360 Quest: Green-For-Green!

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After getting help from JustBlaze (thanks!), I'm taking another, better shot at getting a 360. I'm trying through a better company that has better offers (you want to do the Stamps.com since it's essentially free; just sign up and then cancel 1 week later, or don't if you really love stamps but are not having your mailing needs met by your current stamps-provider; PM me if you need the cancellation info)

But it's time for a NEW opponent to rise. Wouldn't you want to get on XBox Live and play against this character?

I know I would. And sure, I'm trying to get 14 referrals but Barack Obama spoke of the Audacity of Hope and I'm absolutely sure this is what he was talking about. So sign up, help me out, and when Halo 3 arrives, you can tell your friends, "I shot Ned Gravelshirt in the head while he was humping his only kill for twelve minutes,"*

So if you need to go green, then you're like me. I forget who said it but I believe it was an amphibian of some kind who said, "It's not easy being green". Well, now it's a little easier. PM me to trade.

*Note: You and your friends may need to find something more interesting to talk about

Okay, well I understand that you can't get something for nothing,. Can someone at least refer me to a good conga line. The 360 games line is cleaning up but it doesn't do me much good since I have no 360.
Awhile ago used Premiums were being sold for $200 on some site...I forget which. I'm sure someone else knows.

Then again...a used 360 is very risky.
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