$30 in EB Credit..Looking to blow on CAG deals.


27 (100%)
But am undecided as to what I want..Looking at Mirror's Edge($9.99 new) and Dead Space($19.99 used)..Or a copy of L4D (29.99 used)...Just looking for a decent deal..Quantity or quality. Doesn't matter. lol. 360 only though. Any suggestions?
Thanks..I had Last Remanant at one point as well. I really enjoyed it, despite the crappy reviews. :D May have to pick it up again...
I wouldn't get Dead Space or L4D used for those prices, since you can get them NEW for those prices elsewhere (Future Shop, for example). I'd look at getting Dark Sector and The Darkness, both are cheap and quite underrated!
I saw Dead Space for $19.99 new at EB recently. Dead Space + Mirror's Edge = Win. I'd pass on L4D, wait for L4D2 at this point.
Just an update..I snagged Dead Space for $19.99 used (the new version was still stickered at $19.99 but they were saying that was only a promo and the promo was over..Ah well..It was Platinum Hits casing..Blech.) and Mirror's Edge for $9.99 new. :D Thanks all! Now I'm REALLY backlogged. lol.
bread's done