360's at Bestbuy Dec.18 (Idaho)


2 (100%)
i live in idaho and i was wondering if anyone can confirm that bestbuy is going to have xbox 360's for Dec.18? there has been alot of buzz flowing around about this date being the next big release and it seems alot of the bestbuys are planning to do this. im not sure if this is a nation wide bestbuy event that is going on or what? so if anyone knows please i would appreciate any info.

I was at an EB and I heard the manager there saying to another customer that their next 2 confirmed shipments are on the 11th and 18th. Maybe there is some thruth to it.
Yeah this is true. I have a feeling it is going to be nasty though. I believe it will be worse that the night of the launch when i waited about 8 hours in the cold and came home empty handed. My plan is to call saturday and see if anyone is already waiting. Once i hear that there is someone outside waiting my ass is there. This time I'll be wearing 3 pairs of socks, my underarmor cold gear garments, my long john get up, sweat pants + hoodie, stocking cap, scarf, and debating snowpants. It will suck bad, but i will have my xbox... hopefully
[quote name='Rhett']Over. Hyped. Piece of junk :p[/QUOTE]

Maybe so, but it doesn't change the fact I have Call of Duty 2 and Project Gotham 3 sitting next to my entertainment center, begging me to be played. I want one... oh do I want one.
[quote name='Rhett']Over. Hyped. Piece of junk :p[/QUOTE]

Oh wow man, incredible way of conveying your thoughts. I mean I was all set to buy one and everything, but when you put it that way....I'm going to ask you how you feel about everything from now on. 2 thumbs up!
[quote name='Rhett']Over. Hyped. Piece of junk :p[/QUOTE]

This is the kind of post you want to save and remember so that some time in the future when we see Rhett going on and on about some X360 game we can say oh but I thought it was an overhypped piece of junk?
[quote name='insano']i live in idaho and i was wondering if anyone can confirm that bestbuy is going to have xbox 360's for Dec.18? there has been alot of buzz flowing around about this date being the next big release and it seems alot of the bestbuys are planning to do this. im not sure if this is a nation wide bestbuy event that is going on or what? so if anyone knows please i would appreciate any info.[/QUOTE]

One of the BB managers comes into my store, and I asked her about them. She said she heard they were getting them for an ad breaking on the 18th. That's all she knew. She didn't know how many.
So it could be the real deal. I guess we'll know on the 18th.
Personally, I don't have an HDTV yet, and the games aren't exactly screaming "BUY ME" yet. So I'm going to wait. I'm not fond of paying $60 for a game either. I do love the controller. It feels so right. And the white color scheme blows chunks. Those controllers are going to look like rubbish after a couple months of sweaty palms all over them. They're going to look like someone snotted all over them.
[quote name='soulwish2003']Mentioned at the BB in Melbourne... told each store was going to get 20 units... now told 8 units per store...[/QUOTE]

here we go again...
U wanna know what I think? there was never a shortage..its been done this way to spark a sales boost right before christmas..people will be there in flocks thinking that 'wow it was sold out for so long they may not have more for a long time ! I must get some to resell! and some for my kids and one for me!

We will know around the 18th if there are big amounts of the systems at all the stores suddenly..then we know microsoft did infact plan this.

If there are still only a few well then guess it was a shortage.
[quote name='Skelah']U wanna know what I think? there was never a shortage..its been done this way to spark a sales boost right before christmas..people will be there in flocks thinking that 'wow it was sold out for so long they may not have more for a long time ! I must get some to resell! and some for my kids and one for me!

We will know around the 18th if there are big amounts of the systems at all the stores suddenly..then we know microsoft did infact plan this.

If there are still only a few well then guess it was a shortage.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they would want to plan something like this... people getting angry @ stores, units breaking down, no inventory to be found anywhere with only weeks until Christmas - sounds like a big mess...
[quote name='CheapyD']This has been confirmed nationwide...

Is there no thread about this on CAG already?[/QUOTE]

Sorry if this has already been posted CheapyD, but it always seems that in idaho stores, even big chains, are not involved in nation wide events even though they are the same stores.

thanks for all the replies, this event looks like a go to me. im planning on camping out on Dec.17 and hopefully i will meet up with you fellow idahonian CAG's. im planning on buying Zelda Minish Cap to play while camping out, cause it will definately make the time fly. i camped out from 2am till 7:30am last time at shopko, and didn't get one. hopefully this time around my luck will change. im even debating heading over to best buy to camp as soon as i wake up on the 17th just to make sure that i will be somewhat close to the front of the line.
[quote name='Skelah']U wanna know what I think?


Not really, are you going to force it on us?
[quote name='Skelah']there was never a shortage..its been done this way to spark a sales boost right before christmas..people will be there in flocks thinking that 'wow it was sold out for so long they may not have more for a long time ! I must get some to resell! and some for my kids and one for me![/QUOTE]

So after all that your opinion is the same conspiracy theory that EVERYONE has had for the last 1-2 months?

[quote name='Skelah']We will know around the 18th if there are big amounts of the systems at all the stores suddenly..then we know microsoft did infact plan this. If there are still only a few well then guess it was a shortage.[/QUOTE]

Well it depends. If its just Best Buy that suddenly gets in a bunch of systems then they are the ones who were sitting on the system in their warehouse for this specific day, considering the link to Joystiq that cheapy posted though, I find this unlikely because those systems reportedly don't have the free DVD remote that came with the initial shipment. Now if all the stores get a bunch in that week then perhaps it was a major shipment from the manufacturer in China. This could be very likely considering that due to the sheer number of systems that they would likely be shipped on a boat rather than airfreight, which usually takes a little way (its a big ass ocean afterall). Either way I find it very unlikely that a major shipment in 2 weeks would be proof positive of a MS conspiracy.
well im pissed. i read today in the paper (some stupid jackoff) just released information about best buy getting the shipments for sunday. this is udder crap, now everyone is going to know about it, especially parents wanting to get their kids 360's for christmas. granted this info has been leaked on the internet along time ago, but i was hoping that not too many people outside of the internet world would know about it. the guy states that if you want to be able to get a 360, you better get there saturday afternoon. anyone that's smart would think to themselves that they better get their earlier than the afternoon making things even more ridiculous for those that have been planning to camp out. to top it off he said he talked to the manager at best buy and he said that on thursday when they talked, they haven't even recieved any shipments of the 360's. that just means that they might not even have any instock or less then the 20 by sunday. i just can't believe this crap. i have been planning on camping out now for weeks, knowing that best buy would be pretty much my only chance of getting a 360 before christmas. now everyone is going to know about needing to camp out, with a chance my best buy not even having any 360's for sunday.
bread's done