320gb xbox HDD Target$99.99 YMMV


6 (100%)
Price mistake Target has 320 Xbox hdd for 99.99 there was a tag on the shelf and they immediately removed the tag after honoring the price so YMMV.

For those that dont know the drive is $129.99 regular price.....and as pointed out below its online also. Thanks dubleo
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[quote name='Thechaosdivision']Maybe this is a dumb question, but is this for the hard drive or for the console?[/QUOTE]It's the internal drive for the Slim console only.
Didnt know it was online too but they may change it soon since it was a mistake. As far as the tag that means its in the whole Target system not just my store.

If you dont like the info just move along why waste your time and comment?
the sad part is with the way hard drive prices have risen lately, cracking this open and using it for different purposes is almost reasonable.
bread's done