2nd 360 illness, strange customer service


I received my 2nd 360 in Feb of this year after the first one had the ring of death. The replacement basically was fine, would occasionaly freeze on a game or two but for a month no problem. Slowly, however, and with very specific games the game freeze would become more and more common. Finally after buying table tennis tonight and trying to play it (and it freezing withing 20 seconds of each match) I called microsoft customer service.

Customer Service " What can I help you with?"

Me: "I'm on my second 360 after you sent me out a replacement in Feb. I've been having lots of game play freezes but usually with the same games: Amped, Top Spin, Full Auto, and now Table Tennis which I bought tonight---it also happens on a few Live Demos like Laura Croft and Lost Planet"

Customer Service: "Looks like your warranty expired last month, no problem we'll just note an exception and will send you out a new 360 if that is what you would like."

Me: "You bet--as I actually want to play these games"

After a 2 minute wait they give me directions just like last time... Within 5 minutes the whole thing is done with such simplicity that either this is the best customer service ever.. or mircosoft continues with trying to quickly and quietly replace defective product.

My Question---has anyone else encounted this game specific game freeze?

(also what do you make of the quick and easy customer service call?)
The customer service calls are usually easy (I won't say always), but "quick" depends on the person. Mine took an ETERNITY...see the "Coffin support group" thread if it's still around.
Mine has yet to freeze and I bought it on launch.

That being said, I hope I never have any of the problems I hear about on this board. Was nice of MS to fix it after warranty expired though.
My Zero Hour launch 360 froze and died the week of Xmas, and it took me about 10 days to wait for the box, send the 360 back, and get my new one back, which has not given me one problem til this day.

Microsoft has one pleased customer.
Bought my 360 in March, for the next couple of weeks some games froze but would work again when I reboot the system. Last week, a lot of games would keep freezing (just like the OP's, it would load up to about 20 sec before freezing) and now I'm getting the red ring of death (3 lights). Called M$ on Tuesday and the guy was really helpful, finished everything in about 5 min. UPS just came by yesterday and gave me the box to put the system in and I gave it back to him to ship it back.

Pretty impressed that I didnt even have to take one step outta my house to ship it.
my warranty expired and they wont fix my XBox360. they are trying to charge me $129 to get it repaired. Im stuck with an xbox that dont work cause I cant afford to pay for repairs.. How did you get an exception? the supervisor told me they could do nothing for me....
Customer Service: "Looks like your warranty expired last month, no problem we'll just note an exception and will send you out a new 360 if that is what you would like."
HUH? Looks like you got really lucky! Why would you not purchase the M$ warranty after seeing your system die after just a few months? Pretty much everyone knew about the problems the 360 was having and you even felt them so not ordering the warranty was kind of silly.
CONSPIRACY THEORY: Microsoft purposely screws up 360's to sell warranties as a way to regain some of their losses.

Before I get called an idiot, it was a joke...or was it?
[quote name='TimPV3']CONSPIRACY THEORY: Microsoft purposely screws up 360's to sell warranties as a way to regain some of their losses.

Before I get called an idiot, it was a joke...or was it?[/quote]

LOL well there were LOTS of 1st time warranty buyers with the launch of this system and all it's problems so it worked be it on purpose or not. It's just $50 and your odds of "winning" were MUCH greater than the lotto. :lol:
bread's done