A Burger Worth Dying For???

Your body can't digest that much food at once. Your body would pass most of it as waste.

This is why you wouldn't have an extra 2 1/2 pounds of bodyfat after eating the largest burger.

Weight gain/loss occurs over an extended period of time.

So fuck yeah, I could go for one of those every once in a while.
I love burgers, and their burgers look pretty good. If I ever near their restaurant I would check it out, though I don't think I would go for the quad, maybe the double. The cheese fries also looked good, I love cheese fries but I've only ever had them a few times.
"From the moment you walk in, you can almost feel your arteries hardening."

And that's just from looking at the customers there.

I do like the "nurses" though. Let me at her buns. I grease 'em up good.

Also, big ups on the Mexican Coke.

Edit: Haha, I like how when the narrator talks about "paddles" it zooms in on the nurse's ass.
I love burgers too, but this place looks like crap. I mean the overall quality. Meat is probably crap, cheese is probably crap, and buns are probably crap. Crap crap crap. If I want a big ass greasy burger I want some high quality shat as well.
I went there recently after our friend told us that he was filmed finishing the quad. It's really disappointing.

For fries that were fried in lard you would think they would taste better. When I went they didn't have the cheese dispenser. The fries were cooked every 10 minutes or so and they would be put into a large community tray and you would have to stand in line for them.

The burgers were decent but I like I said, for anything that unhealthy, you would think it would taste better.

They also have a program if you're over 300lbs or something, you get to eat for free.

It was fun to go once for the experience, but I can't say I would ever go back again
I Can't help, but think that they're encouraging people to come in eat and die and then turn their obese corpses into the hamburger meat and lard used for the fries...
I would go fake a hart attack to try and get one of the nurses to give me mouth to mouth. However with my luck it would not work the way it would be intended for.
Thats nothing compared to the Sasquatch at the Big Foot Lodge in Memphis. A 4lb patty, 4 pounds total of cheese, lettuce, onion, and tomatoes. All on a bun the size of a bar stool. It was on Man Vs Food. Me personally, I stick with smaller burgers
The owner's a genius. Hot girls, Nice Work uniforms, Fat Burgers, and the French Fry Buffet. Damn, I need to take a trip to AZ.
I almost hard a heart attack watching it. :D
Ya know, it IS pretty upsetting what the american diet consists of.
However, I really like this place. I would go there and try it out.

I appreciate the theme, the total honesty. Lots of places try and serve healthy food and try to make things seem better then they are..even though they are still garbage. This place is like "LOL this is awful for you" and they're right.

That is one of those places that you really SHOULD go a few times a year. Like once every 2 months at the most.. :lol:
Those burgers looked like shit. Mass produced, preformed patties? Frozen fries not cut from scratch?

I'm not askin' for a whole lot here, but I can see through a fuckin' gimmick to identify the severe lack of culinary understanding, even at a fundamental level, that lies beneath this restaurant.

If I ever see that Man v. Food guy try to eat here, I'm gonna find him and cut him. Eating big food challenges is one thing, but that doesn't mean you have to eat like shit.

"Try the myke's burrito restaurant challenge! He takes one whole bag of 15 $0.50 burritos, mashes them up into one giant pile, and covers it with 3 cups of tampico, a jar of "Chi-Chi's" salsa, and 32 ounces of canned cheese!"

It's like the hamburger equivalent of that.

And if you think the women are hot, while watching them rub all over the formica countertop you're eating off of, try to imagine all of the amazing places their snizz was in the 7 days preceding your meal.

EDIT: Crapola. I meant "tapatio," and not tampico. But you know what? Funnier that way. I'm leavin' it.
Since I'm over in NJ.. I have no idea where this is in Arizona. I'm going to Vegas in July...how far/close is this? :whistle2:\

I'm pretty sure we'd be taking a day trip to the Grand Canyon...so yeah. Would it be close to there? :whistle2:s
[quote name='mykevermin']And if you think the women are hot, while watching them rub all over the formica countertop you're eating off of, try to imagine all of the amazing places their snizz was in the 7 days preceding your meal.[/quote]

I'd be eating off a plate anyway.

Snizz. :lol: That's a new one on me.
I agree with most of the others in this thread. Those burgers did not look appetizing at all.
Reality's Fringe;5445336 said:
Your body can't digest that much food at once. Your body would pass most of it as waste.

This is why you wouldn't have an extra 2 1/2 pounds of bodyfat after eating the largest burger.

Weight gain/loss occurs over an extended period of time.

So fuck yeah, I could go for one of those every once in a while.

so.. if i eat a TON of food for superbowl tomorrow, I will just pass a lot of it?

as for the place, Chili's burgers are all around 1,900 calories and I thought that was insane... but 8,000!?? woah.

I'd rather fuck the chick in the two-piece for one night than try one of the burgers.
I had the angry whopper today. The so called spiciness is weak, but the jalapenos add a nice little bit of flavor.
I don't know why , but I'm curious to see if they have the actual numbers or anything to prove that the quad burger is really 8000 calories or if they're just saying that to further their "reputation". I mean , even the worst shit at most chain or fast food places never reaches over 2000-3000 in a single dish.

Off hand I know that the Aussie Cheese Fries and Awesome Blossum from Outback both top 2500.

I can understand the sentiment about splurging every once and a while but at the very least get something that doesn't look like crap.
[quote name='mykevermin']"Try the myke's burrito restaurant challenge! He takes one whole bag of 15 $0.50 burritos, mashes them up into one giant pile, and covers it with 3 cups of tampico, a jar of "Chi-Chi's" salsa, and 32 ounces of canned cheese!"

EDIT: Crapola. I meant "tapatio," and not tampico. But you know what? Funnier that way. I'm leavin' it.[/quote]

I'd love to go to that place! The food doesn't look that great, but I guess it's like going to an amusement park: nothing is as good as it looks, but if you go there with a nice bunch of people, you can have a great time!
[quote name='kube00']I had the angry whopper today. The so called spiciness is weak, but the jalapenos add a nice little bit of flavor.[/QUOTE]

Seconded. It's not that spicy at all, but it sure is damned good.
I definitely check it out if I was in the area. The burgers don't look great (the nurses do though!), but it's a place worth checking out at least once just for the novelty.
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