79th Academy Awards


54 (100%)
hmm didn't see that a topic was created maybe I missed it anyway.. Dosen't the entire cast ussually come on stage after winning best picture. That sucked I would have liked to see them all there not Scorcessee hiding behind the curtain. Can't wait till Pans Labryinth comes to DVD..
All I can say is fuck YAEH!!! About time. Scorsese has deserved to win the award on so many occasions. Now the Academy can claim that they aren't merely idiots, but half-wits. They still manage to fuck up the international category and not give the award to Pan's Labyrinth.
[quote name='dastly75']I didn't watch...since no nominations at all for The Fountain, not even best score.[/QUOTE]

You know, it is possible that they didn't submit it to the Academy for consideration.
The three categories that I cared about ended up how I had hoped, so I am happy. The Departed for Best Picture, Scorsese for Director, and Forest Whitaker for Best Actor. Those were well chosen.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You know, it is possible that they didn't submit it to the Academy for consideration.[/quote]

Well on the composers blog he talks about disappointment regarding the Oscars so I assume it was eligible for nomination.
Despite the fact that Children of Men wasn't nominated for best picture while other less worthy films were (Babel, Sunshine) and the fact that it got snubbed for best cinematography, the choices for winners were good overall.

The Departed deserved best picture, the best documentary category has become a joke, and it was good to see Scorsese finally win one.
I'm glad Jennifer Hudson got best supporting actress. I wanted Will Smith to win for the pursuit of happyness, but meh. I really want to see the last king of Scotland (maybe not the name) but I didn't see it playing around where i live.
I support the Best Picutre selection only because 3 of the other 4 were pretty lame and were undeserving of a nomination. However, I think there were more deserving movies that should've got a best pitcure nomination. I can't aruge too much with best actress as I didn't watch the Queen. Though I would've liked to have seen Ryan Gosling win best actor, still Forest Whitiker did a damn fine job too (Last King of Scotland is one of those films that needed more nominations). I also think Paul Greengrass should've got Best Direction as United 93 was a good film that was handled extremely well by him for a fairly new director. Scorsesefinally won his though, but I think they kind of just gave it to him to make up for snubbing him in the past.

Some of the technical awards and so forth were the most disappointing though. Departed did not deserve best adapted screenplay for taking many cues from a 5 year old foreign movie and not changing that much (what it did change sucked, not every hollywood movie needs a circular, tragic love triangle). I think Children of Men was more deserving for this. Pan's Labryinth not taking score was lame as was Dreamgirls for not taking original song, even though it won overall sound. The nominees for animated film and visual effects were generic as always. And, Pan's Labryinth was robbed for not taking foreign film.

How does a film that is nominated in several other categories and winner of a few of them not take the foreign film award comapred to a film nominated for no other awards? This is why I can never understand the Academy, they suck always have and always will.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']All I can say is fuck YAEH!!! About time. Scorsese has deserved to win the award on so many occasions. Now the Academy can claim that they aren't merely idiots, but half-wits. They still manage to fuck up the international category and not give the award to Pan's Labyrinth.[/quote]
True that.
I thought The Prestige shoulda been up for Best Picture, but other than that it was aight.

Scorsese should have gotten one for Taxi Driver, so it was fitting for him to finally get one. I wish Abigail whatever for Little Miss Sunshine would have won best supporting actress. I thought she was so good.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Despite the fact that Children of Men wasn't nominated for best picture while other less worthy films were (Babel, Sunshine) and the fact that it got snubbed for best cinematography, the choices for winners were good overall.

The Departed deserved best picture, the best documentary category has become a joke, and it was good to see Scorsese finally win one.[/QUOTE]

I definetly agree that its a crime that Children of Men wasn't even nominated for Best Cinematography but Best Picture? I dunno, I seem to be in the minority with this movie but nothing about it really screamed "Best Picture" to me.

Best Documentary has become little more than Hollywood's soap box and really not even worth taking a second look at anymore.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']the best documentary category has become a joke[/QUOTE]

How so? The content of the movies nominated? It's the times we live in, if anything.

At least, how so relative to the rest of the Oscars? It's like any awards show - a bunch of self-aggrandizing elites patting themselves on the back for a job well done. It's meaningless, IMO. That said, I do understand that filmmakers themselves take this very seriously, so it's good to see Scorcese get recognition for his work. I'll consider it a belated award for "Goodfellas."
Jennifer Hudson winning was bull. I saw every movie that an actress was nominated for that award except for Cate Blanchett in Notes on a Scandal (I really wanted to see it but didn't have the time). All of them did a much better job than Hudson at ACTING. Because the award is for ACTING. Not SINGING. Her acting was nothing special in that film. Adriana Barraza or Rinko Kikuchi should have won. The academy obviously bought into the unwarranted hype.
I can't say that United 93 or whatever was a good movie - the totally christian bullshit they pull at the end of that movie was fucking terrible.

Any ways - I loved Pan's Labryinth, but The Lives of Others was better.

Glad to see Little Miss Sunshine get a nod as it was a good movie, and Alan Arkin fuckin rocks.
Well I think two movies really got screwed last night, Pan's Labryinth and Blood Diamond. Both those movies were great, how Pan's didn't win for best foriegn was beyond me because I think it goes go up there with greatest foriegn films of all time.
Blood Diamond didn't win anything and that was in my mind was possibly there film of the year.

But yes it was good to see Little Miss Sunshine get the credit it was due.
did you see the lives of others?

i'm tellin yah, i fuckin cry'd like a baby when i saw pan's labryinth, but i still think lives was better.
The best part of the Oscars are looking back 5 years from now and wondering what the hell they were thinking.

Except... it's always been that way.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Thank GOD the chick from babel didn't win best supporting actress. I told everyone that I would burn the academy down if she won.[/QUOTE]

Uh... and your reasoning is? :roll:

And which "chick?" There were two nominated from that movie for the same award.

Are you racist against Hispanics or Japanese or something?
[quote name='mykevermin']How so? The content of the movies nominated? It's the times we live in, if anything.

At least, how so relative to the rest of the Oscars? It's like any awards show - a bunch of self-aggrandizing elites patting themselves on the back for a job well done. It's meaningless, IMO. That said, I do understand that filmmakers themselves take this very seriously, so it's good to see Scorcese get recognition for his work. I'll consider it a belated award for "Goodfellas."[/QUOTE]
I should have been more clear, but RvB framed it well enough as it is. It's not the nominees that bother me, it's the winners. Hollywood will pick whatever is popular or whatever issue they want to advance. I don't want to sound like Bill O'reilly (God forbid), but I think it undermines the integrity of the award (although that could probably be said for other categories as well; to an extent).

Look at last years winner- March of the Penguins? Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room and Murderball were two more deserving candidates. At the same time Grizzly Man was not even nominated.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I definetly agree that its a crime that Children of Men wasn't even nominated for Best Cinematography but Best Picture? I dunno, I seem to be in the minority with this movie but nothing about it really screamed "Best Picture" to me.
Well, Children of Men was nominated for best cinematography, it just didn't win. But maybe I shouln't be too angry as Pan's Labyrinth took the award instead.

And I'm not necessarily saying that Children of Men should have won best picture, but it certainly deserved to be nominated over the likes of Babel, Sunshine, and The Queen. I'll be the first person to admit CoM had its faults, but it was also the most enthralling movie I've seen it quite some time.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I should have been more clear, but RvB framed it well enough as it is. It's not the nominees that bother me, it's the winners. Hollywood will pick whatever is popular or whatever issue they want to advance. I don't want to sound like Bill O'reilly (God forbid), but I think it undermines the integrity of the award (although that could probably be said for other categories as well; to an extent).

I agree. Why else did Happy Feet win Best Animated Film? All of the nominees were pretty weak. I enjoyed Ice Age 2 and (especially) Over the Hedge more than any of the nominees. It's almost like they nominated weak films just so that Happy Feet (which is a decent film, just not as good as Over the Hedge) would win.
I saw pretty much all of the animated films, except Happy Feet, and I don't see how any of them beat Cars. That was an amazing film.
[quote name='munch']I saw pretty much all of the animated films, except Happy Feet, and I don't see how any of them beat Cars. That was an amazing film.[/QUOTE]

Cars is by far the weakest film in the Pixar library.

Pan's got completely robbed for best foreign film. I was actualy enjoying the show until that happened. After that I was like whatever....
[quote name='Rihan']Cars is by far the weakest film in the Pixar library.

Pan's got completely robbed for best foreign film. I was actualy enjoying the show until that happened. After that I was like whatever....[/QUOTE]

Well, I completely disagree. A Bug's Life does it for me. I found that one to be pretentious and boring. Cars had a great dramatic arch to it and a great message. I liked it.
[quote name='modium']I still can't see how anybody takes the Oscars as anything but a big joke.[/quote]


BTW was Uwe Boll in attendance?
I think over the hedge was better than cars. I realy didnt like cars.. I didnt like Nemo either until I watched it a few times then it grew on me. Maybe cars would do the same thing.
[quote name='Snake2715']I think over the hedge was better than cars. I realy didnt like cars.. I didnt like Nemo either until I watched it a few times then it grew on me. Maybe cars would do the same thing.[/QUOTE]

I really didn't like Over the Hedge. Maybe I'm in the minority on this. All of these animal movies seem to follow the same exact narrative structure. That, Open Season, etc. Maybe Over the Hedge did it first and I've become jaded by it, but something about it rubbed me the wrong way.
[quote name='Rihan']Cars is by far the weakest film in the Pixar library.

QFT. It has amazing animation as usual, but I thought it was actually BORING.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I should have been more clear, but RvB framed it well enough as it is. It's not the nominees that bother me, it's the winners. Hollywood will pick whatever is popular or whatever issue they want to advance. I don't want to sound like Bill O'reilly (God forbid), but I think it undermines the integrity of the award (although that could probably be said for other categories as well; to an extent).[/quote]
Meh, I'm just bitter that Deliver Us from Evil didn't win. fuck you, Al Gore!
[quote name='Rihan']
Pan's got completely robbed for best foreign film. I was actualy enjoying the show until that happened. After that I was like whatever....[/QUOTE]


And Children of Men was complete garbage, in my opinion. The visuals were great but the story and acting lacked immensely. I was glad it didn't get anything it was nominated for because the other movies presented did a far better job, in everyway, at least in regards to the ones i saw.

My biggest peeve was that FLight 93 wasn't nominated for best picture. That film was the best of 06 hands down. I was literally shaking through the final scene even though the end is obvious. But then again Departed was great as well....
[quote name='clockworkvictim']Word.

And Children of Men was complete garbage, in my opinion. The visuals were great but the story and acting lacked immensely. I was glad it didn't get anything it was nominated for because the other movies presented did a far better job, in everyway, at least in regards to the ones i saw.

My biggest peeve was that FLight 93 wasn't nominated for best picture. That film was the best of 06 hands down. I was literally shaking through the final scene even though the end is obvious. But then again Departed was great as well....[/QUOTE]

While I can't agree with United 93 deserving picture of the year, it at least deserved a nod via a nomination for best picture. I thought it was a fantastic movie and it did an excellent job of immersing you in it.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']QFT. It has amazing animation as usual, but I thought it was actually BORING.[/QUOTE]

I'd chalk it up to a weak script. The pacing was a mess and really just felt dragged out by the end of the movie. It was nowhere near the quality of Toy Story.
bread's done