360 Heat Damage Question


Ok, so my 360 is in a cabinet with doors that shut to hide the components. I always play with it well ventilated, but I didn't notice somebody shut the door while i was playing for about an hour and when i opened the door it was REALLY hot in there.. how much potential damage (i.e. how much closer to RROD) did that just push my 360? its only about 2 months old and supposedly is the new model with extra heatsinks
You have a warranty? If so: why do you give a damn?

If not, you are an idiot and it really couldn't matter.

The 360 is a walking timebomb as far as I'm concerned, it's going to die, if you don't have a warrantee, you are stupid and you're going to pay for it. There's no use wasting your time trying to delay the inevitable or guessing at how immenent your 360's immenent doom is.
who cares? there isnt a RRoD ticker in it..jesus....if the xbox gets too hot it turns itself off, so obviously it didnt get too hot
if you are afraid of it overheating then you should get a cooler for your 360. it slighty reduces the chances of it overheating. oh and also as long as you didn't mod your 360 you should still have the warranty.
Don't stress yourself out too much. It's already happened and there's no way to tell how much closer you are to RRoD. You may not even be closer. If your 360 still runs fine then that's really the only thing you can take comfort in right now.
bread's done