A Cag in Comic-Con (complete with pics)


Hey guys, I went to Comic-con on Saturday for a few hours and took alot of pictures. They had a great amount of game related stuff so I thought I would share what I saw with those that couldnt go but wish they had ( e.g. Wombat ) . A lot of them didn't come out well because some areas were really dark, but a decent number of them that came out good, so here it goes:

First me and my wife didnt know where to go, we were lost in the sea of nerds and comics and people like this:

We pressed on looking for gaming related stuff when finaly we found a section dedicated to makers of action figures. While the great majority was movie related there was a good amount of game related gems like these:




Unless I didn't look in the right places it seemed that most gaming related figures (at least the ones I cared about) were just there to be displayed not purchased. (they did give us flyers with the website you can go to purchase thou). A little further from the toy area we saw the penny arcade guys signing autographs, there was a group of weird kids trying to strike up a conversation with them so I didn't get an autograph and kept going


As me and my wife moved forward we ran into the first unreleased videogame we saw that day: Eye of Judgment. The game looked just every bit as incredible as I had imagined. As soon as you placed the card on the mat a creature would spawn out of it, and a new thing I hadnt seen before was that if you picked up the card and tilted it to the left or right the creature would tilt respectively and seamlessly as if it was really atached to the card. There were at least 4 stations set up with people playing with guys giving instructions and and handing out what they claimed were comic-con exclusive creature cards to use with the game. The game looked fun and the crowds seemed to like it. But I didnt stop there very long...

Next we ran into a huge jabba the hut statue and people were going photo crazy over it. Strangely the majority seemed to want to get phisical as well...



Then something magical happened. I saw the one and only , the great major nelson


After me and my wife got our picture taken with him I asked the Major when would he be making an appearance on the Cagcast to which he replied: "whenever they invite me". So Cheapy and wombat if you guys are reading this, send out an invite to the major so he can settle his differences with wombat once and for all!

Then Finally we found videogame booths







yes this is a phoenix wright playing Phoenix wright



The Sony booth was fantastic, it was the only videogame hardware maker booth in comic-con. The games playable there worthy of mention are: Ratchet and clank (looked and played great), Lair ( looked great but some guy was playing through a "fly through rings" mission or tutorial which turned me off to it), Folklore (played and looked great) and Uncharted (which looked amazing, the animation and gameplay was fantastic exept when your guy punches bad guys in the gut it looked a little like a fake fight). I also played Devil may cry 4 at the capcom booth which was also a fantastic game.

The last booth that we went to was The Behemoth booth, there me and my wife played the awesome Castle Crashers. The game looked gorgeous and the game play was great. It reminded me a lot of the old four player ninja turtles arcade game. Also the controls where very easy to pick up, two different attack buttons and a jump and a projectile (bow and arrow) button. To use the magic powers you just hold the trigger button and one of the attack buttons for a magic attack. Each knight had his own magical power, the blue was ice, the green poison goo, the yellow fire and red lighting. At that booth we also met the artist for the game, he was really nice and he autographed the case for the castle crashers action figure I got.


Well guys that's all I have. Im sad to say I was at comic-con only for 4-5 hours since relatives came to visit that day, and it was the only day I had off from work that week. I hope you guys like my pics and sorry for any grammar or typos I might have made (I'm at work)
Very nice, looks and sounds like you had a good time. That Dante action figure looks pretty sweet.

Great pics, by the way. :)
Nice thread dude, very informative, thank you for taking the time to sharing all that with us, great pics too!

The Behemoth booth looks like they had shirts for sale, do you remember how much they were? Just curious.
Hey guys Im back from work, I think I got rid of all the typos from my OP. Feel free to PM if you catch anything I missed. I was switching between typing that and work everytime someone walked by my desk for a good two hours...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Nice thread dude, very informative, thank you for taking the time to sharing all that with us, great pics too!

The Behemoth booth looks like they had shirts for sale, do you remember how much they were? Just curious.[/quote]
They were 20 bucks same price as their online store

over there the alien hominid game+action figure was 30 instead of 40 and the figures by themselves were 20 instead of 25

El brujo, both the Devil May Cry and the Halo 3 figures are from http://www.kotous.com/ thou it seems you will have to rely on other companies to get their stuff unless you live in Japan (http://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/kotobukiyashop/detail.msp?id=6778)
The rest are from square enix except the Hell Gate London ones, I have no idea who makes those.
Nice pictures, I think Eye of Judgment looks awesome as well.

I'm from San Diego, and was around the area during the Comic-Con but was unfortunately not able to go, maybe next year.

And good job on asking Major Nelson about appearing on the CAGcast.
[quote name='yukine']Nice pictures, I think Eye of Judgment looks awesome as well.

I'm from San Diego, and was around the area during the Comic-Con but was unfortunately not able to go, maybe next year.

And good job on asking Major Nelson about appearing on the CAGcast.[/quote]

Hey thanks! Im glad someone else is excited for Eye of Judgment. I got an extra comic-con exclusive creature card, if you want it pm me your adress and its yours.

And I PM'ed cheapy about Major nelson, he said that he would like to have him on before the end of the month, lets see what happens.
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']Nice Pictures,
The Eye of Judgement looks and sounds very cool[/quote]
It does indeed, penny arcade goes into depth into how it works in this post:

there is also a picture of the card I got at comic-con...hmm...I wonder if people can just scan and print those suckers and the game would recognize them...
[quote name='CheapyD']Nice job...thanks for the pictures![/quote]
Hey thanks and your are most welcome cheapy! not bad for someone who was there only about 4.5 hours, dont you think?

here is a few non game related pics:

This guy was like a Johny Depp clone

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There was a grindhouse booth at comic-con and they hired an actual amputee and stuck a fake machine gun on her leg...


At the grindhouse booth they were also handing out a "dirty sanchez" keychain/bottle opener... I grabbed a few hoping they would be worth something on ebay but they are going for about 2.50... if anyone is a big fan of grindhouse and really wants one let me know


got pm for keychain so its gone now
bread's done