3DS Friend Code Thread

added Majin Stan, Courageous and TrumpetDan. If i you added me and i haven't added you back just send me a pm and i'll get right on it
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FC: 3394-4974-7385
Let me know if you add me and I'll add you back.
Right now I'm mostly playing Fire Emblem, but have Mario Kart, SF4, DoA and some other games. Not real sure which ones are multiplayer. Planning on getting Project X Zone, SMT4, and one of the new Pokemon games when they're out.
I have a friend code in the OP, but that's for my old 3DS. My current friend code is: 4570-6827-7725.

Just bought a purple 3ds along with animal crossing and loving it. Feel free to add me 2165-5777-0653 and send me a message.
I added you.

FC: 3394-4974-7385
Let me know if you add me and I'll add you back.
Right now I'm mostly playing Fire Emblem, but have Mario Kart, SF4, DoA and some other games. Not real sure which ones are multiplayer. Planning on getting Project X Zone, SMT4, and one of the new Pokemon games when they're out.
Added you, too.

Looking for animal crossing new leaf friends.

My FC: 0903-2810-9035

3DS Nick: Max

Courageous 1392 - 4120 - 2457

Will start adding people ASAP!

ols 3711-7638-6557

adding em up

My FC: 1805-3410-6662
3DS nickname: DanMii

Added everyone here who wasn't added before.


Hi everyone please add me too! I need buddies..
Name Shawn
Fc; 3737-9533-3905
Thanks everyone!

My new friend code is 3196-3608-1934
Added all of you as well.

Finally giving my 3DS XL some love with Animal Crossing. Feel free to add me folks 2809-8030-7774 and send me a PM, I'll add you guys back. 

Been playing a bunch of Animal Crossing New Leaf. That's all I have at the momemnt, if you want to swap codes/visit each others towns PM me.

Hello everyone,

My friend code is 2165-5777-0653 and my 3ds nickname is Mike. Lately I have been playing Luigis Mansion and Fire Emblem along with a bit of Donkley Kong Country Returns.

I don't have many games, but I'm planning on getting some new games soon. I have Kid Icarus Uprising. I'm still sad at the fact that i can't get Animal Crossing. I can't find any at the store i go to. Anyways, Friend code is: 0705 - 2846 - 8494. I'll add anyone that adds me. If you add me, PM Me, post a visitor message or reply here, and I'll add you ASAP.

FC: 2552-1009-6629.

Name: It's either "Nick" or "X".

I've already added a bunch of people from the Pokemon X/Y thread. Always looking for more on my list! PM me if you add, so I can return the favor :cool:

Got a 3DS over the summer and didn't really think to post my friend code here.

My friend code is 1650-1675-2317

I'm currently playing a bunch of Pokemon Y and Animal Crossing: New Leaf.  Add me.

Playing Pokemon X, looking for friend safari's. I have Machoke, Sawk and Tyrogue in mine.


I just got Pokemon X! Here's my FC: 0705 - 2846 - 8494

Fairy type safari according to my friends. PM me with your FC if you add me.

This hasn't been bumped for awhile but I just got the Legend of Zelda 3DS XL, so far I am loving it also picked up pokemon y, fire emblem, monster hunter 3 ultimate (to take my save file on the go) and luigi mansion. SO MANY SALES! Going to go back and add all the fellow CAGs. 

FC: 5000-3263-2400

Please PM me your FC if you add me thanks!!

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Just picked up the 3DS XL Mario and Luigi bundle  at Target and Pokemon X. Looking forward to gaming with CAGs. If you add me please PM me so I can do the same!

Friend Code: 5043-2811-1667

Friend Code: 1779-1245-1879 "George"

I will be playing Pokemon Y and Bravely Default demo and release.

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My friend code is 2277 - 6800 - 5848, I've been playing pokemon x lately.  Add me please, I am accepting all friend requests.  My name is Paul E

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My code is 5172-1223-2342 "mick"
Only just got my 3ds xl, all about the Mario kart and Mario 3d land so far but I'll be getting the pokemons etc soon
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bread's done