24: Season Five. *SPOILERS*

actor/actress signed on for next season

chloe, from tvguide.com

Question: Kiefer Sutherland re-signed for three more seasons of 24 (Entertainment News 4/10)? Woo-hoo! How about making my day even better with some big scoop? — Evie
Ausiello: This should do the trick: Jack isn't the only real-timer on board for Day 6 (and beyond): Although she wouldn't confirm it when we spoke last week, MNBF Mary Lynn Rajskub has inked a deal to return next season, my 24 mole confirms. Long live Chloe


Question: Will Elisha Cuthbert be returning to 24 for any more episodes this season? — Alan O'Brien
Ausiello: No.

he is rarely wrong,
she may have already filmed her upcoming episode mentioned earlier, thus keeping what he said true, as she has already returned...
[quote name='myxyplik']I don't know about that. There was a similar deal with Jennifer Garner for Alias that would have lasted through season 7. It got cancelled this season (season 5). So if 24 ratings tank next season, all bets are off.[/quote]

Your right about the ratings as that is what mainly drives the networks to keep bringing shows back. But Kiefer's deal with Fox is much more lucrative in that he is now an executive producer of the series which means he will have a hand in creative control of the show as well as added revenue through dvd, ads, and whatever else is included apart from his acting salary. 24's ratings are also higher this year than last year which means that people are continuing to become interested in the show whereas with Alias the ratings have continued to plummet and abc kept shuffling the show into awful timeslots. Another thing to think about is that both of these shows are expensive to produce and with Alias needing most of it's principal cast, it became too unprofitable for abc to continue supporting. One of the unique things with 24 is that they continue to reshuffle the cast to keep the salaries of the actor's down and you see a lot of "special guest star" credits for those characters that return for a few epsiodes during a season. I'm sure there's a possibility the show could be stopped before 2009 but in all likelihood the creators coming up with 3 more seasons seems much more likely and lucrative for both the creators and Fox.
Didn't "24" almost get axed right about in the middle of season 1 since Fox initially just ordered half a season but decided to finish season 1 out at the last minute? That seems very plausable since storyline wise it almost seems to wrap itself up right at about the 12 PM episode since all they had to do with alter a few bits towards the end of the episode to put closure to the series.

Of course in either case I am glad Fox gave the series a chance. Too bad many other shows got axed prematurely by Fox like Harsh Realm (how the hell can you axe a show after 3 episodes... lame).
[quote name='Demolition Man']Didn't "24" almost get axed right about in the middle of season 1 since Fox initially just ordered half a season but decided to finish season 1 out at the last minute? That seems very plausable since storyline wise it almost seems to wrap itself up right at about the 12 PM episode since all they had to do with alter a few bits towards the end of the episode to put closure to the series.

Of course in either case I am glad Fox gave the series a chance. Too bad many other shows got axed prematurely by Fox like Harsh Realm (how the hell can you axe a show after 3 episodes... lame).[/QUOTE]

Yep, 24 was on the chopping block and literally recieved a last minute stay of execution because the ratings suddenly started spiking. I remember how bummed out I was when I heard that they were going to cancel it, that seems like so long ago now.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yep, 24 was on the chopping block and literally recieved a last minute stay of execution because the ratings suddenly started spiking. I remember how bummed out I was when I heard that they were going to cancel it, that seems like so long ago now.[/QUOTE]

What helped too is that a show like this is such an easy DVD boxset sell as one can see it as a 20 hour movie with the show's production values and well recognizeable cast. Hell the boxset release for season 1 is what finally got me into the show since I bought it blindly (well okay semi blindly after reading the good review on Digital Bits).
[quote name='H-Town Info']...[/QUOTE]
:rofl: The last pic in your sig looks rather hardcore in the context of the rest of it. Somebody likes it rough.
So do you think we will find out who orchestrated the attempted assasination of Palmer with the poisoned hand shake at the end of season 1?
the handshake deal is from season 2. you have to play "24 the game" on ps2 to find out who authorized it. also, wayne palmer said in season 3 the people behind the attack are dead or in prison

Jack and Audrey wait for Heller at the airport. Audrey calls Chloe at CTU, but the call is tracked. Logan calls with the info and Henderson with his men rush over to the airport.

Heller arrives and Jack and Heller go inside a plane hanger where Jack plays the tape. Heller punches Jack and says that this whole thing will cause an unbelievable amount of trouble and he’s hesitant about getting involved in the massive conspiracy. But he agrees to confront President Logan at the retreat. Heller takes off for Logan’s retreat and Jack and Audrey stay behind, handcuffed to a pole inside the hanger so they can’t escape. Before Heller leaves he hands the tape to one of the guards and this guard will protect the tape.

President Logan calls off CTU’s investigation at the airport and he tells them a covert force will assume command of the field operation. (And we know who that is - Henderson!) Novick becomes suspicious.

Chloe is at CTU and she realizes all of her actions are being tracked so she decides to pack up and get out of CTU. She leaves and heads over to Bill Buchanan’s home where she can use his computer.

Henderson shows up at the airport and big gun battle ensues. Henderson finds Audrey and takes her hostage. Henderson cuts Audrey and she’s bleeding pretty badly. Henderson tells Jack that he has to give him the tape or Audrey will die.

Jack knows that Audrey is going to be killed and he can’t lose another woman who he loves. Henderson is given the tape and he lets Audrey go. Jack goes after Henderson but he escapes and leaves the airport.

Heller is at the retreat, demanding the President’s resignation, when Logan finds out Henderson has the tape. Heller tells Gardner about Logan…
New Spoiler for future episode purposes



Secretary of Defense James Heller will be driving in his car.


There's a brief conversation between Jack and Heller. Jack tells Heller that Henderson's men are coming after the Secretary. Henderson's men are planning on using the Secretary against Jack.

A helicopter appears and it's full of Henderson's men and it's heading for the Secretary's car as he's driving. Heller knows that if he's captured Jack's efforts to bring down Logan will be hindered and Heller is forced to weigh his own life with the safety of the nation. Heller is a patriot and he's going to go out on his own terms and not be captured and tortured by Henderson's cowards. Heller puts his foot on the gas and drives off a cliff and into water/ocean.
[quote name='H-Town Info']the handshake deal is from season 2. you have to play "24 the game" on ps2 to find out who authorized it. also, wayne palmer said in season 3 the people behind the attack are dead or in prison[/QUOTE]

aaah good to know I watched the first three seasons on dvd in the frame of 3 weeks so I sometimes mix them up
[quote name='smalien1']Side note: did anyone else really like that Jetta commercial?

Logan is such a cockaroonie![/quote]

The one with the big crash? It was, like, so cool.

It's funny how there really haven't been any terrorists this season other than the first couple of hours. I just want to finish watching it. This is why I've waited for the DVD's for all the other seasons.
[quote name='smalien1']
Logan is such a cockaroonie![/quote]

Tonight I think was the first time Logan came across as genuinely creepy. It puts his doltish behavior from earlier in a different perspective.

Good to know they didn't forget about the Chinese. They should make it the main plot for next season if they can't work it in this season.
I'm glad they brought up the Chinese again.

I know the guy who plays Logan didn't know about
Logan being behind it all
until recently, but going back and watching older episodes, he played the perfect baffoon.
he (the POTUS) would be last person least expected to behind a conspiracy.

also, one thing tonight about jack was that he put his personal life before the country. after the events of day 1, he put the country behind his personal life. jack has lost everyone around him that he cares for except chloe and audrey. jack finally showed some human-side of him that we have rarely seen out of him. jack is human and not a robot. jack and audrey really are be meant for each other and i really really hope they live thru day 5.

also, imo jack bauer's worst enemy is jack bauer
[quote name='H-Town Info']he (the POTUS) would be last person least expected to behind a conspiracy.

also, one thing tonight about jack was that he put his personal life before the country. after the events of day 1, he put the country behind his personal life. jack has lost everyone around him that he cares for except chloe and audrey. jack finally showed some human-side of him that we have rarely seen out of him. jack is human and not a robot. jack and audrey really are be meant for each other and i really really hope they live thru day 5.

also, imo jack bauer's worst enemy is jack bauer[/QUOTE]

Your assuming of course that what jack handed over was the only copy or even the correct copy I wouldn't take that for granted
[quote name='jlarlee']Your assuming of course that what jack handed over was the only copy or even the correct copy I wouldn't take that for granted[/QUOTE]

jack will find another way. there's going to be an end game soon that is pretty big that henderson has in his disposal.

also i meant to say was "after the events of day 1, jack put the country BEFORE his personal life."
very good episode, loved seeing jack burn himself to escape being in that room. I highly doubt audrey will make it, besides being kniffed by henderson

she has been doing another show pilot. Has a major role in a show that the network feels will make it thru the season. Also, she has been working on it for several weeks, and 24 wasn't done filming the season when she started. My money is on her making a sacrifice to save jack
Wow..... amazing episode.

Any bets Martha will be bumped off next week? Going by the preview with Charles saying "The situation with Martha has been taken care of" makes me wonder that.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Wow..... amazing episode.

Any bets Martha will be bumped off next week? Going by the preview with Charles saying "The situation with Martha has been taken care of" makes me wonder that.

I doubt it. I think they just put that there to throw us off. She'll probably just go into hiding or something.
I thought that she would die, Heller would get pissed and rat out Jack to the chinese, thus sending him into hiding again, setting up season 6
[quote name='Demolition Man']Wow..... amazing episode.

Any bets Martha will be bumped off next week? Going by the preview with Charles saying "The situation with Martha has been taken care of" makes me wonder that.
Forget about Martha, I want to know what happened to Aaron!
[quote name='guardian_owl']
Forget about Martha, I want to know what happened to Aaron!
Ditto. Hopefully it wasn't some sort of set-up.
upcoming spoiler per tvguide.com

Question: I need 24 spoilers! Seriously, that's what my doctor prescribed. — Gabriel
Ausiello: I hear Chloe is going to make mean use of a Taser very soon. Also, President Logan is going to come clean to Martha, no doubt prompting her to dunk her head in the sink for the 23rd time today.
[quote name='H-Town Info']someone's coming back............seriously


nothing had happened to him/her, so why would we assume they wouldn't come back
The Following Takes Place Between 1 A.M and 2 A.M

Van Nuys Airport: Jack is tending to Audrey’s wound when one of Secretary Heller’s guards cell phone rings. Jack answers and it’s Heller. Jack tells Heller about the shootout and that Henderson is in possession of the tape.

Bill Buchanan’s house: Bill and Chloe are inside the house. Bill’s phone rings and it’s Jack. Jack speaks with Chloe and tells her that he needs her to track Henderson’s movements. Bill and Chloe focus all their efforts into finding Henderson and Jack and Audrey leave the airport.

Logan’s Retreat: Henderson calls President Logan. Henderson tells Logan that he is keeping the tape in a safe place and it’s his insurance policy against Logan. The President calls a group of men and tells them not to go after Henderson.

Jack and Audrey: Chloe is able to track down Henderson and she forwards the location to Jack and he finds Henderson and rams into his car. There is a shootout and Henderson runs out of ammo and Jack captures him but Henderson no longer has the tape and he has given it to one of his operatives. Jack and Chloe figure out that Henderson passed off the tape to someone who was en route to the Van Nuys airport. The plane that the courier is on is a Diplomatic plane that has clearance to fly even with Martial Law imposed. Audrey tells Jack to do whatever he has to in order to expose Logan as a traitor so Jack goes to try and track down the courier at the airport, and he makes a huge mistake and leaves a locked up Henderson and Audrey at the barn until Curtis and his team get there to transport them back to CTU.

CTU: Myles gets a lead on Chloe’s location and gives it to Karen. Karen sends a tactical team over to Buchanan’s house to pick them up. But Karen has a change of heart because she thinks something is up with Logan and she calls Bill and tells him to get out because a SWAT team is coming after them. Bill tells Chloe but she doesn’t want to leave because she is close to getting the passenger list for the diplomatic plane

Audrey and Henderson: Audrey has Henderson at gunpoint. They hear a helicopter and it lands and Henderson’s men pour our and head after Audrey. Suddenly the CTU field ops helicopter arrives and Curtis and his guys wipe out Henderson’s men and Curtis is able to capture Henderson. So Curtis is now in control and is taking Audrey and Henderson back to CTU and Jack must find a way to get onto the heavily guarded diplomatic plane.
[quote name='encendido5']What's the NOOOO!! for? I missed the first 18 minutes...[/quote]
Secretary Heller's death.
Okay, make haste with the spoiler tags.

I've missed everything between Heller driving off a cliff and Miles finding Chloe - what's the summary?

Peter Weller(Chris Henderson) - Robocop
Ray Wise(VP Gardner) - Leon Nash
Paul McCrane(whoever Logan was talking to tonight) - Emil (the melting man)

Now we just need Boddiker, Dick Jones, and the Old Man!
[quote name='thehuskerfan']
Secretary Heller's death.

I wouldnt say he's dead just yet. He went over a cliff into water. It's not like the car exploded or anything.
Can't wait for next week
Jack hijacking a fucking plane. Also, I gotta believe Pierce is dead. Mike is probably next.
[quote name='H-Town Info']i posted a summary a few posts above u. and the spoiler is accurate.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Thanks.
Ah, I was wondering when

Heller had died. And I told you guys to keep your mouth shut about Aaron. He's probably dead now.... he was too popular
[quote name='encendido5']Ah, I was wondering when

Heller had died. And I told you guys to keep your mouth shut about Aaron. He's probably dead now.... he was too popular

pierce is going to be back. if they had killed him, he would had done it in the line of duty (example: the attack on the motorcade). i'll be appuld if the worse did happen
Damn it, H-Town! I hate reading people's thoughts about tonight's episode, only to have spoilers for future episodes in them!
i'm not putting spoilers in future episodes in about tonight's comments.

plus i wont get my spoilers for future episodes until like thursday. i was putting out speculation on pierce Scorch.
Its on right now on the West Coast, and I just wanted to express...

Holy crap! Logan is in league with Robocop AND one of the Robocop villains?! (Paul McCrane AKA Dr. Romano from ER)
So in addition we learned that
Walt Cumming's was a non-voluntary assisted suicide, I had a feeling something fishy was going on.

I loved the bit where Logan assured Henderson there was no need to keep the recording as insurance, then called to stop the hit put out on him :lol:. Once again, we are left wondering WTF happened to Aaron? And considering how uncerimoniously they got rid of Secretary Heller, I'm not convinced he is actually dead.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Its on right now on the West Coast, and I just wanted to express...

Holy crap! Logan is in league with Robocop AND one of the Robocop villains?! (Paul McCrane AKA Dr. Romano from ER)[/QUOTE]

he'll probabl die by having his arm cut off from a helicopter propeller :rofl:
bread's done