A Hypothetical Question


let's say, hypothetically, that a friend of mine got a copy of Borderlands from a store that sold it early. if this hypothetical friend played on Xbox live, would he be banned?
Also, hypothetically, the game is awesome.

P.S. Why isn't there a Borderlands General Discussion thread?

But if "hypothetically" actually means your "friend" downloaded it, then possibly. At least according to the Major.
However wont achievements that you get from the game and your score in the game be reset? I remember with odst that was posted some place.
like 5 of my buddies have a store that sells games like 5 days early all the time, they were playing odst on friday before the release. It happens all the time for them.
your achievements and scores wont be reset. if you purchase a game early and play it...you are fine. M$ might wanna see some proof of purchase.

Its the people that download games online that might get their account banned since they have no way to prove purchase.
proof of purchase as in the UPC code from the retail packaging or just physically seeing you own a legit commercial copy. Bottomline is if you got a retail copy early: awesome, im jealous, and go ahead and play on LIVE.

If you have a pirated version or burned version, dont be stupid, youll prob get banned.
[quote name='haize']proof of purchase as in the UPC code from the retail packaging or just physically seeing you own a legit commercial copy. Bottomline is if you got a retail copy early: awesome, im jealous, and go ahead and play on LIVE.

If you have a pirated version or burned version, dont be stupid, youll prob get banned.[/QUOTE]

Cool thanx. that's I'll I wanted to know. and for all those who do care:
I used to get all the big games days early and never had an issue. No acheivements were reset on launch day.

Also, I've never heard of MS asking anyone playing early for a 'proof of purchase'. I think they have a way to determine if your copy is legit or not, but I doubt it has anything to do with looking at your receipt.

No one playing a legit copy of a game early has ever had an issue afaik.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']like 5 of my buddies have a store that sells games like 5 days early all the time, they were playing odst on friday before the release. It happens all the time for them.[/QUOTE]
How is that even possible? Isn't it illegal? I am still wondering.
how is what possible ? playing a game early? Stores get the game in prior to release dates. They purchase the game for themselves and go play it. Its not really that unbelievable.

I do not believe its illegal to sell the prior to release date. I think game publishers yell at the company (gamestop) and then it bleeds down to the store. The store might get yelled at and how they shouldnt sell games early because publisher puts money into marketing blah blah blah. Its not like they are stealing the game...company gets the 60$ u spend on the title.
bread's done