360 Indie Games - Recommendations/Discussion


74 (100%)
80MSP Indie Games

I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!!1 - 80 Points


A quirky twin stick shooter, primarily getting its popularity from its original and odd soundtrack with simple, twin stick action. Any fans of Geometry Wars or looking for a really simple co-op experience, this is a no-brainer.

Shoot 1UP - 80 Points


An crazy top-down shooter with one interesting mechanic which makes it different from the rest of the crowd. You are able to control over 30 ships at a given time. Your armada can compact and expand, either covering majority of the battlefield or just a small portion, it's really up to you. Alongside with 2 player co-op, it seems like a no-brainer at only a dollar.

Solar - 80 Points

There is only one mode accompanied with this game: The SandBox Mode. Simply put, you are the sun and your objective is to get as many planets/objects to orbit around you. With soothing music and sub-par visuals, it's an adventure worth taking.

ZP2K9 - 80 Points

I only had a chance to play this for a little, but it has caught my attention. If you've ever played 2-D flash games on the internet where it has similar concepts to games like Brawl, this is what you get with ZP2K9. Although the online community is a bit lacking, this game is well worth the dollar for the offline mode.

Your Doodles Are Bugged! - 80 Points

The concept and goals in this game are simple, but getting there is quite a challenge. If you've ever played Line Rider, the drawing mechanism is similar to that. In short, you are simply trying to draw paths for little bugs to reach a common area. In each level, you have to get a required number of these bugs into the goal to reach the next level. The controls are a little odd to start, since you are drawing with an analog stick, but it offers a lot for a mere dollar.

Gerbil Physics - 80 Points

Concept is simple, but the ideas to solve different puzzles involving these block-shaped gerbils is challenging. Your objective is to knock all the block-shaped gerbils under the red line to pass the level. You are given different props, including bombs and ropes to help accomplish this goal. A fun, humorous game for only 80 points.


240MSP Indie Games

Miner Dig Deep - 240 Points

An addictive, yet simple game to play. The concept is straight-forward, dig deeper and deeper to find treasure to further expand your fortunes. You could easily get hours upon hours into this game without relinquishing your interest.

Arkedo - 03 PIXEL! - 240 Points

A 2-D platformer, involving simple jumping and running mechanics and interesting, yet simple, puzzles are placed all across the levels. The different contrasts of blue and unique style make this game a good purchase.


400MSP Indie Games

Beat Hazard - 400 Points

Another twin stick shooter with a few quirks which make this pick-up well worth the admission. You maneuver a ship around an open plane and based on your what music you play, it influences the ship's powers and actions. The game come with 10 preloaded tracks and you are able to stream music directly from your PC through your network. If you thought Geometry Wars had flashy visuals....this game may give you seizures. Great pickup for the price.

400+ MSP Indie Games

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I'll second Beat Hazard. I only played the demo (which I totally forgot I downloaded until the other day), but I had fun with it. Myself, I say that if you enjoy games such as audiosurf, you would probably enjoy this as well.
If you like 2D horizontal shooters, Platypus is a must-buy. Also Kodu Game Lab is worth picking up, but look on the net for tutorials or you aren't going to get much out of it.
Was just thinking of this the other day when playing Perfect Cherry Blossom for the PC. Anybody know if there's any bullet hell games in the indie section?
[quote name='JStryke']Was just thinking of this the other day when playing Perfect Cherry Blossom for the PC. Anybody know if there's any bullet hell games in the indie section?[/QUOTE]

Shoot1up is coming out very soon for 80 points. It may not be straight up bullet hell, but it looks like it's going to be very good. By the same guy who made Weapon of Choice.
Solar was fun to mess around with for a while, but it lacks depth and the challenges didn't hold my attention. Miner dig deep is simple but addicting.
[quote name='JStryke']Was just thinking of this the other day when playing Perfect Cherry Blossom for the PC. Anybody know if there's any bullet hell games in the indie section?[/QUOTE]

I forgot about Leave Home which is out now. It's a short game which changes depending on how well you are doing. I actually didn't like it, but it got some really high praise online. It kills you after the 1st level in the demo. This confused me I thought something was killing me.

For other people, I have a bunch of Indie games and the top rated games are really the best ones. So start with the top 20, then if still interested look at 21-40.
The Hardest Game Ever (or something along those lines) is damn addicting. I think it's partly due to the music. Anytime I lost it wasn't so much I was upset at losing, it was because the music had to start over.
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