75% off N64 and PS1 Games @ EB/GS


The old B1G1 sale appears to be over and is being replaced with a 75% off sale; plus the 10% off for your Game Informer card comes off the original (and the the dicounted price), makes the deal closer to 85% off. It also appears that the old N64 and PS1 games are being consolidated in select stores, so many stores will not have any games and some will have a ridiculous amount. YMMV and good luck.
[quote name='Chronis']:O Tell me where!!!! hopefully it's at a GS that isn't out of the way. Also, good job on finding Ape Escape. I was asking around to try and find a copy because I got addicted to AE3.[/quote]
If you're really looking for Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style, a store near me has two copies that are actually brand new and sealed that have been sitting there as long as I can remember. PM me if you want me to pick one up next time I'm there (probably Tuesday).
i finally found a dump store in central ohio....picked up the following, all disc only:
Breath of Fire IV
Gundam Battle Assault 2
Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver
Mega Man X5
Tail Concerto
Vagrant Story

came to a grand total of $15 and some change...most of the other stores had nothing..glad i was able to get a few out of this deal!
In Gainesville, FL today I found a lone copy of Sword of the Berserk for Dreamcast. It is in very good condition, but the manual is only the front and back cover.
just ran into my first "not so nice" employee...called looking for a possible lead on Breath of Fire 3 and Tales of Destiny 2...he had them both in stock, but said "they aren't allowed to sell ps1 games"..i said that I had bought some from another store before, but he refused to budge....so close...
UPDATE to my haul from the local dump store:

I just tried out Parasite Eve II and Alundra 2 and both have issues. PE II goes to the screen where text first scrolls on the screen before I guess the game starts, the text stays on the screen and that's it.

The copy of Alundra 2 goes through the early videos and up till the scene where you're in what looks like a cell where you find a key. You use the key on the cell door, it opens, you walk out. And that's where THAT game f's up for me. The screen goes to black with music playing in the background and nothing else.

Left both games on for about 5 minutes each after the first time they screwed up, reset, tried again, same deal.

They're still on my TL, but the price I wanted originally($4.25 each) I would never dream of asking for now.

However, if anyone wants them, I'll take like a buck to a buck fifty each with the understanding that you know they are non functional and that you just want them to try and get them working again.

So again, Alundra II and Parasite Eve II are non working games I have on my TL, $1-1.50 each plus shipping takes them, if you wanna take a chance with them. If not, they will definitely be going back to Gamestop before weeks end.

Now, I just need to test the rest of the ones from my TL/personal collection to make sure they work before the weeks up.
[quote name='themightypencil']just ran into my first "not so nice" employee...called looking for a possible lead on Breath of Fire 3 and Tales of Destiny 2...he had them both in stock, but said "they aren't allowed to sell ps1 games"..i said that I had bought some from another store before, but he refused to budge....so close...[/QUOTE]

That is code for "he bought them five minutes after you left".
Yesterday i got:

Hello Kitty Cube Frenzy (mint complete!)

Disc only's

2x Digimon World 3
Rhapsody (mint with soundtrack)
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
Norse By norsewest
Misadentures of Tron Bonne
Gekioh Shooting King
Hogs of war (with back insert)

2x Tetris
Dr. Mario
Tiny Toon Adventrues

they were also supposed to have a persona 2 but and Employee and I searched the entire store (AKA the secret PS1 drawers and the employee hold draws as well) for it but it didn't show up. * they love me at this Gamestop and give me as many Penny guides as i want and give me first dibs after the employees on the PS1 stuff)

the rhapsody is a spare rhapsody that i'm hoping someone on here wants and is willing to trade adisc only Persona 2 for it.. X-)
I am shocked to see that you all are still finding games, even at dumpstores I would expect all these excellent titles to have already been snatched up already! Just amazing and good work!
Man, I did pretty well today. Managed to get...

Persona II (PSX)
Grandia (PSX)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (PSX, and new!)
Digital Devil Saga (PS2)
Digital Devil Saga II (PS2)

... all for 60.33. Made out like a bandit, I think.
[quote name='DrAndonuts']Man, I did pretty well today. Managed to get...

Persona II (PSX)
Grandia (PSX)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (PSX, and new!)
Digital Devil Saga (PS2)
Digital Devil Saga II (PS2)

... all for 60.33. Made out like a bandit, I think.[/quote]
I take it the PS2 games were not 75%
[quote name='deathscythehe']I take it the PS2 games were not 75%[/QUOTE]

Why would the PS2 games be 75% off? I'd be great though.:lol:

Nice find on both DDS for only $60. Everything else free basically.:)

I went back and did one last check and our EB is completely wiped out of anything decent. All they have left is crap and sports crap.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']I am shocked to see that you all are still finding games, even at dumpstores I would expect all these excellent titles to have already been snatched up already! Just amazing and good work![/quote]

I had already searched the dreck from the three local dump stores that I knew of, so when they consolidated them all into one, I HAD to re-search those games.

I found out they also got games in from another district entirely, which explains my good finds, since all I'd found prior was 2 copies of Saga Frontier 2(one which an employee snapped up out of my hand lol), Alundra 2 and Parasite Eve, most of which I sold off as cheap as I had bought them for to a local shop which has always given me great deals.

I may recheck the consolidated dump store again this weekend and if no one wants to try and take Alundra 2 or PE II from my TL(non working after the first 3-5 mins), then I'll return those and grab another copy of Nuclear Strike or some other game from the big bin.

EDIT: I guess I have to go back to the dump store, since besides PE II and Alundra 2 not working for long, Norse By Norsewest has issues. But once it gets past the initial 2 screens(publisher/dev screens), it seems to load ok. I noticed alot of familiar voices in the game, even just on the intro level. The person who voiced the narrator on Freakazoid for one, among other recognizable voices.

I hope one of the other two copies they had is in better shape than this scratched up mess.
My local Gamestop must be a dump store,

I picked up the following:

GTA Collectors Edition (3 discs)
Megaman X5
King of Fighters 99
Colony Wars: Vengeance

With my extra 10% off for the Edge card, it all came to $3.74

Yeah, they're all loose, but still not too bad.
LOL My one buddy was playing Colony Wars III: Red Sun on his families HDTV on a PS2 last night and even though I've never said I'm a graphics whore, I was kind of appalled by the fact that many items had off color boxes around them that didn't match the background. And when an enemy ship blew up, the explosion was comprised of 6-10 seperate of those boxes.

This is definitely not one of the series(at least planetside anyway) that has held up well over time.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL My one buddy was playing Colony Wars III: Red Sun on his families HDTV on a PS2 last night and even though I've never said I'm a graphics whore, I was kind of appalled by the fact that many items had off color boxes around them that didn't match the background. And when an enemy ship blew up, the explosion was comprised of 6-10 seperate of those boxes.

This is definitely not one of the series(at least planetside anyway) that has held up well over time.[/quote]
The boxes you're seeing weren't in the game originally. It's the PS2 trying to make the graphics better and failing miserably at it. If you play it on a PS1 or turn off the PS1 graphic upgrade on the PS2, it won't look nearly as bad.
[quote name='deathscythehe']The boxes you're seeing weren't in the game originally. It's the PS2 trying to make the graphics better and failing miserably at it. If you play it on a PS1 or turn off the PS1 graphic upgrade on the PS2, it won't look nearly as bad.[/quote]

See, that's what I thought, since I played it ON a PS1 and didn't notice ANY of those seriously bad looking graphical screw ups. I'm still annoyed that some of these games are non working, specially Alundra 2 and PE II.

This just goes to show that I should've kept my own games when I had them. I'm just lucky I kept Silent Hill and didn't swap that away too.
stopped by a gamestop today that I thought i had checked, but i guess not...very slim pickins there, but did manage to score another disc only breath of fire 4 and a disc only persona 2...person working there looked like he wanted to buy them after i did..lol
I returned the non working and junk games which I would've never played to the dump store on Saturday and picked up the following(most disc only, unless marked):

Soviet Strike(silver label/gh copy)
Syphon Filter
Syphon Filter 3(complete and mint)
Namco Museum Vol. 1(with scratch on the TOP of the disc, may not work)

LOL Plus two more which I don't recall right now. I got like $6 something back for the ones that didn't work n paid $4.77 for 6 games this time, not a bad trade off if you ask me.

They actually got MORE stuff in from another store too, so I may have to check back weekly to see if they get in anything good anymore.

EDIT: I just looked at the games I bought and found out which other two I bought....

Star Trek: Invasion and RPG Maker

I tried out Soviet Strike, RPG maker and Namco Museum Vol. 1 and all of those work, though RPG maker is one of those weird games which requires you to press circle instead of X to go through menus. It MAY be up for trade SOON.
not many people are posting on here anymore, so everyone must be running out of noteworthy things...i called a place today, and he said all he had was sports titles, but was getting another shipment in a few weeks...is this true? are stores still getting shipments from corporate?
How the hell are they still getting new games in?

All of the ones here and wiped out dry. The few games they do have are kept behind the counters, so even if you did want Madden 98 you'd have to ask a clueless employee to find it for you.
I think the thing with that store is that they're getting shipments from OTHER districts now too. But, for every Syphon Filter and Soviet Strike I find, I see 300 Madden, NHL, NBA and baseball games.

I still wish they would've managed to get in the other 4 discs from that Arc The Lad Collection. Then again, that collection was marked $29.99, which would make the 5 disc set $7.50, which is more than I'm williing to pay for ANY PS1 game anymore.
did anyone manage to snag a copy of tales of destiny or tales of destiny 2 through this? those were the two i was heavily trying to find, in any form....im going through the pages of this thread, but maybe someone knows already?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I think the thing with that store is that they're getting shipments from OTHER districts now too. But, for every Syphon Filter and Soviet Strike I find, I see 300 Madden, NHL, NBA and baseball games.

I still wish they would've managed to get in the other 4 discs from that Arc The Lad Collection. Then again, that collection was marked $29.99, which would make the 5 disc set $7.50, which is more than I'm williing to pay for ANY PS1 game anymore.[/quote]

That's only $4.50 with an Edge card, though. :D
anyone pillaged the stores around the chicago area yet? i'm moving out there for school within a couple of weeks and if they've been raided through, i'm not gonna waste my time...lemme know(if anyone besides the few of us who've posted recently are still here!)
This is cool and all but the majority of stores who have this only sell sports related games in both consoles like n64 wretling games nad ps1 football games
[quote name='themightypencil']did anyone manage to snag a copy of tales of destiny or tales of destiny 2 through this? those were the two i was heavily trying to find, in any form....im going through the pages of this thread, but maybe someone knows already?[/quote]

I scored a Tales of Destiny, disc only. It was up for trade for a few months and I received only two offers, but last week I paired it up with a case and manual and I'm awaiting delivery of those parts from another trader to make my copy complete. :)

I haven't yet decided if I want to trade the complete copy now. I know for sure that if I do trade it, it'll be much more difficult to snag it from me than it was as disc-only.
[quote name='Caliburn']I scored a Tales of Destiny, disc only. It was up for trade for a few months and I received only two offers, but last week I paired it up with a case and manual and I'm awaiting delivery of those parts from another trader to make my copy complete. :)

I haven't yet decided if I want to trade the complete copy now. I know for sure that if I do trade it, it'll be much more difficult to snag it from me than it was as disc-only.[/quote]

Lol I was one of those two, nice deal on building a complete version..
LOL That sounds like me with the original Alundra, which I'm getting rid of for $7 shipped to a CAG, disc only. And, I just finally shipped out Vagrant Story, which I got complete but I didn't like, for $10 for a bit more, not counting shipping which I add on OVER what I wanna make anymore.

Even if it's considered sought after, if I find it cheaper than retail or Ebay and as long as I'm making a couple bucks at least over what I paid, I'll definitely try and give my fellow CAGs a deal.

Ahhhhh, if only my sense of charity was shared by those with even a disc only Intelligent Qube, the only offer for a copy that I received was $40 when the owner of it paid $10 from some moron on Craigslist.

Why can't I find people like that around here? LOL
[quote name='elchupacabra']This is cool and all but the majority of stores who have this only sell sports related games in both consoles like n64 wretling games nad ps1 football games[/QUOTE]
I haven't seen any PS1 games around here for a long, long time, but over the weekend I was out of town and stopped in at a Gamestop there (looking for something else). I was surprised to see a LOT of PS1 games there. I had no illusions about finding any gems, but I did look through the games and it was 95% sports/wrestling.

I did end up picking out 16 games for under $10 because they were so cheap. After I got home, it hit me. Why did I waste $10 on a bunch of crap PS1 games that I'll never get around to playing when I have a backlog of actual good games to play. I'm too embarrassed to list the games I got because you'd all just point and laugh.
I was at a GS that had PS1 games the last time I went, sometime last year. It was mainly because I was passing by and had my ripped Persona 3 guide so I wanted to get it exchanged. And I noticed a shelf full disc slips and when I asked about it, the clerk told me they were only sports games. I flipped though a stack quickly and found a bunch of Madden and Tony Hawk games. Though thinking back, Madden 03 was only .99c so it would have been a quarter with the discount, Edge, and tax. I probably should have got it just to have a football game on my PS1, and one where the Rams are pretty good. >_>
[quote name='oremites']I haven't seen any PS1 games around here for a long, long time, but over the weekend I was out of town and stopped in at a Gamestop there (looking for something else). I was surprised to see a LOT of PS1 games there. I had no illusions about finding any gems, but I did look through the games and it was 95% sports/wrestling.

I did end up picking out 16 games for under $10 because they were so cheap. After I got home, it hit me. Why did I waste $10 on a bunch of crap PS1 games that I'll never get around to playing when I have a backlog of actual good games to play. I'm too embarrassed to list the games I got because you'd all just point and laugh.[/quote]

If one of the games is WCW vs the World I won't laugh. Especially since that is a great game; I got it for $1.49 used at Gamestop a looong time ago.
I wouldn't laugh either because WCW vs. The World had some great hidden characters if I remember correctly. I wish I had never traded in my copy. It was awesome as all heck to play as Hulk Hogan vs 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan of the nWo.

It all depended on if you hit X or pressed start to select your character, as Sting and Hogan and at least 2-3 others I think had their nWo counterparts selectable too.

Just a FUN game.....
All of my EBs and Gamestops are exiled when it comes to PSX/N64 games, I haven't really seen any in a long time at the locations I go to

The last time I did see a good amount of PSX games was about 2 years ago when I found a used and complete Arc the Lad Collection for 30 dollars, needless to say, I jumped on that.

I do know that they have some older games in the storage room, I've seen them when I see employees go in and out of it. That might be worth asking to get access to.
I re-hit the dump store I usually hit Tuesday and grabbed 4 more clearance titles, all for PS1, all disc only.

Beast Wars: Transformers- Has one nick in it that worries me, otherwise the usual scratches, etc

Gex-minor surface scratches, otherwise mint

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko(marked as F1 2000)- minor surface scratches in some spots, smudges, otherwise shockingly minty


Rampage World Tour- surface scratches, smudges, muck(as usual), but looks playable still.....

All of them are going to my collection.....

I am still immensely perplexed as to how this many games ended up disc only and looking like someone wiped their ass with them after letting their 2 month old kid gnaw on them for 45 minutes or used them as coasters or whatever got them to this shitacular condition most seem to be in now.

Is it wrong to be an AR gamer who thinks that games should be put away and kept complete and pretty much scratch free??
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer'] Is it wrong to be an AR gamer who thinks that games should be put away and kept complete and pretty much scratch free??[/quote]
Not at all ;)

I found a stack of NES and Genesis games the other day. I had $80 in credit and bought them just for the hell of it. All I can remember are Risky Woods for Genesis and Golf and Barbie for the NES. I have a bet going with my friend on if I can beat the Barbie game :p
[quote name='oremites']
I did end up picking out 16 games for under $10 because they were so cheap. After I got home, it hit me. Why did I waste $10 on a bunch of crap PS1 games that I'll never get around to playing when I have a backlog of actual good games to play. I'm too embarrassed to list the games I got because you'd all just point and laugh.[/QUOTE]

Well, you never know. At some stage of your life, you'll probably be forced to entertain someone that you have very little in common with (weather it would be a young child or some teenager who's parents are visiting someone else). I have had a few of these instances, and boom, the person wanted to play something from the backlog. If one of those games saves your butt for an hour or two, you might be more than thrilled to have paid $10 for that game alone.

Plus, there is a certain thrill to walking out of a store with $16 games for $10, even if they do suck.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer'] I am still immensely perplexed as to how this many games ended up disc only and looking like someone wiped their ass with them after letting their 2 month old kid gnaw on them for 45 minutes or used them as coasters or whatever got them to this shitacular condition most seem to be in now.[/quote]

Since it seems that almost ALL PS1 games are disc only, I've got to think the GS people are getting rid of the cases. Since they don't sell as much as everything else, they probably just take them out of the case to save space. But at least they used to use the thin cases and stuff the manual in there.... :(
One of the Gamestops near here (Dolphin Mall in Miami,FL to be specific) throws away used DS cases to save space, so that might just be the case.

I used to wonder why all of their DC games were disc only in generic jewel cases.

Hell my Gamestop has many games labled "new" with a generic case, so maybe people walk out with the cases?

Regardless, this is just another reason not to buy from Gamestop.

Just discovered today that the 10% off email coupon stacks with this! So its 75% off, 10% off original price from Edge card, so its $0.15 on the dollar...then the 10% off coupon kicks in, and makes it about $0.135 on the dollar...not a huge savings unless you're buying a LOT of stuff, but I did use it to get two Pokemon Stadium, a Snap, and three Transfer Paks for a total of about $3.50 today.
I've had the 10% coupon stacked both compounded and uncompouded (not on orders with PS1 games though). When I've used it, it stacks uncompounded (flat 10% stack) when the employee actually enters the code and compounded (ie, another 10% after discounts, which is
[quote name='jumbo11']any stores in CT that have'em?[/quote]

i hit a few CT stores while i was visiting (total of 5) but i found nothing on them except for some 64 games not worthy of being picking up.
Best way to go about finding a dump store is either talk to one of the knowledgeable employees or a manager of a store. Just ask if they know of any of their stores that are still selling Playstation or other older games still.
I managed to find Saga Frontier ($1.xx) yesterday among mounds and mounds of sports titles. I guess there are still a few decent titles if you have the patience.

Also got Game Genies for NES and SNES for basically pocket change.
I guess if you were looking for that title to actually play, then it might be worth it... that title alone isn't worth very much, even new, and my dump has turned into a sports graveyard. I'm intimidated to look further.

I've gotten my share out of it though (Tales of Destiny, 3 Saga Frontier II (1 new, 2 complete), Parasite Eve, etc.)

I don't even see N64 games at any GS/EB near me.
bread's done