360 Transfer Kits


4 (100%)
Well, my bro and I shared an xbox 360 for a couple years, and recently he moved out. Along with him going away, my gamer score and game saves went with =/

I got my own console and own tag now, and I want to completely transfer "his" HDD to mine.

I only did a quick google and found out that XSATA and Xport are some devices thatll let me do so.

Are these sold in any retail stores?

The online price of $50 is a bit ridiculous imo, so any place cheaper?

I'd also like some opinions on which device is best? I read the one made by Microsoft only works once...LOL.

Thanks for the help.
The MS one is pretty goofy. I bought an Elite and sold my friend my old Premium, and the options were pretty much:

Send in for the transfer kit
Buy a 120gb HD, use the kit, return
One of the things you mentioned
Memory card transfer

I ended up doing the memory card transfer, just back and forth with saves and stuff. A lot of big content can just be redownloaded. Unfortunatly, this also causes the whole DRM crap where you need to be on Live to use paid stuff.
[quote name='McNutsack']I read the one made by Microsoft only works once...LOL.

This isn't quite correct. You can only transfer a PARTICULAR INSTANCE of 20 Gig data to a 120 Gig hard drive once. This is due to two reasons. The device FORMATS your 20 Gig. The device cannot transfer data from a 120 Gig to another 120 Gig or to a 20 Gig. 20(with data on it)->120 ONLY.

You could easily wipe your 120 of the newly transfered data, put files on the formatted 20 Gig, then use the transfer kit again. You could go to your friend's house, take his or her hard drive and transfer the data to a larger drive. However, because the device formats your 20 Gig and only works in the 20-> 120 direction, your data can only be transfered once.

The device can be used again. You could sell it, hand it off to someone, or keep it around just in case. I'm keeping mine around just in case.
Contact MS... they offer a free kit to people, that allow a one time transfer. You pay for shipping. Unfortunately, they do not ship to APO/FPO :(
Well, I actually want one that works over and over and more "advanced" options, like the xsata and xport. I plan on using it over and over so yeah.
I'm just not sure which is better, or if they sell them in stores.

I read on here someone found one at Best Buy for like $25
Well, I bit the bullet and paid $40 online.
Circuit City is just too far away...

Thanks though, guys.

Got the xport, btw. Not from the official website, but someone on ebay has a store called DATEL (the company of xport) and is selling them for $39.99. Has great feedback, too :D
If all you wanted to transfer was your saves and profile you could have bought a memory card and used that to transfer between the boxes.
Don't a lot of people use these things just to "steal" achievement points? Why would you want to buy one of these that you can use "over and over" again? Guess if you buy and sell lots of 360's....IMO stealing achievements and saves is lame.
[quote name='jproland']Don't a lot of people use these things just to "steal" achievement points? Why would you want to buy one of these that you can use "over and over" again? Guess if you buy and sell lots of 360's....IMO stealing achievements and saves is lame.[/quote]I wouldn't say so. If you want to buy a transfer kit, go here.
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