360 & PS3 Owners: Choosing 3rd party titles?


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I, obviously as my sig would say it, currently have a 360 and will be getting a PS3 for Christmas. :)bouncy:)

I know there are many multi-console owners here on CAG, so I want to ask you all something. When a 3rd party game is coming out, what is the deciding factor for you to say "I'll be picking up the 360 version!" or "PS3 version = MINE"?

It seems like most of time, people end up getting the 360 version. I could be wrong, but I want to know why. Is it entirely because of achievements? Xbox Live?.. Something else?

Please only put your input if you DO have both of these systems. Having 1 of these systems with a Wii does not help because the Wii version, usually, ends up being an ass-like PS2 version :lol: (Plus I already has a Wii :nottalking:)
I think most people get the 360 version because most people have 360s, honestly. There are just more 360 owners in the US.

There are a few major things I consider when purchasing a multiconsole release; in order from most important to least important:

1) What controller is best suited for this type of game? (for me, shooters on 360/ fighters+action on PS3)
2) Are there are any graphical differences?
3) Historically, how have I played the game? (Saints Row on 360, Resident Evil on PS3)
3) How important is the online multiplayer? (MS wins this hands down)
4) Is there any exclusive DLC? (MS will almost always win this by throwing around money)
5) Maybe I could use Achievements as a tiebreaker, but that doesn't really seem necessary... and will become less of an issue once Trophies really take off.
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[quote name='GuardianE']I think most people get the 360 version because most people have 360s, honestly. There are just more 360 owners in the US.

There are a few major things I consider when purchasing a multiconsole release; in order from most important to least important:

1) What controller is best suited for this type of game? (for me, shooters on 360/fighters and action on PS3)
2) Are there are any graphical differences?
3) Historically, how have I played the game? (Saints Row on 360, Resident Evil on PS3)
3) How important is the online multiplayer? (MS wins this hands down)
4) Is there any exclusive DLC? (MS will almost always win this by throwing around money)
5) Maybe I could use Achievements as a tiebreaker, but that doesn't really seem necessary... and will become less of an issue once Trophies really take off.[/quote]

This is a pretty good list. Mine just boils down to a few simple things:

Is it a fighting game? Then it's PS3 (I don't have an arcade stick.)

Will I have more people to play with on PS3? Usually meant for racing games as one of my best friends, the only RLF I know that has a PS3, is a big racing person so I got Burnout Paradise on PS3.

Mirror's Edge will be interesting, I'm not sure which way I'm going with it yet, but otherwise 360 gets 90-95% of my 3rd party purchases.
Mirror's Edge is a good example. I don't believe there's online, :whistle2:k (I could be wrong)

So how would one say "I rather get this version over that". The graphics will look identical, if there's no online play it doesn't matter if all your friends have that version. I guess it does come down to the controller.

Keep up w/ the input. I appreciate this so far. ^_^
I have to agree with Hitman on fighting genre is best on the PS controller since the xbox d pad sucks. So once Street Fighter 4 comes out than it's PS3 for myself.

Just try to balance it out where if you have single player games, say Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider, or Mirror's Edge than go PS3 for it. As for Xbox anything mulitplayer like the CODs since about 100% of my friends own xbox and none have a PS3.

For me now a days, after having my xbox rrod on me at the start of this month I make sure that my PS3 gets some love, becase I thought my xbox was well and good with the falcon chipset, but it wasn't.
Well, if it is a single player game, generally I get it for my PS3. I don't really care that much about Nerd Points (Achievements,) and I tend to cringe every time I TURN ON my 360, as I'm on my fifth one at this point. (RRods, disc drive failures...)

If it is a multiplayer game with decent coop, I get it for my 360.
I always go with PS3 as long as one version isn't obviously better. The PS3 is quieter, my 360 gets occasional disc read errors, I don't play console games online enough to justify paying for xbox live although I still like to have the ability to play online, and I like the PS3 controller better overall (except for the joysticks).
And of course my 360 will probably break at some point and I don't want to have no games for the month or however long it takes to repair it.
I go for whichever version is better. Which means I look at which version has better graphics or sound... or in some rare cases, which version has more content. I really don't give a damn about Xbox Live or achievements as incentive to go with a certain version.
Doesn't really matter to me which one I get a game on, so it's just random for the most part unless there's some huge reason to get one over the other. They're all pretty much the same nowadays.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Doesn't really matter to me which one I get a game on, so it's just random for the most part unless there's some huge reason to get one over the other. They're all pretty much the same nowadays.[/QUOTE]

Then why do you have both? :whistle2:s
Always the PS3 version.

Owning a 360 is only worth it for the exlusives, and even then, it's not that great.

I also enjoy the dependability of my PS3. It's nice knowing it's going to start up without problems every time I feel like gaming.
I typically buy PS3 only for stability reasons; most of the differences are negligible and ridiculously overblown by fans. I had no problems whatsoever with The Orange Box on PS3, for example.

That said, when exclusive DLC is announced, if my interest is great enough, I'll go with that version. When I pick up Fallout 3 eventually, it will be on the 360 for that reason. OTOH, I'm not about to pay $10 for the Bioshock DLC on the PS3 because I'm not going to pay over $30 for the PS3 version of that game. Maybe one day, but not right now.

DLC aside, I can see controllers being an issue, but the attrition rate of online gaming is similar on both systems. If you regularly game with friends who all buy on one console, though, that's another consideration I don't really make (I have one good friend I game with from time to time, and he only owns a PS3).
[quote name='62t']almost always x360 unless the ps3 got extra content like eternal sonata[/QUOTE]

[quote name='LinkinPrime']X360 because of Live, Achievements, and because of the X360 controller.[/QUOTE]

These are good examples. Granted Eternal Sonata was over a year later on the PS3, but if I were to buy it now I would pick the PS3 version obviously.

I prefer the 360 controller over the PS3 now to outside of the d-pad.

Most multi platform games run better on the 360 but thats because EA was "behind on the times" when it came to jumping on the PS3 boat. Now It's starting to really get negligible outside of a recent game like Fallout 3 where Bethesda dropped the ball.

I would say the main factor: Do you have Live? Obviously a better stronger community on XBL, but your going to have to pay for it, and how many friends do you have on Live with that game? Since servers are publisher dependent servers will most likely stay up for the 360 for years (outside of EA games), while not so on the PS3 if your in for the long haul... but will you care in a few years?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']X360 because of Live, Achievements, and because of the X360 controller.[/quote]

This. Emphasis is placed on the Achievements, but Live and the Controller are a plus.

Also, my 360 is never in a permanent position (I bring it downstairs and hook-up to by my computer daily), so it's easier to lug around.
I typically buy for the PS3, when the choice is available.
I like the DS3 controller more than the 360's and I find the PSN community to be a bit less...retarded.
Usually I end up with the 360 version

1- If a version has exclusive content present or in the future thourgh DLC then I get whichever version that might be.
2- I do prefer the 360 controller, but my PS3 is much quieter and more reliable.
3- I don't care about achievements, but have many more friends on LIVE to play online games with.
PS3 version if my friends are picking it up, 360 version if not. I also get 360 version of games pre-Sony trophy patch. It depends a lot on what your friends are getting.
My decision is made on these factors:

- Is one version superior/inferior to the other (glitches, exclusive DLC, etc.)?
- If one version is delayed, is it worth waiting for it?
- Does it have multiplayer? If so, are any of my friends picking it up (if they are, 360)?

If everything ends up being equal, the tiebreaker goes to the 360 for its achievements. Also, X360 games seem to drop faster in price.
If we're specifically talking about consoles only and not PC, unless the PS3 version is seriously crippled, I will want the PS3 version.

1. Free online play where available (my Gold subscription will end early next year and I don't see myself renewing).
2. More of my friends and family own a PS3. I also have more online friends on the PS3 than on my 360.
3. For whatever reason, at the moment, I like collecting trophies more than achievements.

I don't feel like the 360 controller is so much superior that it would skew my position and I haven't once felt exclusive DLC was worth a dime.
I will pretty much always choose the 360 version. The only times I get the ps3 version is if:

1) The game has little to no multiplayer
2) The game's lead platform was ps3

So far this has included
- Mirror's Edge
- Preoder for Prince of Persia
.... That is all :p

I choose to buy on 360 because
1) better multiplayer experience
2) all my friends are there
3) achievement points, (trophies are a little lame since not all games have them yet)
4) I prefer the controller in most situations
5) So far has had more DLC deals
For me, it comes down to 4 things most of the time.

1. Performance. Which system does the game perform on better.
2. Price. If I can get the PS3 version for $30 less, then it's a no-brainer.
3. Cheese mints. These tend to make me want to purchase more 360 games over PS3 games.
4. Online. If I know the game has a heavy online component (COD4 for example), then I'll grab it for the system that I know more of my friends have and that has the largest online base.
I usually buy on PS3 because of controller preference, my PS3 is more quiet, most of my friends have PS3 (plus I can play online for free), and my PS3 is connected via HDMI and goes up to 1080p (my 360 only goes up to 720p via component, no HDMI on my 360). Also, my Sony platforms have been pretty reliable to me over the years (since 1995), so I trust making a big investment in them. I also prefer trophies over achievements (I like the RPG style level up system). My PS3 HDD is quite large (250GB vs. 20GB). My controller battery usually lasts (for some reason I gotta plug in my play and charge kit most of the time, since the battery dies quickly).

I may get a game on 360 if I get it really cheap (like Lost Planet), significant advantage (if I didn't already buy it on PS3, like with VF5 where I stuck to it on PS3), and for something I really want to play with a few real life friends (like when I get back on XBL Gold, I might get CoD: WaW on 360 over PS3, mostly because I could play with a few real life friends from college, but they rarely buy many games).
All things being equal PS3.

This is namely for two reasons and now a third.
1.RROD free version. I really don't want to have to worry about my 360 crapping out and that game is gone for me to play for a while.
2.Free multiplayer with PSN.
3.MS's bullshit with FFXIII. You wanna pull that bullshit? Don't expect money to come from me if I can help it.

I will be importing the Japanese version of FFXIII. This is in part a middle finger to MS paying EnixSquare to release the American and European versions of FFXIII at the same time as the 360 version. Also I worry the American and possibly European version won't have Lossless sound if FFXIII ends up having it. If it doesn't have it I will have my suspicions MS made them yank it and subsequently screwed me out of an SACD version of the FFXIII OST.
Pretty much always the PS3 version unless there's a big difference. Like exclusive DLC. Other than that I'd rather have my games on a console I know won't break on me (on my 4th 360).
Yeah, I'd say let's wait for actual release dates before we talk about which version was delayed on which platform and why. Square has reversed themselves so many times with their FF13 announcements, it's impossible to know yet how it's really going to play out.
I generally go for the PS3 version now if it is an offline game. I prefer the HDMI connection over component, since my 360 doesn't have HDMI. Plus, I like supporting the "underdog."
It's a game by game decision for me.

1. Does one console port hold a content (current or future DLC) advantage?
2. Does one console port hold a technical advantage? (See Orange Box)
3. Which controller is better suited to this type of game? The 360 controller is aces for shooters, but most everything else I'd prefer the DS3.
4. Will I be using primarily muitiplayer? (Advantage 360)
I have a PS3, 360 and a good gaming PC, I buy most multiplats on my 360 'cuz all my friends have that system, I only have PS3 exclusives and Blu-Ray movies for my PS3 and certain games I buy for PC like Fallout 3 or Left 4 Dead just 'cuz I feel they'll probably be better on that platform.
I only buy the 360 version because all my friends have 360s. If they had ps3s instead, I would buy the ps3 version.
Unless the PS3 version is superior or it's a fighting game I always go 360.

I like the controller more, all my friends have 360, and achievements are nice.
I get all third party (or multi console) games, on the PS3, because its my primary system. I like the PS3 controller better because its good for a bigger variety of games. 360 is my back up system, used to play other exclusives. So rather than make a decision on game by game, basis, its made automatically because I pick a system that I'm going to game on. When it was SNES vs Genesis, I bought most games on SNES, however for Madden I used the Genesis only, and of course I used the Genesis for my back up system. Well in the days of the Genesis, I do remember getting Mortal Kombat for the Genesis, becuase Nintendo didn't want to add Blood to their game, - they laced the blood with "green" gore. Even though most games I buy are for the PS3 by default, however there are times where its reverted by to a game by game basis. Fallout 3 for example, I feel like I should ge that on the Xbox, since there isn't a online mode that would require me to purchase Live, then I dont have a problem buying it for the 360.
bread's done