360 to gain USB storage support in spring update

the USB drives are suppose to replace the Memory Units not the hard drives. I've been meaning to pick up a memory unit for the past year, because recovering a bitch, and I'm extremely glad this is happening.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Awesome. Can't wait to back my stuff up on my external hard drive. Never had the desire to pay for one of Microsoft's overpriced memory units.[/QUOTE]

Yea, the interface shown in the photos looks like it makes copying and moving files alot easier than it is now. The 16gb limit will make it difficult to do a full backup of your HD like you can on the PS3 but this is a step in the right direction.
Yeah, the limit definitely stinks, considering anyone with a lot of stuff on their drive is going to have go through all the contents and decide what to back-up. I understand why they are doing it...so they can still sell overpriced hard drives...but it would be nice if they worked in a future option to back-up all game saves.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']16 GB = joke.

up it to 250 GB already; the new standard.

I'm getting myself a PS3 soon, just to play God of War III [system seller].

and after that, my multi-platform titles will be purchased on PS3 cause their online gaming network is um ..... free.[/QUOTE]

Is it just me, or does anyone else who owns both a PS3 and 360 (like me) consider the PSN's online multiplayer features feel...well...FREE? It works like I shouldn't have to pay for it, and I don't. But the 360? The $30-$50 I pay every year feels like I get features that yeah, would seem like it would cost $30-$50 per year as premium benefits over the PSN's offerings?
[quote name='KingBroly']I like how no one here noticed the 293gb HDD for Major Nelson.[/QUOTE]

Maybe because it is a devkit.
The problem with that reasoning Khalid is that even if it was a devkit there is too much space.

Say it has a 250gb hard drive on it, even if it did have access to all 250 GBs, it would/should only be able to utilize another 32 GBs bringing it up to 282 GBs.
I wonder how this will affect modding/piracy. With this it should be able to get pirated games running easier, yeah?

Though it will also be easier to get some guns into Borderlands, and to fix some of the problems.
[quote name='Shockdrop']I wonder how this will affect modding/piracy. With this it should be able to get pirated games running easier, yeah?

Though it will also be easier to get some guns into Borderlands, and to fix some of the problems.[/QUOTE]

It's already very easy to pirate on the 360.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Is it just me, or does anyone else who owns both a PS3 and 360 (like me) consider the PSN's online multiplayer features feel...well...FREE? It works like I shouldn't have to pay for it, and I don't. But the 360? The $30-$50 I pay every year feels like I get features that yeah, would seem like it would cost $30-$50 per year as premium benefits over the PSN's offerings?[/QUOTE]

PSN definitely feels free, but I don't think the XBL features we pay are really great. Then again, I really don't go beyond basic things. I play games online, and I watch Netflix. I don't really join parties or try to get people to join my games. I don't use anything like Facebook or LastFM on there. So, I guess for the people who use those things, it definitely feels a lot more robust than PSN.

Of course, I don't think I've ever paid a buck for XBL, thanks to Gold Vision bundles I got on clearance and an auction for four "expired" cards that I got for like $30.
I was thinking, couldn't you technically have 48 gigs? I mean, Three USB ports on the 360, 2 on the front and one on the back. Also isn't there also a USB port or two on the xbox 360 HD DVD Drive? If there are two then your up to like 80 with a bunch of geek sticks hanging out lol.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Besides the artificial 32GB limit, you can also only have 2 USB devices used as storage. Any others that you have connected won't be recognized.[/QUOTE]

Gotcha Gotcha, I was just wondering really you know? But hell, I could buy a stick for every game and put it on there. lol BE a crapload of geek sticks though
can you use a USB hub? That would get past the limit of phyiscal ports on the 360.

I'm liking this news. Hopefully it is true. I will turn one of my thumbdrives into a memory card so I can take my profile to my friend's house, backup my savegames/profile, etc. and not have to pay for an official memory card.

As the other poster mentioned, the 360 already has three USB ports (two on the front and one in the back). It's not about the physical ports. MS is just putting up an artificial limit, in order to stop us from using this as a replacement for their overpriced hard drives.
I've got a 120 now. But I do think this would be a great way to get some storage space back. By putting ALL of my RB music on one 16gb flash drive, and any Demo's on another.
Sad that Microsoft is still trying to milk profits from their overpriced hard drives but at least this is a small step in the right direction.
Keep in mind, you can get Any sized flash drive, or ext hard drive. You just can't give access of more than 16gb of space from it, to the xbox.
I think I'll pick up a few drives at Costco.
I hate juggling between a wireless adapter and an HD DVD player. Major room for improvement when they release a new console.
Wow I saw the thread title and was excited then read the news and was dissapointed looks like I need to start taking games off my 120gb as it is down to under 20gb
Yea, I picked up a couple 32gb drives for about $60 each when the announcement hit. Figured I'd use them for 360 and personal use.

I don't think anyone thought these MS branded Flash drives would be the low cost option out there, but this seems a bit excessive especially considering that you can get the 250gb Hard Drive for $130.
Yeah, but it's not like it's anything new from MS. They love their massively overpriced memory options. I mean, hell, what was the original retail on the 512MB memory unit? $50? They are definitely showing some poor business sense on this one, though, considering it's not a proprietary accessory, so it isn't like we're forced to buy it. Yeah, I'm sure some extremely, extremely uniformed people will buy them, but I have a feeling we'll see these on clearance at Target, Sears, etc., if they even bother carrying them.

Does this mean I can take a usb fladh drive, plug it in my 360 and copy my save game files off the HD onto the sick and then put them onto my pc for safe keeping and transfer them back to my 360 at a later date if I wish?

I hope so. I do that with my ps3 games, when I beat them I take the save file and put it on my ps3 just incase my ps3 should die one day or I decide I want to play the end again or do "new game +" or something.

Not to mention my 360 has lived way beyond its life expentancy and Id like to back up my mass effect saves if nothing else.
[quote name='gargus']Question:

Does this mean I can take a usb fladh drive, plug it in my 360 and copy my save game files off the HD onto the sick and then put them onto my pc for safe keeping and transfer them back to my 360 at a later date if I wish?

I hope so. I do that with my ps3 games, when I beat them I take the save file and put it on my ps3 just incase my ps3 should die one day or I decide I want to play the end again or do "new game +" or something.

Not to mention my 360 has lived way beyond its life expentancy and Id like to back up my mass effect saves if nothing else.[/QUOTE]
I'm hoping you can do that too. Though, I bet you still can't do anything about locked saves. I'm going to try using the xbox transfer kit device I got from dealextreme and this xplorer360 software to try and get around that. I really hate how they locked the ME2 save.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']Speaking of overpriced... Official USB Flash Drive pricing:

$40 for Official Branded 8gb Flash Drive

$70 for Official Branded 16gb Flash Drive

What a joke...[/QUOTE]

This really shouldn't me ZOMG news to anyone. Of course offical ones are going to cost way more. Look at Sony HDMI cables. All companies do it.


Has there been any news if we can now swap game saves easier in the past? I would love to get some game saves for OG xbox games loaded up on my 360.
[quote name='KingDox']This really shouldn't me ZOMG news to anyone. Of course offical ones are going to cost way more. Look at Sony HDMI cables. All companies do it.


Has there been any news if we can now swap game saves easier in the past? I would love to get some game saves for OG xbox games loaded up on my 360.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I was just pointing out that they announced the prices. Not surprised they are high when you consider how they priced the memory cards or the 120gb hard drive when it came out. Then again those items were proprietary, you either bought a memory card or HD from Microsoft or you had not other (legit) option. With flash drives being a dime a dozen I thought they might at least try to be within spitting distance of the market. Its no biggie for CAGs as you and others have pointed out because we won't pay 2x for a "branded" flash drive. ;)

I will be interested to see how backing up saves works with other platforms. I do really like having the ability to do a full PS3 backup. Also like being able to throw some save files on a Flash drive and back them up elsewhere. Unfortunately with the 16gb limit on the 360 it is pretty clear you wont be able to do a full backup. If you can at least load up content on your flash drive and then dump in onto a pc/laptop/backup drive that would be a step in the right direction, but who knows if you will be able to do that. The fact that the 360 has to reserve space on the flash drive makes me think that you might not be able to copy or even see this data when you put the flash drive in another device. I hope I'm wrong on that one, but I guess we'll see in less than a week! :)
I agree with Glock. Though we are all use to overpriced accessories, it is somewhat surprising that they would go so overboard here on something that even the average consumer knows can be had for cheaper. I mean, with something like HDMI cables, plenty of people only know what they see in stores, and all they see are expensive cables. But with USB drives, you can walk into Staples right now and walk out with a couple of GBs for next to nothing.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I agree with Glock. Though we are all use to overpriced accessories, it is somewhat surprising that they would go so overboard here on something that even the average consumer knows can be had for cheaper. I mean, with something like HDMI cables, plenty of people only know what they see in stores, and all they see are expensive cables. But with USB drives, you can walk into Staples right now and walk out with a couple of GBs for next to nothing.[/QUOTE]16GB drives are routinely $25-$40 on Newegg, some AR, some not.

Only reason I can see to pick up one of the "official" drives from GS is excess GS credit. Nothing more.
Just my two cents but , Id take a wait-and-see attitude towards the pricing right now. Since these are SanDisk products , a quick look at what SanDisk is asking for their current USB's is laughable alone.
On their own website they list a 16 GB USB Ultra stick for $97.99
Exact same stick is $31.25 at Amazon
They just need one Soccer mom to buy one.

Soccer Mom: Whats that memory stick for?
GS: It is to transfer your game save.
Soccer Mom: OKay I will take one.

They are going to make more from selling one memory stick than like 10 games. And gamestop is going to offer "used" memory stick at a slight markdown as well.
FYI if you still have a 360 512MB MU, you may want to trade it in to Gamestop soon. You get $9.50 ($10.45 w/Edge) credit right now and I'm sure that's going to drop soon since they'll be obsolete.
Is this really it for the spring update? Don't get me wrong it's awesome and to be honest I can't say what else I am really waiting for from them as far as updates go but just seems strange that we are really getting one new thing.
I'll take USB storage over 10 things I won't ever use. Most of the stuff they offer I've never even touched, except to enter contests, like downloading the app for Facebook, LastFM, etc.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'll take USB storage over 10 things I won't ever use. Most of the stuff they offer I've never even touched, except to enter contests, like downloading the app for Facebook, LastFM, etc.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I think they are hitting us with this USB update and that is it. It is a pretty big deal if you think about it, so I'm not really that surprised. I think this is probably all we are getting until E3 when they announce the slim or something like that. Didn't they skip the Spring Update last year too since they hit us with the NXE in the Fall of 2008? Then they hit us with facebook/twitter/last.fm in Fall of 2009.

I have my 32 gb sticks ready to take advantage of this. Will probably dump my 512mb this week as well. Will probably move everything off my 120 to my 250 as well. Still wonder how backup will work to other devices, if it works at all, but we'll know soon enough.

Edit - I don't think I have used facebook, twitter or last.fm since the actual update went live to everyone because I checked them out in the preview program, realized how lame they were on the 360 and never went back.
I've only got an 8 GB stick now, so I want to get a 16. Anybody got a recommendation for the fastest on around? Patriot, Corsair, other...?
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']

Edit - I don't think I have used facebook, twitter or last.fm since the actual update went live to everyone because I checked them out in the preview program, realized how lame they were on the 360 and never went back.[/QUOTE]

They're all pretty lame (i dont Facebook or tweet)but for anyone whos experienced Pandora on their blu ray player,you have to admit LastFM is much better
Like I said, I downloaded the apps when doing so was part of one of Live's contests. I might have started the FB once, just to see what it looked like. I do use FB to stay in touch with old friends from school, but I already have access to it in a zillion places, including my cable box. I have zero reason to use it on my 360.
bread's done