4th of July Giveaway!

Cool contest! I entered, thanks for the linkage!!!

I am taking my kids to the nascar miami racetrack, where our city will be holding a huge firework show.... damn i hope it doesn't rain
Entered as Chris C - I am just hanging with my family, hoping the fireworks don't scare the baby too much:)
I'm not doing a damn thing, gonna sit home with my wife and daughter and watch some Breaking Bad, maybe read a book, or play some Call of Duty
As I stated on the site:

God bless the soldiers, sailors, airmen, & Marines that serve our country even in times of great adversity.

Hope everyone has a fun & safe Independance Day.

Posted on site as: Superfluential
well i live in rumford maine, small town, nothing going on around me, unless i want to drive 2 hours in this heat, have a cook out watch a movie, and take care of sick son, poor little guy, sick in 90 deg whether must suck. have a great 4th every one.
bread's done