A disturbing find at my friends house...


I went over to my friends house while he was at work to pull some ram out of his pc. when I was taking the tower cover off some screws fell off the table and behind my friends hamper. I went to reach from them and I saw worn female panties in his hamper. He is girlfriendless so I have no clue why he had them. I grabbed my ram put the cover on the tower and bailed out of there. I couldn't even look him in the face when I saw him...
He probably jerks off into em'

In all seriousness, who the hell cares? Are you going to stop hanging out with your friend because he might have a sexual fetish or something? If so, you're not much of a friend.

"I couldn't even look him in the face"

you asshat.
I didn't mean it like that, I could care less what he does. I have known him all my life and it freaked me out. I am not going to stop hanging out with him.
yeah, if i was in your shoes, i wouldn't even think TOO much about it. but, everytime i see him, in the back of my mind, in the furthest region of my brain, i'd still think of him as a creep.

but yeah, don't stop hanging out with him just cause of that.
how do you know he was wearing them?

how do you know he didn't have a one night stand and took them?

Holy Toleedo, thats some weirdness............I wouldn't jump to conclusions but uhh....I can see why its not hard not to.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='Mr Unoriginal']The question everyone is forgetting is whether or not they may be your mom or sister's panties.[/quote]

I didn't[/quote]

No not his mom's the OP's mom's. Oh well, nothing like confusion and explanation to make a joke even funnier.
you asshat.

can you explain the word asshat to me? everytime i call somebody this, they never understand what i'm saying, and i dont know what it means so i can't explain it to em.. lol..

i believe the question we should be asking is what kind they were...

were they the normal kind. .. some of that lace shit.. granny panties...

this could give us more of a hint as to whether he either 1)boned a normal/hot/old woman... or if he likes to dress like a normal/hot/old woman... lmao..
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='Mr Unoriginal']The question everyone is forgetting is whether or not they may be your mom or sister's panties.[/quote]

I didn't[/quote]

No not his mom's the OP's mom's. Oh well, nothing like confusion and explanation to make a joke even funnier.[/quote]

If you're worried that he might be gay, according to Dan Savage, the advice columnist in the Village Voice and The Onion, wearing women's underthingies is a hobby of almost exclusively straight men. There may be something significant about the fact that you were operating on his "RAM" however ...
maybe the underware was in his house because he scored (yes i know very unlikly however this seems to be the case) Were you freaked out that you say ladies underware? Ha ha ha first time huh? Maybe one day if your very and i mean very luck you may seem them too :) Maybe and hopefully not on a blow up doll in your parents basment! But hey what ever floats your boat. Or doll in this case.
Maybe their from an older relationship. And how exactly did you know they were worn? On second thought, don't answer that question.
yeah they could very well be a trophe... maybe not of some sexual conquest but possibly snatched from a laundry basket on a dare or something.
[quote name='mario23air']Maybe he's creeping around with an ugly chick he doesn't want anyone to know about, I've done that.[/quote]

But did you keep her underwear?
[quote name='"Cracka"']
you asshat.

can you explain the word asshat to me? everytime i call somebody this, they never understand what i'm saying, and i dont know what it means so i can't explain it to em.. lol..

Surely you've heard of recto-cranial inversion, the condition of a person observesd to have their head inserted in their nether regions, ergo said nether regions are serving as crowning portion of their fashion ensemble.
OMG i almost fell outta my chair when i read that i was laughing so hard.

[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Did you sniff them? I bet you did. Then you said mmm pooty residue![/quote]
You should have called him out on it. If you truly don't mind him being different than you. If he is hiding something he'll be relieved to finally tell some one he can trust.
I would have stolen them and then put them somewhere that he might think he would have "misplaced them" that you could happen to be around him when he discovers his misplacement,

Sounds complicated, but i would've made a assload of laughs from this.
Check his drawers and see if he's got like makeup or wigs and crap. Or just tell him that you think you are gay and see how he responds. Either way if he's not making any moves towards your junk I would not worry about it. Has he ever nailed a girl that you know about?
[quote name='epobirs']Surely you've heard of recto-cranial inversion, the condition of a person observesd to have their head inserted in their nether regions, ergo said nether regions are serving as crowning portion of their fashion ensemble.[/quote]

Hmm, maybe they were YOUR sisters or something. ;)

Who knows, who cares. IF the fact that your friend may wear an undergarment designed for females on rare occassion... take a look at some of the people who hang out near Defender's store at night. :whistle2:D
[quote name='GSJaia']Hmm, maybe they were YOUR sisters or something. ;)

Who knows, who cares. IF the fact that your friend may wear an undergarment designed for females on rare occassion... take a look at some of the people who hang out near Defender's store at night. :whistle2:D[/quote]

Haha, but do they buy games?
Oh man, that's nothing compared to what I found in a friend's bedroom once when I was in high school. It earned him a nickname I dont't think I can post here. :lol:
its not that big of a deal, i have plenty of girls panties that arent mine ;) many people take them as hmmmm souvineres lol
[quote name='GSJaia']Hmm, maybe they were YOUR sisters or something. ;)

Who knows, who cares. IF the fact that your friend may wear an undergarment designed for females on rare occassion... take a look at some of the people who hang out near Defender's store at night. :whistle2:D[/quote]

You know thats true.

Get this my mom is only 15 years older than me. She is pretty woman. My neighbor and sometimes friend (depending on how he acted) always had a crush on her.

So I am over there (this must have been 10 or more years ago now) playing magic the gathering and behind his bed is a chicks bra. I pull it out and ask him whos bra is this (he has two sisters one of which was cute the other I wouldnt have touched with my dogs.. nevermind) anyway he says he dosent know?!?

A year later I find out when he would run to the bathroom, kitchen or whatever, he was actually sneaking in my moms room and stealing her bras when he was over at our house! So put two and two together and I find out that was my moms bra. Pretty sad neighbor if you ask me.
bread's done