5 Tips to Get Your Girl to Game


For the original article with pictures:

To Digg the story:

You're a generic gamer nerd. You're not going to get a girlfriend, are you? You don't even know a girl besides your mom, do you? Your sister doesn't count. That booth babe you talked to at the last convention you went to doesn't count either. Neither does the Starbucks barista.

Alright, I'll humor you. So you allegedly have a girlfriend or a girl you talk to that could be a girlfriend, right? Well, I don't blame you for wanting her to play games with you. Games are pretty fun. You probably only got three hours of sleep last night because you were playing the Starcraft II beta, despite the fact that you had to go into work early today. Well, I'm a girl, and I play video games, so here are some hints to help you get that girl (or woman) in your life to game with you.

We all know Peach doesn't really need saving.

Get to know her. I'm putting this first because it's the most important. If, heaven forbid, she never finished a Godfather movie because organized crime makes her uncomfortable, don't encourage her to play Grand Theft Auto. And sure as hell don't make her play a Godfather game. If you see her playing a flash version of Tetris on her laptop, start introducing her to more puzzlers. Start with other flash games or physics games. Soon enough, she'll go from playing World of Goo to playing Portal.
But never jump straight into something difficult if she's not a gamer. She may be the coolest chick in the world who prefers to watch a Bond flick over The Notebook, but that doesn't mean she'll be able to pick up a controller and play Alpha Protocol or Rainbow Six right away. What will probably happen is that she will get frustrated and never want to play another game again. Especially if you're shouting in her ear asking her why she's still using the "damn pistol!" instead of switching to an assault rifle.
Play multiplayer and casual games. I'm not a fan of casual games, but I introduced my friend to Mario Party at a friend's birthday party. From there, we went to Mario Kart. She thought, and I'm not joking here, that the characters were "so cute!" that she wanted to play more games with them. She hopped into the Mario universe, and that led her to the Zelda universe. Now, just try to steal her Ratchet & Clank. I dare you.
But that doesn't mean you should patronize her. If it's the first time she has picked up a 360 controller, she may have issues even getting the game started. Lead her toward making her own profile on your 'box, but don't get frustrated when it takes her a second to remember which buttons are which. And once she's played for a bit, don't feed her every action. Let her figure it out on her own, and if she's doing it in a way that you're not comfortable with, that's fine, too. Let her find her own way instead of making her conform to yours. "You have to push the A button, babe; it's the big green one on the right" is more likely going to make her smash the controller against your head than have her play with you again.
If you can't even get her to pick up the controller, bribe her. If she completes 20% of a game of your choosing (and pick carefully, soldier), you'll do something she wants to do. Go see that Rachel McAdams flick she's been bugging you about, or go to karaoke with her friends. If she feels like she's going to get something out of it, she's going to do it.

If, after all that, she doesn't enjoy herself, don't force it. Some people don't game. It's cool. Some people can't dance. It's just the way it is. Maybe in the future she'll see a commercial for a game that will interest her. I've had non-gamer friends jump ship because of games like LittleBigPlanet. Even if it doesn't work out with video games, be glad she's even in your life. Appreciate the fact that she even lets you touch her, and game on with your bros. That's what bros are for anyway, right?
Perhaps it's helpful(?), IMO there's too much shtick and all of this seems pretty common-sense.

Anyways, girls are yucky etc etc.
[quote name='MisterModest']Or you could just spend your time with her, fucking her.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure this article is talking about gf's not one night stands or friends with benefits.
Trying to get my girl to play games with me is an ordeal. She can play games with me or deal with two weeks locked in the cellar. BOOM-tish
I never understood the eternal quest to get your girl to game. If she likes you and is with you isnt that enough?
I always liked gaming growing up. I didn't really play any shooters until perfect dark 64 (except Resident Evil). I played racing, puzzle type games, spyro's, mario's etc... my hubby got me to play counterstrke, and that did it for me. I love all types of shooters, and love playing co-op shooters with my husband. I can kicka$$ online too :)
[quote name='dallow']I wouldn't want her wasting time with videogames.[/QUOTE]

yep especially when she could be cooking.
[quote name='lokizz']yep especially when she could be cooking.[/QUOTE]
my thoughts exactly... why would i want her putting in hours on COD MW2 when she could be cleaning.
I am seriously hoping some of these responses are jokes. If not, I really think you guys need a maturity lesson. If you truly believe women should be cleaning or cooking instead of playing games, then I could say the same exact thing about men: you should be working or doing yardbook instead of gaming. There's the new thing out there guys, it's called multitasking. Maybe you've heard of it?

Personally, I'm a neat freak, so the house must be clean before I even pick up a controller, and as far as cooking, there is a pause button for a reason. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to say a girl shouldn't play games because she needs to be slaving over your dinner.
I chose to ignore the ignorant comments. I believe some of these guys have girls who don't game, but have never experienced it, so their opinion is theorized. I love gaming with my husband, it is a hobby we share together. I don't feel the need to defend my gaming, because it's something that doesn't come first in my life.
[quote name='gargus']I never understood the eternal quest to get your girl to game. If she likes you and is with you isnt that enough?[/QUOTE]

I don't get it either. I mean, I like it when my girlfriend asks me about a game I'm playing, etc, but I have no real desire for her to play with me. She had her interests I have mine, and I'm no more likely to convince her to start gaming than she is to convince me to care about celebrity gossip.

That you need to have a ton of interests in common with someone to have a successful relationship is a myth. It's way more important that you share the same values and can, you know, stand each other.
Yea-- My wife and I met at bars, but the first non-bar outing was to settle a bet that she was better at SMB3 than I was. She kicked my ass. Beyond that though, I haven't been able to find a lot of games that I can get her interested in.

She plays a lot of hand held stuff (both Loco Roco games, any DS puzzle game, Yoshi's Island 2, Super Princess Peach, etc) - and has her own DS. The only console game she's played by herself since we've been married is Super Paper Mario (Wii one). To be honest I wasn't ready for it when she started playing Super Paper Mario-- it caught me off guard, and it also left me bored-- because she was busy using my gaming rig.

I can usually get her to play anything on the Wii, and I've had some success getting her to play licensed games on the PS3 (like UP - and soon Lego Harry Potter).
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']If you truly believe women should be cleaning or cooking instead of playing games...[/QUOTE]

Don't forget that girls should also be doing laundry and exercising before playing any games.
I'm just gonna get a second TV, so that I can have that 360 game My Wife playing on one TV (so it's like she's watching) and regular games on another.
#1 should have been putting a game system in the kitchen. Power to cooking appliances is gained by beating a mission.

/joke (since apparently some people in the thread can't internet)
[quote name='Malik112099']I dont want my wife to game. Thats my shit. She has her shit. I like it that way.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. We get these topics a lot and I don't understand why so many people want their wife/gf to be gamers. Don't they have friends who play games already? Besides, someone in the relationship has the be the responsible one.

It's fun every now and then that we play a game of Rockband or Peggle for half an hour. But that's the extent. Or maybe if I'm playing a game with an interesting story she'll watch, but once I get to actual gameplay she's had enough.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']I am seriously hoping some of these responses are jokes. If not, I really think you guys need a maturity lesson. If you truly believe women should be cleaning or cooking instead of playing games, then I could say the same exact thing about men: you should be working or doing yardbook instead of gaming. There's the new thing out there guys, it's called multitasking. Maybe you've heard of it?

Personally, I'm a neat freak, so the house must be clean before I even pick up a controller, and as far as cooking, there is a pause button for a reason. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to say a girl shouldn't play games because she needs to be slaving over your dinner.[/QUOTE]

what the hell are you doin posting on the web? get in that damn kitchen and make some magic happen with your pots and pans!!!!!! theres no pause button when it comes to a womans duties to her man its 247 baby.
My wife likes playing some games, like Little Big Planet and New Super Mario Bros Wii, but i get frustrated when I play with her because she likes to go slow and collect everything, and I like to go fast and run through the levels. Someone always gets pissed off when we play together, so whenever I play something in the living room, its always something that I know she'll never want to play.

She still enjoys watching me play, though. She really liked watching Bioshock 1&2, Batman: AA and all of the Zelda games.

That's enough for me.
[quote name='Rex_Banner']Video games are a waste of time when it comes to women[/QUOTE]

lol 1v1, ur host. gow1.. ill waste my time kicking your ass.
Thus far I've only managed to find non gamer women, who apparently would like to see me stop my gaming hobby, but still care about the shit they're interested in.

Not gonna happen, which is why I'm still single.
Threads like these eventually devolve into hilarity and sadness, but these two comments really stood out for me, in a good way.

[quote name='nbballard']Yea-- My wife and I met at bars, but the first non-bar outing was to settle a bet that she was better at SMB3 than I was. She kicked my ass. Beyond that though, I haven't been able to find a lot of games that I can get her interested in.

She plays a lot of hand held stuff (both Loco Roco games, any DS puzzle game, Yoshi's Island 2, Super Princess Peach, etc) - and has her own DS. The only console game she's played by herself since we've been married is Super Paper Mario (Wii one). To be honest I wasn't ready for it when she started playing Super Paper Mario-- it caught me off guard, and it also left me bored-- because she was busy using my gaming rig.

I can usually get her to play anything on the Wii, and I've had some success getting her to play licensed games on the PS3 (like UP - and soon Lego Harry Potter).[/QUOTE]
That's cool. My husband and I tastes on games can be pretty different sometimes, but that's okay. We have some differing tastes in books, movies, etc. too, so I tend to think of it like that. Just wish more people did.

[quote name='Brownjohn']My wife likes playing some games, like Little Big Planet and New Super Mario Bros Wii, but i get frustrated when I play with her because she likes to go slow and collect everything, and I like to go fast and run through the levels. Someone always gets pissed off when we play together, so whenever I play something in the living room, its always something that I know she'll never want to play.

She still enjoys watching me play, though. She really liked watching Bioshock 1&2, Batman: AA and all of the Zelda games.

That's enough for me.[/QUOTE]
My husband and I tried to play FFXII together, taking turns with the controller, since we were both looking forward to it at the time of its release. Turns out we have very different playstyles for that sort of thing. We both became bored with it anyway and quit somewhere after the fifty hour mark.

There aren't too many games we can enjoy together. I'm better at puzzle games, and he's better at fighting games. I like highly structured experiences a la Forza, and he likes chaotic sandboxes a la GTA. And so on. Sometimes that rare game will come along, like Chu Chu Rocket! or Super Mario Galaxy, where we'll play the hell out of it together.

I like watching him play some games, too, especially open-world games (which I don't like to play myself), but I sometimes fall into the bad habit of giving tips without being asked for them. Have been good about not doing this since Assassin's Creed II, but I doled out a lot of (mostly solicited) tips while he was playing Cave Story (on Easy), since I'd beaten it twice by then (on Normal) and knew how to get through the tough bits. By the way, I insisted that he play the game, since I love it so much (a story that might make for a good "How to get your guy to game" post in an alternate dimension :lol:). Seriously though, we talk about games with each other and recommend them to each other, depending on the other's tastes.

Anyway, in short, it's all about personal taste, like anything else. I hope you guys are happy with your wives and vice versa. My own husband's the best :D
[quote name='gargus']I never understood the eternal quest to get your girl to game. If she likes you and is with you isnt that enough?[/QUOTE]

No, I must conquer her mind. She must like RPGs, shooters, and survival horror--I must be secure in the knowledge that she won't throw my stuff out. Namely because she knows I'll decapitate her if she does, selling her organs to get my games back. This is because I'm a sharing and (in)sensitive guy; I'm listening to Journey's "Open Arms" right now to prove a point (Yes! Let's fight the evil, baby, don't-sell-my-games-though.).
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']No, I must conquer her mind. She must like RPGs, shooters, and survival horror--I must be secure in the knowledge that she won't throw my stuff out. Namely because she knows I'll decapitate her if she does, selling her organs to get my games back. This is because I'm a sharing and (in)sensitive guy; I'm listening to Journey's "Open Arms" right now to prove a point (Yes! Let's fight the evil, baby, don't-sell-my-games-though.).[/QUOTE]
:lol::applause: I ran into a vindictive woman on Craigslist a couple of years ago, who was obviously selling her ex's shit on there to get even with him. She was selling a PS2 with like 150 games(mostly NON sports:shock:)for $50-75.

Unfortunately, I didn't pull the trigger on grabbing that lot quick enough and some other lucky bastard got it. She was even including like 6 memory cards, 5-6 controllers and I think a bunch of PS1 games besides the PS2 stuff.

Poor SOB who pissed her off.:cry: That's why I haven't ever gone to the point where I'm living with a gf, since I'd have to hide my shit I value in my car's trunk whenever I go to work, in case she gets pissed at me.
I've tried to get my girlfriend into gaming, but it was too hard for her to see the screen with her head in my lap.

Seriously though, my gf has games that she enjoys, but it's not always in line with my tastes. I just installed an NES emulator on her laptop, so now she can watch me play Crackdown 2, while she plays Felix the Cat :)
[quote name='PR Mega X']I've tried to get my girlfriend into gaming, but it was too hard for her to see the screen with her head in my lap.

Seriously though, my gf has games that she enjoys, but it's not always in line with my tastes. I just installed an NES emulator on her laptop, so now she can watch me play Crackdown 2, while she plays Felix the Cat :)[/QUOTE]

Felix the Cat for NES rocks, I don't care what anybody says (I played it on emulator too) XD
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol::applause: I ran into a vindictive woman on Craigslist a couple of years ago, who was obviously selling her ex's shit on there to get even with him. She was selling a PS2 with like 150 games(mostly NON sports:shock:)for $50-75.

Unfortunately, I didn't pull the trigger on grabbing that lot quick enough and some other lucky bastard got it. She was even including like 6 memory cards, 5-6 controllers and I think a bunch of PS1 games besides the PS2 stuff.

Poor SOB who pissed her off.:cry: That's why I haven't ever gone to the point where I'm living with a gf, since I'd have to hide my shit I value in my car's trunk whenever I go to work, in case she gets pissed at me.[/QUOTE]

It's an unfortunate fact of life that domestic quarrels are great for pick-ups. My first major estate sale score was from this Mormon Police guy that looked like he was going through hell and just wanted to get the stuff out of there (seemed like a nice dude to boot). I got something like the contents of his entire entertainment center for 35 bucks (actually not as great as it sounds, but there were a few $10 n64 zelda games in there, plus I got a ton of CDs and assorted goodie parts). Then when I went over to the other basement room with an entire wall filled out with books (mostly do-it yourself filming, but some other neat fiction stuff) I said how much were you looking for this, thinking I was going to get a book or two. He said take it all for $10 :hot:

Back onto the relationship topic, I'm the same way regarding trust issues. Unless she can understand that we need to work together like Vulnavia and Dr. Phibes, my inner sanctum will remain off-limits.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol::applause: I ran into a vindictive woman on Craigslist a couple of years ago, who was obviously selling her ex's shit on there to get even with him. She was selling a PS2 with like 150 games(mostly NON sports:shock:)for $50-75.

Unfortunately, I didn't pull the trigger on grabbing that lot quick enough and some other lucky bastard got it. She was even including like 6 memory cards, 5-6 controllers and I think a bunch of PS1 games besides the PS2 stuff.

Poor SOB who pissed her off.:cry: That's why I haven't ever gone to the point where I'm living with a gf, since I'd have to hide my shit I value in my car's trunk whenever I go to work, in case she gets pissed at me.[/QUOTE]

Get a normal girl and dont be a cocksucker to her and you dont have to worry about dumb shit like that. My wife could be raging mad at me but she wouldnt go sell my games for retarded cheap. :roll:
I feel like the article was written for the author to show off that she is a girl.

None if it is really girl-based. You can say the same crap if you wanted to get your kid / your parents / your siblings / your friends / your pets / anyone to start gaming.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Poor SOB who pissed her off.:cry: That's why I haven't ever gone to the point where I'm living with a gf, since I'd have to hide my shit I value in my car's trunk whenever I go to work, in case she gets pissed at me.[/QUOTE]

You must have dated or been with some crazy bitches. Wow. I would NEVER sell my husbands shit, no matter how mad he made me. Even if we were to split, I wouldn't ruin his shit. Now if you did something where you might deserve it, then ok I can understand (cheating on her, breaking her stuff, hitting her, etc).... If not, then you have a psycho bitch, and probably should avoid anything sharp around her, let alone worry about your stuff.
I feel like this is more of a "Manipulating a girl to play games article", if she's not into it don't force her. I bet you guys wouldn't like it if a girl tried to "get you into (something you find boring)".

just thought of something funny, where is the "5 tips to get your girl to do kinky stuff" article?

1. get to know her if she thinks raunchy comedies are funny than see how toys work our for her, if she hates dressing up for holloween than don't try cosplay in bed lol.
I feel kinda lucky that my wife likes gaming. She mostly enjoys games with good stories (Mass Effect, Metal Gear, most RPGs), but she's also content to just watch me play. I almost never hear "let's watch tv", but "you should play something." She's also very supportive of me collecting old school games, often helping me yard sale and find them.
bread's done