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[quote name='Soodmeg']
Other than that.......the best way to get back at them......


Seriouly walk in with a pocket full of glitter whoever tries to give you shit reach into your pocket and scream, GLITTER BITCHES while tossing a handful at their face. It wont hurt them...but do you know how hard it is to get glitter off? They will have to walk around like that for a week!

Glitter-The ultimate payback.[/quote]


I've got a splitting headache and me LITERALLY laughing out loud didn't help it any but that was totally worth it!!!!!

GLITTER BITCHES!! hahaha I gotta get glitter!
They can't accuse you of anything and fire you the only way they can fire you is with proof that you did steal those things never admit anything you ddin't do !
LOL with a little inspiration from the other thread:

Yell out "LOOK AT WHAT I CAN DO ! " Then throw the glitter on the guy and run out screaming "GLITTER BITCHES!"


Seriously though fuck them let um fire you then collect unemployment for 6 months! A guy where I used to work REFUSED to take a drug test after a on the job accident and he got his unemployment. Anyone can get it I guess....
glitter costs money. use something free, like poop. fling poop around while yelling "poop, bitches"! that'll get there attention.
[quote name='thagoat']glitter costs money. use something free, like poop. fling poop around while yelling "poop, bitches"! that'll get there attention.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure flinging poo carries a MUCH harsher penalty than flinging glitter. When was the last time you saw a monkey not behind bars?
[quote name='Limegreen']They can't accuse you of anything and fire you the only way they can fire you is with proof that you did steal those things never admit anything you ddin't do ![/quote]well. unfortunately, they can fire you for anything they damn well please. this is the work place we're talking about, not a court of law. they could fire you if they don't like the color of your nose hair. unless you're in a union, you have little protection or rights when it comes to being fired.
[quote name='thagoat']glitter costs money. use something free, like poop. fling poop around while yelling "poop, bitches"! that'll get there attention.[/quote]

The best thing about throwing glitter at someone is this,

Manger calls cops. "I have just been assualted"

Cop. "With what sir?"

Manger. "Ummmm....well..... pink glitter."

Cop."Let me get this straight you got assualted by.......pink glitter?"

Manger. "Umm yes..i mean no nevermind goodbye." Hangs up.

Who is seriouly going to admit that they got their ass beat with pink glitter?

Also...if you really want to be mean about it put some baby oil in it also not to much though. You get glittered bombed (what me and my friends call it) with baby oil in it...that shit sticks to you like the bubonic plague.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Seriouly walk in with a pocket full of glitter whoever tries to give you shit reach into your pocket and scream, GLITTER BITCHES while tossing a handful at their face. It wont hurt them...but do you know how hard it is to get glitter off? They will have to walk around like that for a week!

Glitter-The ultimate payback.[/quote]
DAMN, MAN! That's genius! I'm totally stealing that to dick over my douchebag of a boss when it's finally time to go. It's a start, anyways. We need to start up an boss revenge thread.
Here is an idea for everyone....

Wasn't a boss revenge but rather a get back at an ex prank. In the fall when everyone is raking leaves and leaving them bagged up on the road side just start gathering those up and when you get enough go out and fill up someones car full of leaves during the night! Of course it will depend on them leaving the doors unlocked or the car being a beater with a door that didn't lock in my case. :D It was very easy to find help when I did it so we got in and out pretty fast. I would have given ANYTHING to see the look on her face when she came out and found her car loaded with wet leaves! :rofl:
[quote name='$hady']Here is an idea for everyone....

Wasn't a boss revenge but rather a get back at an ex prank. In the fall when everyone is raking leaves and leaving them bagged up on the road side just start gathering those up and when you get enough go out and fill up someones car full of leaves during the night! Of course it will depend on them leaving the doors unlocked or the car being a beater with a door that didn't lock in my case. :D It was very easy to find help when I did it so we got in and out pretty fast. I would have given ANYTHING to see the look on her face when she came out and found her car loaded with wet leaves! :rofl:[/QUOTE]

My friends shoved an old dead and dry christmas tree into another friend's car whom we didn't care for.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']My friends shoved an old dead and dry christmas tree into another friend's car whom we didn't care for.[/quote]

Hmm if you somehow incorporated fans, even the small handheld ones into the glitter plan, it'd be like walking around in a snowglobe. A snowglobe full of games, glitter and grouchy gamerush managers.
[quote name='$hady']:rofl:[/QUOTE]

Actually I didn't even tell you the funniest part. We went in 2 cars and the car that did the christmas tree penetration got followed (chased) by the guy's dad and they had to go back and clean up the pine needles. Our car got away scot-free.
Amazing, only one person here was mature enough to realize instead of being a young punk and acting like an ass.. take it like a man, accept it and find another job.
Take it like a man = get bent over like a bitch

You know there will be lots of opportunities in life to get reamed, and you'll have plenty of time to master your "take it like a man" technique. I say stand up for yourself, if only this one time.

[quote name='Cornfedwb']Amazing, only one person here was mature enough to realize instead of being a young punk and acting like an ass.. take it like a man, accept it and find another job.[/QUOTE]
Taking it like a man is confronting those firing you and requesting that they explain their actions. I don't condone fucking up the store on your way out, but one doesn't just pack their bags and walk away meekly because their boss is a dipshit. Pretend this was a job you were making a very nice salary at and rethink your response.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Knock over the magazine rack.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure if it was timing or the fact that no one's mentioned that story in a while, but I burst out laughing when I saw that. Good show, Nigel! :applause:
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Buy bags of it and fill the drop box.[/QUOTE]
I think that this is actually a better use for the glitter. It's harmless, but the effects are going to (hopefully) spread across the entire store.

That said...glitter in general sounds like a fun way to go out. At least it'd be unique, eh?
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Amazing, only one person here was mature enough to realize instead of being a young punk and acting like an ass.. take it like a man, accept it and find another job.[/quote]

I figure that's common sense...so I say the opposite to entertain myself. If you can't figure out how to act in a work enviroment or know of the lasting repercussions of destroying your workplace before you leave...well, enjoy flipping burgers.

Seriously, talk to the highest ranking person you can get ahold of. If that person is as against you as those around you, maybe you should go for another job. The worst that could happen in this situation is that you could keep your job.
I just wanted to post a here-here to the genius glitter comment. I've gotta keep that one in mind for later.

BTW, what's with all the references to knocking over a magazine rack. Is there some famous movie example that I'm missing out on?
IMO, 24 is too old for acting like a child. One vote for no glitter, no retaliation of any kind. Take whatever action is necessary - talk to HR or higher up, not to try to keep the job but to make your postion clear. In the long run, acting with dignity and responsibly will be more satisfying to you than a moment or two of a malious prank which will only confirm to others that they were right to let you go.

My advice: Post a hilarious report of your last hours that is total fiction. (Maybe a comic strip like Cheapy at BestBuy?). We'll all enjoy it as much as the real thing and no harm will be done. Don't even tell us if it was real or not....

Best of luck!
[quote name='russianguns']One thing I should mention, though, is that I have been fired at every job I've ever worked.[/QUOTE]

You really should look back at those experiences and see what you could have done differently. I'm not saying you are solely to blame for such misfortune but getting fired from EVERY job is no coincidence. Separate yourself from your "principles" and try to be objective. Set aside your disdain for the people you deemed "jealous" or "competitive" and honestly reflect on your past experiences. Was there ANYTHING you could have done or said differently that would have changed the end result? Do you notice any patterns?
Good advice by CheapyMom.

Obviously we are just acting silly, and you should go in, defend yourself tooth and nail, and accept whatever conclusion they come up with. Also, don't sign anything they give you, that just makes you a tool of the process.

Listen, getting fired can be a hit to the self-esteem, but we've almost all had it. The average person changes their career something like 7 times before they settle into a job, and you're going through that now.

Good luck.
[quote name='CheapyMom']IMO, 24 is too old for acting like a child. One vote for no glitter, no retaliation of any kind. Take whatever action is necessary - talk to HR or higher up, not to try to keep the job but to make your postion clear. In the long run, acting with dignity and responsibly will be more satisfying to you than a moment or two of a malious prank which will only confirm to others that they were right to let you go.

My advice: Post a hilarious report of your last hours that is total fiction. (Maybe a comic strip like Cheapy at BestBuy?). We'll all enjoy it as much as the real thing and no harm will be done. Don't even tell us if it was real or not....

Best of luck![/QUOTE]

Words of wisdom! I like CheapyMom!

CheapyMom for president!
Best revenge would be letting them see the theft continue after you're gone. They'll quickly realize they fucked up.
[quote name='Soodmeg']


Seriouly walk in with a pocket full of glitter whoever tries to give you shit reach into your pocket and scream, GLITTER BITCHES while tossing a handful at their face. It wont hurt them...but do you know how hard it is to get glitter off? They will have to walk around like that for a week!

Glitter-The ultimate payback.[/QUOTE]

OK, I know everyone thinks you are a genius for this idea, but can you post a link to the comedian whose stand up act you took it from? (not trying to be snotty, I just can't remember his name and he was hilarious on the comedy channel)
[quote name='daphatty']You really should look back at those experiences and see what you could have done differently. I'm not saying you are solely to blame for such misfortune but getting fired from EVERY job is no coincidence. Separate yourself from your "principles" and try to be objective. Set aside your disdain for the people you deemed "jealous" or "competitive" and honestly reflect on your past experiences. Was there ANYTHING you could have done or said differently that would have changed the end result? Do you notice any patterns?[/quote]

I'll take this one...
His problem is doing too much work. Sadly, with most retail jobs (including working at a theater) they way to move up the corporate ladder is to make it seem like your doing work to the management, while only doing the bare minimum. Once I realised this at the Theater, I slacked off and got promoted in 3 weeks. Did it at another jobe, same results. I'd try working my ass off to start, but it did NOTHING. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Now at my current job as a Comic Shop Manager, where the only one above me is the actual owner, things are going fine, and im doing a great deal of work and being rewarded for it.
[quote name='daphatty']CheapyMom for president![/quote]
(Ignores crust cutting comment....)
another reality based suggestion would be to not work retail. I don't know your education level, but maybe you should go to school to get it to the point where you aren't stuck working in retail jobs where the employees are expendable and easily replaceable.
[quote name='starman9000']OK, I know everyone thinks you are a genius for this idea, but can you post a link to the comedian whose stand up act you took it from? (not trying to be snotty, I just can't remember his name and he was hilarious on the comedy channel)[/quote]


I dont know his name i barely remember what he looks like other than a fat guy.
[quote name='daphatty']You really should look back at those experiences and see what you could have done differently. I'm not saying you are solely to blame for such misfortune but getting fired from EVERY job is no coincidence. Separate yourself from your "principles" and try to be objective. Set aside your disdain for the people you deemed "jealous" or "competitive" and honestly reflect on your past experiences. Was there ANYTHING you could have done or said differently that would have changed the end result? Do you notice any patterns?[/QUOTE]

QFT. Something is definitely up if you've been fired from every job you've ever had. Maybe it is coincidence that EVERY person you've worked with was out to get you, but chances are we're not getting the full story here.

Anyways, there is no reason to be a dick back to these people if they fire you. If the stealing isn't your fault then it will continue after you're gone and they'll realize they fired the wrong person. Just move on, get a better job (*HINT* one respectable for a 24 year old *HINT*) and move on with your life.
[quote name='munch']QFT. Something is definitely up if you've been fired from every job you've ever had. Maybe it is coincidence that EVERY person you've worked with was out to get you, but chances are we're not getting the full story here.

Anyways, there is no reason to be a dick back to these people if they fire you. If the stealing isn't your fault then it will continue after you're gone and they'll realize they fired the wrong person. Just move on, get a better job (*HINT* one respectable for a 24 year old *HINT*) and move on with your life.[/quote]

Just wondering here....what job did you have at 24?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Just wondering here....what job did you have at 24?[/QUOTE]

I'm 23 now, and I'm a graduate student/teacher.
[quote name='munch']I'm 23 now, and I'm a graduate student/teacher.[/quote]

I was going to say to just resign so you can have a refrence but if they are firing you that kind of takes that out of there. Glitter is a great way to do it as mentioned and laughed at for quite some time now but there are some other ways. Copy the key you have if you have it and just mail out a bunch of duplicates to random address with a typed letter saying what it goes to. Break shit and make a scene on your way out. Break down crying saying how this is your only income and you won't be able to go to college anymore and then compose yourself and on your way out say under your breathe "I'll show you..." just loud enough for them to hear it. TAKE YA PICK!
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