A hot blond girl at GS who isn't a moron? Say it ain't so!


So I went to Gamestop earlier today, and I got myself Half-Life for the PS2. I know the PS2 version sucks, but what sucks worse is that my computer from 2000 can't run the PC version of Half-Life which is a 1998 game only because they screwed the game up with Steam. At least I was pleasantly surprised to find that the PS2 version supports mouse and keyboard.

So, I took the case up to the girl, and I got a crowbar because she was smokin' hot. But since I figured she would be as dumb as her hair color implied, my crowbar turned into a Twizzler. So, she dug the game out of the drawer. What got my Twizzler going back to a crowbar first was how she took the disc out of the sleeve. She did it the right way. She didn't put her fingers on the data side. Then her general hotness started getting me crowbarish again. She asked me if I had an Edge card, to which I replied, "Yes." Finally, she didn't ask for ID. That gave me such a crowbar. Here I am, buying an M rated game, cleanly shaven today, and she doesn't ask me for my ID. The other guy who's usually there asks me for my ID, but she didn't. I wanted her so bad by that point.

But then she did something extraordinary. She offered to reprint the sticker for my Edge card. I've heard so often how people here have problems getting cashiers to reprint their Edge card stickers, and here's this hot chick offering to reprint my sticker. I had a crowbar all the way home.

It took longer for Gordon Freeman to get his crowbar than it took for me to get mine. I called him a girly-man until he got that long metal rod in his hands. Then I laughed at him for holding his crowbar in his hands and beating people with it. He was beating off alien monsters in public. Even the security guards didn't seem to mind.

But seriously, she was hot, she wasn't stupid, she didn't ask for ID, and I would've fucked her so hard.
So just cause she asked to reprint your edge sticker she isn't a moron?

Maybe a good cashier, but she could still be extremely stupid. Did you ask her any trivia questions?
so basically you're bragging about the various states of your partial boner on account of seeing a hot girl at a store.
yeah i immediately stopped reading and wanted to comment that you had to comment about your boner here. awesome! how old are you and have you even had sex? this thread makes me think no.
I'm sure she turned to a coworker after you left and said, "God I wanted that guys crowbar!"

Seriously, this is the reason a lot of hot chicks don't work at gamestore. Horny WoW players getting all sweaty when they hold that disc the way you like it.. wanting to give them their crowbars.

PS: I think you should go back. It sounds like she's into you.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I'm sure she turned to a coworker after you left and said, "God I wanted that guys crowbar!"

Seriously, this is the reason a lot of hot chicks don't work at gamestore. Horny WoW players getting all sweaty when they hold that disc the way you like it.. wanting to give them their crowbars.

PS: I think you should go back. It sounds like she's into you.[/QUOTE]
I worked seasonal at EB and I'm pretty average looking and god damn I got hit on constantly. I actually got hit on by a girl too. That was crazy.

I hear ya d00d! 1 time I went into a Gamecrazy and I saw dis fine azz huney, man she was touching the copy of Halo 2 with such caress, it gave me a french fry. However, when i found out she had a bf, the french fry turned into a mashed potato.

:rofl: [quote name='KingofOldSchool']LOLZ!!!11!

I hear ya d00d! 1 time I went into a Gamecrazy and I saw dis fine azz huney, man she was touching the copy of Halo 2 with such caress, it gave me a french fry. However, when i found out she had a bf, the french fry turned into a mashed potato.

[quote name='Chuplayer']Then her general hotness started getting me crowbarish again. She asked me if I had an Edge card, to which I replied, "Yes." [/QUOTE]

omg she talked to u!?
If she isnt a moron, you've ruined your chances by buying a decade old game. Next time, buy Katamari or Okami and she'll be the sleeve for your samurai sword.
Let him be, hes growing guys.

[quote name='shrike4242']The OP really, really needs to get out more. I think his time in his dark basement has molded what's left of his brain.[/quote]

You better watch out for girls like that, some of them have headcrabs. And once you get them you have to use a special shampoo... around your crowbar.
[quote name='E_G_Man']You better watch out for girls like that, some of them have headcrabs. And once you get them you have to use a special shampoo... around your crowbar.[/quote]

Crowbar? Is that what the kids are calling it these days? If you want to find out if a blonde is dumb, just ask her to find America on a map.
First off, I think it's a compliment when I'm carded for an M title. I'm 32 and have been 'lucky' enough to not only be carded in the past 3 weeks, but also told I 'look like I'm 19'. However, I just hope that I'm still carded when I'm 40, then THAT will be a real compliment to how young I must look.

As for the Edge card sticker, clerks have done that for me before too, but only when they can't get the damned thing to scan right. So honestly, to me, that was no big deal either.

And.....crowbar?? Ummmm, are we 13-14 here and just looking for reasons to make juvenile references to our body parts???

Now, on the other hand, if she actually were able to converse about games for 20 minutes and have it NOT sound like some pre rehearsed corporate game pushing speech, THEN that IS HOT.

Although, if I wanna look at hot blondes, I'll open up a Playboy. That is, of course, if I can get the pages unstuck. OOps.....I mean.....uh yeah....ahhhh nevermind......
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']First off, I think it's a compliment when I'm carded for an M title. I'm 32 and have been 'lucky' enough to not only be carded in the past 3 weeks, but also told I 'look like I'm 19'. However, I just hope that I'm still carded when I'm 40, then THAT will be a real compliment to how young I must look.[/quote]

Well, I just turned 22 yesterday. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. I don't want to be carded for a video game. I can understand getting carded for porn, but I still think it sucks to get carded at all.

As for the Edge card sticker, clerks have done that for me before too, but only when they can't get the damned thing to scan right. So honestly, to me, that was no big deal either.

Well, she just plain offered to do it. I didn't ask for it, and nobody else offered. It really needed to get done, too.

And.....crowbar?? Ummmm, are we 13-14 here and just looking for reasons to make juvenile references to our body parts???

I bought Half-Life. What's your first weapon in that game?

Now, on the other hand, if she actually were able to converse about games for 20 minutes and have it NOT sound like some pre rehearsed corporate game pushing speech, THEN that IS HOT.

But she was seriously hot. Perfect hair. I don't know if this holds true for a lot of guys, but a girl's hair can make it or break it for me. And she made it.

Although, if I wanna look at hot blondes, I'll open up a Playboy. That is, of course, if I can get the pages unstuck. OOps.....I mean.....uh yeah....ahhhh nevermind......

That's why you don't aim towards the magazine.
[quote name='BIG5']Crowbar? Is that what the kids are calling it these days? If you want to find out if a blonde is dumb, just ask her to find America on a map.[/QUOTE]

"well, uh, South Africa like y'know Iraq 9/11 Afghanistan, uhhh people don't have maps uhhh, South Africa South Africa Afghanistan"
[quote name='Chuplayer']Well, I just turned 22 yesterday. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. I don't want to be carded for a video game. I can understand getting carded for porn, but I still think it sucks to get carded at all.

Well, she just plain offered to do it. I didn't ask for it, and nobody else offered. It really needed to get done, too.

I bought Half-Life. What's your first weapon in that game?

But she was seriously hot. Perfect hair. I don't know if this holds true for a lot of guys, but a girl's hair can make it or break it for me. And she made it.

The clerks have offered to reprint the sticker for me, but mainly for their convenience. As for getting carded, I LIKE getting carded for stuff, maybe I'm weird though.

I wouldn't be able to tell you what the first, second, third or nintieth weapon in the game is, I've never played it. FPS's hold little to no interest for me.

And to me, long hair on a woman is damn sexy, whereas if she has short....ummm butchy hair, it's a complete turn off.

Now, if I could find a woman working at a game store who actually knew games and had long hair, that would be the perfect gamer g/f. Of course, knowing my luck, she would be involved already, so I'd be SOL before I even had a chance.

The one Gamestop around here had some eye candy(sorry for the term)they hired who barely knew how to operate the register, let alone anything bout gaming. Then again, to some, knowing things about what you're selling isn't important.
I have no idea what the OP looks like, but judging by his post, I can bet no girl will EVER be touching his "crowbar". Of course though, the OP will come in and tell me how wrong I am.
And of course you'll now have to go back to the store and blow your next couple paychecks on games in a poor attempt to flirt with her, GS isn't dumb, they're quite willing to hire gamerbait to increase sales.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']First off, I think it's a compliment when I'm carded for an M title. I'm 32 and have been 'lucky' enough to not only be carded in the past 3 weeks, but also told I 'look like I'm 19'. However, I just hope that I'm still carded when I'm 40, then THAT will be a real compliment to how young I must look.[/quote]
Nobody ever cards me any more. Not even for booze. :cry:

That having been said, I read this whole thread fully expecting Maynard to pop in and remind us that he likes to have sex with his really hot girlfriend, and that he has had sex with other women, too. I am disappointed.
[quote name='elmyra']That having been said, I read this whole thread fully expecting Maynard to pop in and remind us that he likes to have sex with his really hot girlfriend, and that he has had sex with other women, too. I am disappointed.[/QUOTE]

I laughed like a moron when I read that, thank you!
bread's done