this
You would just plug the red/white cables that came with the ps3 into that, then plug that into either the input jack on your sound card if you have one or get a female/female coupler and plug the 3.5mm end of the adapter linked above into the coupler and then plug the 3.5mm jack from your speakers into the other end of the coupler. I plug directly into my sound card and it works great. Don't have to deal with plugging or unplugging the audio cable if you want to use pc or ps3.

Here's the female coupler I'm talking about so you can see how it would work

Thanks a lot! I'll plug it directly in the sound card, less complicated and it works so...

As for my HDMI cable, is it okay?
Looks like dragonsho has your shopping done for you. DIN is the name of the connector that that headphones use, like on an iPod, or walkman (if your old school). I would bet money that the plug that goes into your sound card is DIN. Cel phones, and xbox use a mini-din. Looks like monoprice calls a DIN a 3.5mm stereo connector.

I just hotplug cables when I switch. Not ideal, but cheap.

AWG is how thick a metal is. The _lower_ the number, the thicker it is. Even shovels are usually rated in AWG, check next time your are in the hardware store. I am no expert, but I would think 28 is probably fine if you are not going over 10f.t

I have a 12' version of this for my audio: http://www.monoprice.com/products/p...d=10218&cs_id=1021803&p_id=663&seq=1&format=2.
For some reason I had one kicking around the house.

For video I have a 12' version of this:
I paid $30 at wal-mart, so feel good about $7!

You should be good to go.

[quote name='snowsquirrel']Looks like dragonsho has your shopping done for you. DIN is the name of the connector that that headphones use, like on an iPod, or walkman (if your old school). I would bet money that the plug that goes into your sound card is DIN. Cel phones, and xbox use a mini-din. Looks like monoprice calls a DIN a 3.5mm stereo connector.

I just hotplug cables when I switch. Not ideal, but cheap.

AWG is how thick a metal is. The _lower_ the number, the thicker it is. Even shovels are usually rated in AWG, check next time your are in the hardware store. I am no expert, but I would think 28 is probably fine if you are not going over 10f.t

I have a 12' version of this for my audio: http://www.monoprice.com/products/p...d=10218&cs_id=1021803&p_id=663&seq=1&format=2.
For some reason I had one kicking around the house.

For video I have a 12' version of this:
I paid $30 at wal-mart, so feel good about $7!

You should be good to go.


Thank you a lot for your answer.
I'll probably only need 6' cables.

As for the audio, on Monoprice.com they only have a 6-inch cable. Am I wrong or what?

Thank you!

I might as well as for a USB cable that could replace the REALLY short one Sony gave with the console. Is this a wire that could fit?


Thank you a lot!
[quote name='snowsquirrel']well this one is 6ft: http://www.monoprice.com/products/p...d=10218&cs_id=1021804&p_id=665&seq=1&format=2

But it has male rca plugs on the end. This is what I have. So I had to get a 'coupler' which is basically a female-female adapter for joining two male connectors. It is probably just as easy to buy the 6" one, and 2 of these to extend it if you need it: http://www.monoprice.com/products/p...d=10218&cs_id=1021803&p_id=656&seq=1&format=2


Excellent! The second idea seems like it's the best one. Thanks!

As for my USB cable, is it okay?
bread's done