3DSXL Transfer Help


81 (100%)
Me and my bro both have a 3DSXL we are looking to consolidate the two systems so we can trade in one of them.  Is this possible or will be lose all the data on the receiving 3DSXL?

All the tutorials that Nintendo put up are for transferring games to a fresh out of the box 3DSXL (no data on it)

Both systems are the 3DSXL (not the new one) we want to transfer all the games that were purchased off the eshop.  Seems like its not possible unless we wipe the data on the destination 3DSXL which would defeat the purpose...


You should try putting the SD card from one system into your computer, copying all of the files, then moving them to the SD card of the system you want to keep. You don't have to format either one of them since they're already formatted to work with your 3DSXL.

There's no harm in just trying, since the data will still be there even if it doesn't work.

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Me and my bro both have a 3DSXL we are looking to consolidate the two systems so we can trade in one of them. Is this possible or will be lose all the data on the receiving 3DSXL?

All the tutorials that Nintendo put up are for transferring games to a fresh out of the box 3DSXL (no data on it)

Both systems are the 3DSXL (not the new one) we want to transfer all the games that were purchased off the eshop. Seems like its not possible unless we wipe the data on the destination 3DSXL which would defeat the purpose...

Both of my uses of the Nintendo transfer process have resulted in a complete wipe/reset of the "destination" unit, so no, you can't "combine" content. I'm assuming you're referring to content on two different Nintendo IDs?

Both of my uses of the Nintendo transfer process have resulted in a complete wipe/reset of the "destination" unit, so no, you can't "combine" content. I'm assuming you're referring to content on two different Nintendo IDs?
The destination 3DSXL has my Nintendo ID the one that I want to trade-in/move content from does not have a Nintendo ID linked to it. I never created one on it just bought a couple games off eshop with it.

The destination 3DSXL has my Nintendo ID the one that I want to trade-in/move content from does not have a Nintendo ID linked to it. I never created one on it just bought a couple games off eshop with it.
Hmmm, so I'm assuming you checked out as guest or redeemed a code on the "source" hardware. That is a bit of gray area, definitely worth a call to Nintendo support.

Best of luck!


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